My card game came true

Chapter 44 The Water Ghost

Chapter 44 The Water Ghost
"Sir, are you here again?"

The sun was shining brightly, and when the front desk lady saw Song Luo walking into the dojo, she was obviously a little surprised.

She still hasn't forgotten the customer who came the day before yesterday, 'Zhuming Feijianliu' immediately stepped forward with a smile and asked: "Sir, have you considered it?"

"After thinking about it, I think Neon's kendo is a very good choice." The scene talk master Song Luo said truthfully.

Although Song Luo didn't quite understand why Nihong called the knife a sword, to Song Luo, it was just an attacking weapon.

What are the ultimate mysteries such as "there is no sword in the hand and there is no sword in the heart" and "the unity of the sword and the human", I am afraid that Song Luo will not understand what is the spirit of swordsman in his life.

But what does it matter, the big deal is that Song Luo directly "add points to the dark blue", relying on his own efforts, earnestly add points and draw cards, so as to obtain strong combat power, is still a way out.

"Okay, sir, please fill out the form here..."

It's time to fill out the form again.

Song Luo's writing volume today has exceeded all the writing volume in the month since graduation.

After all, who is idle at home, who can write by hand?

He quickly submitted some basic personal information, such as mobile phone number, name, and so on. This time, the personal information was not even revealed. Song Luo revealed a lot during the lottery draw.

"Mr. Song, you have successfully registered as a member of our gymnasium. Please come to class on time at [-] o'clock tonight. Tonight's coaches are Nihong's Kumada Tetsujiro [-]th dan and our local Gaohai City's Zhai Hongzhi [-]th dan. "

Song Luo nodded, copied the membership card in his pocket, and asked about the class time of other classes by the way.

The training session of the youth class is from [-] to [-] in the afternoon, and the girl with a side mission is the apprentice of the youth class.

Now there are more teenagers and girls around, and the junior class is about to start, Song Luo, with an attitude of being idle and idle, looked around for a while, but did not find the girl.

Song Luo was slightly suspicious, but he couldn't ask anything, so he could only suppress the doubts in his heart, and walked out of the neon kendo hall of 'Zhuming Feijianliu'.

Twenty classes at 8000 yuan is really expensive.

But if it was worth the money, Song Luo would not save money or anything.

After finding a nearby Shaxian Hotel for a makeshift meal, Song Luo hurried back home, took a nap at home, and immediately started to search the license plate online.

Pro A2N688.

Song Luo was too busy with things before, one after another, but completely forgot about this matter.

Now that the Songluo matter has slowed down, it is time to check the license plate number of this 'Lin A2N688'.

It's a pity that there is no place on the Internet where you can look up the owner's information through the license plate number. Song Luo only saw a few forum posts on the Internet, and mentioned that he saw a Porsche and so on.

"There is always a chance, there is no rush."

Song Luo spoke silently in his heart, and opened QQ at the same time.

In the past few days, Song Luo didn't pay much attention to his QQ and WeChat, and basically devoted himself to the game.

Now that the game is being updated, Song Luo can also take the time to see if anyone is looking for him.

It's a pity that, except for Jiang Fubai who came to him because of the 'enrollment expansion', the others were all group news, and no one came to him at all.

Idle is idle, Song Luo suddenly found out that the news in his college classmates was 99+.

Such a situation makes Song Luo feel very strange.

After graduation, this group has basically been dead. Students who play well have their own small circles and never talk in this group.

In the past, this group was used as a group activity and class notification group. No one really chatted in this group.

And now, this group is alive?
With a curious mind, Song Luo flipped through the chat history, and after seeing the content in the group, he was startled suddenly, and couldn't help feeling a little creepy.

One of Song Luo's classmates actually died, in a remote pond in Tangnan District, Gaohai City!

Apart from condolences and regrets, everyone is actually discussing water ghosts!

It turned out that the classmate was traveling with other friends and went fishing by the pond.

In the end, there seemed to be something in the pond, which directly grabbed Song Luo's classmate's bait, and dragged that classmate into the water abruptly!
The companion went to rescue him, but he seemed to see something different underwater, and he is still under psychiatric observation until now.


Although Song Luo was not very familiar with that classmate, seeing such a thing, he still felt a little bit sad, and he was very glad that he got the game.

Otherwise, maybe one day, I will die inexplicably like that classmate.

Thinking of this, Song Luo couldn't help but clenched the Deep Sea Stone, and immediately started to click on the video, study it seriously, intending to study any method that can enhance his strength, so as not to let himself lose touch under the torrent of this era.


"Song Luo's information is very clear and fully meets all our standards. After becoming a superhuman awakened, he did not use his superpowers for his own benefit like other people, but continued to work as usual, through his Analyzing the past personality, it should be a calm person who is content with the status quo."

"He shouldn't be lying. His awakening should have been in the past few days. He has a close relationship with a trainer who is a policeman who is training. They had a barbecue together at the Yuanhang Building five days ago... Outside of 'Cang Hai', Song Luo has not been found to have any superpower ability."

A woman with short hair and a black windbreaker is holding a stack of documents and reporting the information on it to the man in front of her: "However, during the interview, he asked an intern reporter and talked a lot. .”

After hearing this, the man couldn't help but nodded: "Young Mu Ai, I have read his information. He seems to have had no love experience since college, so this is normal."

"His talent is very high, but it's not so high that we must attach great importance to it. Today's extraordinary resources are in short supply, so we don't have to focus on training him."

The man said: "The awakening crystal erupted with a strong reaction, it is very likely that it was the few days when Song Luo was awakened."

"But what he awakened turned out to be the ability of the water element... This is a delicious ability."

After all, the man paused, and said to the short-haired capable woman, "Wang Ting, which one is Song Luo in the key training list of awakened people in Gaohai City?"

Wang Ting said: "Ju Tang, he is No. 20."

"Let's raise it to eighteen. Let's show some respect to those who have awakened the water attribute." Director Tang laughed a few times.

"After all, we are a coastal city. Maybe this Song Luo's future will be limitless."

 I hope that everyone can mention some bad points, and the author will adopt corresponding opinions as appropriate to make subsequent adjustments. Not all authors think that the books they write are perfect, at least I, the author, don't think so.

(End of this chapter)

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