Chapter 39 SMS
"Thump, thump, thump—"

The sound of the alarm clock echoed in Song Luo's ears. Song Luo, who had been lying on the bed, got up suddenly, stared at the white wall for a while expressionlessly, and then stretched out his hand to turn off the alarm clock.

Song Luo now has a sense of emptiness like "the ancient sages are lonely".


Song Luo sighed, after waking up this time, he didn't have that splitting headache feeling anymore.

However, he was still a little groggy, but Song Luo had gotten used to this feeling, so he didn't have any other special feelings.

Song Luo yawned. Song Luo had become accustomed to the trials of dreams. This time, not only Song Luo did it himself, but Yang Huanyi also acted because of Song Luo's order.

Killing those crab monsters on the beach island this time should probably be the completion of the mission of the event.

Thinking of this, Song Luo pulled out the phone from the charger, unlocked it with fingerprints, and clicked on "Heroes are coming to maintain world peace".

"The inspection of the sea and the border has been completed."

"The sword from the sea taught the commander about the practice of 'water'."


"Your time-limited event mission: Eliminate elite monsters and ordinary monsters has been completed, complete ten sea patrols 2/10, crowd protection value 786/1000"

Seeing that two missions had been completed, Song Luo was overjoyed, and directly opened the event store, only to find that the points had reached 500 points.

"Yang Huanyi will always drop his spirits, saying 500 points is 500 points!"

There are still 12 days and 21 hours in the countdown, Song Luo couldn't help but analyze it, and felt that his previous analysis was not unreasonable, and he could indeed exchange for a restricted shopping item.

"Today is the last day of vacation."

Song Luo couldn't help sighing, feeling a burst of melancholy.

But thinking of the holiday, he suddenly thought of something: he seems to have seen his boss Zhang Nanfeng in Honolulu?

Thinking of this, Song Luo subconsciously opened the WeChat circle of friends, and sure enough, in the circle of friends with the note 'boss', he saw the news that a family of three planned to travel.

No wonder you gave me a vacation, it turned out that I went out for a trip by myself.

Song Luo suddenly realized, and silently mourned for his boss in his heart.

Where to go is not good, go to Aloha State, so far, there is no place in the world that is scarier than Aloha State.

Speaking of this, Song Luo opened some domestic news software and saw the news about the severe storm in Honolulu, Aloha State, Citigroup.

In addition, there are some accompanying pictures on it.

Because it is a foreign country, domestic discussions are mostly about the fluctuations and changes of the ocean.

"Everyone, there is a shocking news on YouTube that a mysterious person cut off the waves and saved thousands of tourists on Whitey Beach!"

Suddenly, a foreign video was quickly uploaded on the Internet, causing a sensation!
Song Luo clicked on the video curiously, the photographer of the video was shaking violently, which also caused the resolution of the video to be very low, but Song Luo could still see his figure!

Cut off the flowing water with one knife!
Song Luo was dumbfounded.

He also didn't expect that his performance would be so eye-catching, mysterious and powerful in the video.

"It's me the fuck?"

Song Luo fell into deep thought and couldn't help but look in the mirror: Well, he is still as handsome as before.

Song Luo was very satisfied with the mysterious person in the video,

In this case, even if Song Luo's mother is asked to come, it is estimated that the mysterious person in the video is actually Song Luo.

Then, Song Luo wanted to read the replies from netizens, but they were surprisingly consistent. Most people thought it was a special effect, definitely a special effect.

From these comments, Song Luo could see that they seemed to be controlling comments.

The control review is actually very simple. First, a few well-known bloggers who analyze and dispel rumors explain all the "doubtful points" and "special effects production" in the video under the lengthy speeches.

In this way, there is basically no need for any trolls, and netizens will naturally agree with these views and start to comment.

For example, in the current comment area, most people are commenting on 'this is definitely a special effect', 'someone has analyzed it, this is fake', 'angry, natural disasters and man-made disasters, and some people go viral' and other comments.

What can Song Luo say about this?He won't say anything, after all, this is himself, and rashly disclosing the identity of a transcendent may also bring him some unnecessary troubles.

In particular, Song Luo has now signed up for a special state-owned enterprise assessment...

If something goes wrong, it's not worth the candle.

Therefore, no matter what, Song Luo will not express any opinions easily on the Internet, lest anyone discover his identity as GG.

Sneaking through the screen to read some news is almost enough.

Yang Huanyi's fatigue value was still red, and Song Luo yawned. This game has no other functions for the time being, and Song Luo's crystal energy is not enough to draw a card, so he can only stare at himself.

"Forget it, don't think so much, just treat it as an ordinary road vacation, don't be like those messy things."

Song Luo was full of confidence, and when he was about to plan out today's itinerary, he suddenly found that his phone vibrated, and then he received a text message.

"Hello Song Luo! After the preliminary review, congratulations that you have passed the screening for the position of 'Special Event Protection and Safety Company'. Our company will meet with you at about [-]:[-] on July [-]. If there are special circumstances Please call for clarification."

The publisher of this text message is Gaohai City Public Security Bureau.

"Special Event Protection and Security Company?"

Seeing the name of this company, Song Luo had a lot of meaning, but he didn't call: after all, he didn't have any special circumstances.

But what Song Luo didn't expect was that the interviewers in other companies go to the company for interviews, but this "Special Event Protection and Security Company" turned out to be interviewers who come to interview in person. This...

Song Luo really didn't know how to describe this matter. It can only be said that the company attaches great importance to its employees.

July NO.20 is tomorrow, tomorrow my vacation will officially end, where will the other party come to find him?

Song Luo didn't know very well, so after thinking about it, he called the boss and wanted to ask for an extra day's price.

Although international roaming is quite expensive, Song Luo is now living on a "big sum" of 7000 yuan, and he is not afraid of this little call fee.

It's just that what Song Luo didn't expect was that Zhang Nanfeng, who can't turn off his mobile phone and would answer it no matter if it's a sales call or a scam call, unexpectedly turned off his phone today.

Seeing this, Song Luo couldn't help thinking: "Is there something wrong with Citigroup?"

 I went for a nucleic acid test in the morning. The results will be available tomorrow. Updates will be later in the past two days.

(End of this chapter)

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