My card game came true

Chapter 85 Frigate

Chapter 85 Frigate

"They were smuggling lobsters."

Two sailors on the Buckley-class frigate USS Hemingway were smoking on the edge of the deck while talking about the smuggling cargo ship stopped by them not far away: "But they said that their lobsters were eaten by unknown monsters gone."

Another soldier couldn't help being surprised when he heard the news, and said, "Oh, I heard that right, are they smuggling lobsters to Citigroup?"

Smuggling lobsters to Citigroup is like selling oil to Middle Eastern countries.

The North American continent is full of lobsters. When the colonists landed on this continent, they had no food and could only be forced to eat these lobsters.

This eating has been going on for more than 200 years. Citigroup’s lobster cooking technology can be said to be the top in the world, and the output of lobster is also top-notch in the world. Boston lobster is exported overseas, and Xiaguo is the main exporter of Boston lobster.

With such a unique geographical advantage, although the production of lobsters has decreased in recent years, there are no fools who smuggle these things, right?

And even if you can really make money, how can you make much money?Can you be more serious, smuggle arms and drugs, let us make meritorious service, and pay more wages?

"Forget it, lobsters are just lobsters. I haven't eaten foreign lobsters much yet." The soldier sighed and said.

In name, any smuggled goods need to be sent to customs, but what is the real situation?

You know everything.

"I'm sorry, but you may not be able to eat lobster."

Another soldier waved his hand helplessly and said, "That ship boss, what did you say about being eaten by a whale?"

"Couldn't they just be armed smugglers? What is eaten by whales? Whales will actively attack cargo ships? What are you kidding?"

"Don't forget, now is a special period, Sydney has been invaded by those damn slimy sea creatures, maybe there are."

Another soldier waved his hand: "Anyway, our radar has been turned on, and the news has been sent back to the Navy Headquarters, and several submarines will come to the sea area to see if there is any unusual behavior. "

Although they said so, they didn't believe that there was any danger around here.

A few nautical miles away is the Panama Canal, which is the boundary between North and South America, and it is already the offshore of the offshore.

If there is danger here, doesn't it mean that the entire North and South American continents are shrouded in fear of marine life?
The area where marine life is disturbed so far is the central Pacific region. Whether it is Australia, where the kangaroo country is located, or Honolulu, a holiday paradise, they are all quite far from the American continent.

On the contrary, it is quite close to the Eurasian continent.

Nothing happened in the Eurasian continent now, but there were some small disturbances in the Xia Kingdom. How could it be America's turn to have trouble?

Not just soldiers, even officers think so.

Although the radar was used to search the seabed and sound waves were used, the lieutenant colonel captain of the frigate of the 'Hemingway' was also doing nothing.

Originally, he was a member of a certain aircraft carrier battle group. Later, I don’t know what the guys in the navy thought, but they actually transferred his "Hemingway" away from the aircraft carrier battle group, and patrolled near Citi with several other frigates and destroyers. China's South Pacific waters.

What's the point of patrolling, what's the trouble?
The captain didn't understand either, but it doesn't matter now, so let's do what we should do.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help sighing.

Let the past go, and now there is nothing else to think about.

"Didi, Didi, Didi, Didi..."

Suddenly, a red dot appeared on the electronic screen of the console. Seeing this, the captain was taken aback, and asked, "Kahn, what's going on, what is that?"

"Don't know, it looks like about 16 feet."

The technician named 'Kan' replied: "It may be some kind of shark... As you know, the marine ecology of the Pacific Ocean is extremely complicated. It is impossible to say what kind of large marine life such as whales and sharks passed by."

"No, no."

The captain was surprisingly calm, and said: "Track this creature, report to the higher-ups, let the nuclear submarine come, we must find this creature!"

Although the lieutenant colonel was full of complaints about the dispatching behavior of the headquarters, he still had military qualities when encountering serious matters.

The smuggling ship just said that its cargo was eaten by a creature, and now they have swept a 16-foot sea creature...

What does this mean?
This shows that the smuggling cargo ship did not lie, indeed!

From the Age of Discovery to the present, there have been very few examples of marine creatures attacking large human ships, let alone such marine creatures that only ate the cargo and did not cause any damage to the ship.

Coupled with the shocking incident that happened in Sydney, Kangaroo Country recently, the popularity of that incident on the YouTube is still high. It is said that there is already a "Poseidon cult" parading every day to put pressure on the government of Kangaroo Country.

Under such circumstances, Citigroup, a large and diverse country, must naturally be vigilant to prevent the recurrence of the Sydney problem.

After discovering the problem, it is natural to detect it as soon as possible.

Suddenly, a technician discovered something, frowned, and said: "Sir, that creature seems to have noticed something and started to dive. It has already dived to a distance of 50 meters under the sea. Judging from this situation, it will soon will fall out of our survey range."

"Leaving?" The captain of the lieutenant colonel frowned, "Did you notice our detection, or leave at a normal speed?"

"It should be noticed, the retreat is fast, and it can no longer be seen."

"Report to the headquarters immediately and request a submarine search!" The lieutenant colonel shouted immediately.

He knew very well what this would mean once it was confirmed.

The naval command in this Pacific coastal area will enter a state of combat readiness, and the Pacific coastal cities of Citigroup will also enter martial law.

After all, the catastrophe in Sydney is less than a week away. At such a time of turmoil, when such a completely different scene suddenly appears, anyone will be nervous.

After receiving the order from the lieutenant colonel, the frigate 'Hemingway' immediately called the headquarters about the current problem, and this problem also aroused the great attention of the South Pacific Regional Naval Command of Citigroup.

But after 3 minutes, I got the instructions.

Block this sea area!
What?This is the waters of Mexico, not within the waters of Citigroup?

What a joke, Citigroup is doing things in the Americas, who dares to say no?

Besides, this form is really not very good, so it is natural to block it as soon as possible and thoroughly find out the truth, so as to prevent the mainland from being attacked by sea monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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