Chapter 36
Aloha State, the only archipelagic state in Citigroup, consists of 132 islands in the central Pacific Ocean, most of which are volcanic islands and coral islands.

Aloha State is in the tropics, sunny and evergreen all year round, with countless beaches and coconut groves, and is well-known as a world-famous tourist destination.

"Sir, the lobster set meal you ordered, I wish you a pleasant meal."

In the early morning, in the restaurant in the central area of ​​Honolulu, the waiter brought Zhang Nanfeng his set meal on a tall tray.

The huge lobster lies on the tray with all its beard and tail on ice cubes as big as small icebergs. It is dotted with green vegetables and the sauce smeared on it makes people want to eat it.

The lobster had a delicious taste just caught. Zhang Nanfeng nodded to the waiter. According to the tradition of Citigroup, he gave the waiter a 5 dollar denomination as a tip.

Zhang Nanfeng is a little confused now. He is the boss of a new media operation company in China. He finally let go of his mood and took his family to Honolulu for a vacation, but he was told that the crust of the local active volcano had changed. All behaviors are restricted in the city, at most they can play on the beach in Honolulu, and they are not allowed to walk around at will.

Moreover, there are many restrictions on playing on the beach in Honolulu. Some activities cannot be carried out now. These circumstances make Zhang Nanfeng feel helpless, so he can only sit in the restaurant and eat the newly caught lobster.

"Nanfeng, look."

Suddenly, his wife's voice reached Zhang Nanfeng's ears. Zhang Nanfeng looked in the direction his wife said, and saw several armored vehicles crossing the urban area, passing by the road, and then sped away.

Such a fresh scene made my wife look at it a few more times, and finally couldn't help sighing: "It turned out that what was said on the Internet is true. The Citigroup army really often appears in front of the public. We saw it when we arrived in Honolulu yesterday. Once armored vehicles and helicopters, I saw a lot of soldiers when I got up in the morning, and now there are armored vehicles, really..."

Honolulu is Honolulu, Honolulu is the official official translation, and Honolulu is the name of Honolulu in modern Xia.

Zhang Nanfeng frowned, his wife's words seemed to wake Zhang Nanfeng up.

He is engaged in new media operations. Although he has employees working under him, at the beginning, he, the boss, also had to go into battle.

Their company has also operated many military-related topics, so they naturally know what's going on in Honolulu.

There are a total of five military bases in Aloha State, four of which are near Honolulu, and Honolulu is naturally well equipped.

But no matter how rich it is, the army will not appear in front of the public so frequently, especially when several armored vehicles appear together!
"Is it a military exercise or something else?"

Zhang Nanfeng muttered to himself, he felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Zhang Nanfeng's nine-year-old daughter looked at Zhang Nanfeng with big eyes, full of expectation: "Dad, shall we go to the beach today?"

They arrived in Honolulu yesterday evening and did not head to the beach immediately.

In fact, their family is no stranger to the beach. After all, Zhang Nanfeng's business is in Gaohai City, which is a city near the sea. They basically go to the beach for a while every month, but they never go to foreign beaches. I have never played it before, so I am full of expectations and eager to try it.

And most importantly, there are no coconut trees on the beach in Gaohai City, while the beaches in Honolulu have coconut trees.

For children growing in non-tropical and subtropical regions, the temptation of coconut trees is almost infinite.

Seeing his daughter's expectant eyes, Zhang Nanfeng couldn't help but sighed, smiled at his daughter and said, "We'll go after dinner."

After hearing Zhang Nanfeng's words, the daughter immediately jumped up for joy.

Looking at his happy daughter, Zhang Nanfeng couldn't help thinking to himself: "It's okay, there are four military bases nearby, and there are so many people on the beach, what could happen?"

Thinking this in my heart, my anxious heart relaxed a little.

Zhang Nanfeng's daughter quickly ate the food in front of her, and then looked at Zhang Nanfeng expectantly.

Seeing their daughter's expression like this, Zhang Nanfeng and his wife couldn't help laughing, and the family was happy and full of laughter.

Half an hour later, Zhang Nanfeng and his wife also finished their rich and greasy breakfast, and they took their daughter to the beach by taxi.

There are many beaches in Honolulu, and White Key Beach is their goal this time.

White Key Beach is a very suitable beach for surfing. The water quality is clear and the sand is soft. It is very famous in the circle of surfers. Naturally, it is also the first choice for many people to come to Honolulu.

But this is no different for Zhang Nanfeng: they choose tourist attractions according to Baidu Encyclopedia.

White Kee Beach is crowded with people. After all, the local government has banned a series of sea trips, so tourists here can only enjoy time on this beach.

However, after arriving at the beach, Zhang Nanfeng could still see that there seemed to be policemen with guns patrolling the outskirts of Whitekey Beach.

This is not unusual, not to mention foreign countries, even in China, some popular scenic spots will be equipped with armed police.

But Zhang Nanfeng could find that there seemed to be a lot of policemen around here, and many of them didn't even wear police uniforms, but wore armbands of the Citigroup Navy's XX fleet.

There is definitely something wrong here!
Did the murderer escape or something else?
Zhang Nanfeng's heart sank, and he was about to tell his wife and daughter to keep them away from the sea as much as possible, when he suddenly heard his wife say: "Nanfeng, didn't you say that you are not allowed to swim in the sea, so these foreigners don't seem to care at all these questions?"

Zhang Nanfeng looked towards the seaside, and sure enough, there were quite a few white and black people playing in the sea, surfing and surfing, and swimming circles, all of which seemed to be as if the government's warning hadn't appeared.

Zhang Nanfeng looked at the patrolling policemen and soldiers again, they seemed to turn a blind eye to all this: their mission was not this.

Regarding this, Zhang Nanfeng could only say to his wife: "Foreigners, give me freedom or give me death."

There was a hint of sarcasm between the words.

"Dad, I want to play in the water too."

The daughter's voice reached Zhang Nanfeng's ears, Zhang Nanfeng refused without hesitation, and was about to open his mouth to say something to coax the child, when suddenly there was a scream in the sea!

The scream pierced the sky and echoed across the entire beach.

Zhang Nanfeng suddenly raised his head and turned towards the ocean.

A wave with a height of more than ten meters surged in!

(End of this chapter)

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