My card game came true

Chapter 325 The Dangerous Land

Chapter 325 The Dangerous Land
From nowhere in the green hills, a stream of white water poured down, the water splashed, the rainbow lingered, the blue sky and white clouds, and the flying birds cut through the peaceful picture.

Climb the Qinling Mountains and look at the Qinchuan River.

Such a scene made Dong Jiliang a little relaxed and happy.

"Qin Ling's aura has really revived again!"

Dong Jiliang secretly thought in his heart, expressing his joy.

If it weren't for this, Dong Jiliang would not have chosen to go up the mountain at this time. After all, the mountain road is rugged, and there are many unknown beasts inside, so no one knows what will happen.

Dong Jiliang went up the mountain today, naturally for the sake of that first-line road, so that his realm can be raised to a higher level.

If not for this, who would be willing to risk their lives into the mountains?
Dong Jiliang was very clear about this route. When Dong Jiliang was still in the official organization, he was the person in charge of this route, so he knew exactly what was going on with this route.

However, there are accidents in everything. After all, Dong Jiliang has been away for more than half a year, and no one knows what will happen. Moreover, half a year ago, when the spiritual energy was in the initial stage of recovery, those beasts were far less violent than they are now. Dong Jiliang couldn't guarantee the safety and harmlessness of the animals, they were still safe and harmless now.

Therefore, you still need to be cautious.

Thinking of this, Dong Jiliang immediately became cautious and moved forward slowly.

As he was moving forward, suddenly, he felt someone not far away!


Dong Jiliang was terrified, he held his breath immediately, and carefully lurked in the grass, ready to explode at any moment.

Although Dong Jiliang is a cultivator who started from Taoism and has not awakened any extraordinary abilities, the small Taoist temple where he studied art from a young age has a lot of "actual combat experience". Dong Jiliang has relatively rich experience in fighting skills.

If it is what kind of monster. , then Dong Jiliang would not hesitate to strike first and kill the opponent!


Before Dong Jiliang could take the initiative to speak, unexpectedly the other party spoke first.

Dong Jiliang was taken aback by this voice, and soon after, he realized that the other party was actually a human being.

is human.

Dong Jiliang breathed a sigh of relief, but the next moment he became vigilant again.

The novels he had read told him that at this moment of treasure hunting, it is not only the beasts that should be paid attention to, but also the human race of the same kind that is more important!

They are the main forces competing for treasures!

Dong Jiliang couldn't help feeling a little nervous, even sweating a little.

"What's going on, aren't you from the Xia Kingdom?"

The other party's voice came again, but then he muttered: "In this case, everyone is ready to kill this guy who crossed the border illegally."

Hearing this sentence, Dong Jiliang felt a little bad, and immediately shouted loudly: "Misunderstanding, I am from Xia, or a native of Qin!"

Dong Jiliang's voice stunned the other party, and then someone asked, "How familiar is your voice?"

"Is it Dong Jiliang?!"

This voice startled Dong Jiliang: Is the opposite person an acquaintance?

Dong Jiliang called out vigilantly: "It's me, who are you?"

"It's me! Huang Yi'an, I haven't seen you for a few days, you don't know me anymore?"

The voice from the opposite side came again, which immediately surprised Dong Jiliang.

There is no other reason, this Huang Yi'an is the brother of his Taoist temple, the successor of his master, and the master of the temple who cooperates with the official organization.

If nothing else happened, Senior Brother Huang should already be a Level [-] Transcendent.

"Senior Brother Huang?!"

Dong Jiliang stood up from the bushes, still cautious: "If it's really Brother Huang, please show up and see him!"

"You kid, you are quite cautious."

Senior Brother Huang smiled, walked out from the opposite hillside, looked at Dong Jiliang, and asked, "Why are you going to the mountain?"

This remark made Dong Jiliang a little embarrassed, he didn't know how to answer Senior Brother Huang, so he could only smile.

Seeing Dong Jiliang's behavior like this, Senior Brother Huang put everything in order, and after a few laughs, he said, "It's nothing more than a feeling that there are some spiritual objects on the mountain, so why should some virtuous people live there?"

Brother Huang knew Dong Jiliang very well, and he understood Dong Jiliang's thoughts in just a few words, which made Dong Jiliang embarrassed for a while.

"Okay, let's go with us, and the spoils will be shared with you when the time comes."

Brother Huang laughed a few times, and waved to Dong Jiliang: "The team is not from the Security Bureau, and many of them are your old colleagues. You know them all, and you also know how we treat folk superhumans. of."

After all, Xia Kingdom is an extraordinary country, and its bearing is still quite extraordinary. It doesn't want to fight and kill civilian extraordinary people like Citigroup, but focuses on cooperation, so as to prevent the other party from jumping over the wall in a hurry and doing something bad.

Dong Jiliang had been in the official organization, so he naturally understood what kind of nature Dong Jiliang was, so he nodded and said, "If that's the case, then I will act together with my brother."

Although cooperative actions will make your own income not so abundant and have to be distributed to teammates, it will be much safer if you can't stand it.

On the issue of distribution, the official organization will not let itself suffer too much. All in all, Dong Jiliang can still accept it.

Therefore, Dong Jiliang chose to cooperate with the official without hesitation.

Seeing this, Senior Brother Huang also nodded, and waved to Dong Jiliang, and Dong Jiliang immediately understood, took the initiative to step forward, and walked towards Senior Brother Huang.

When he reached the top of the hillside, Dong Jiliang realized that there were quite a lot of people here. It could be said that all the superhumans from his former unit had come out in full force. There were twenty or thirty people!
This situation made Dong Jiliang very astonished, he couldn't help asking Senior Brother Huang: "Senior Brother Huang, what happened, why did everyone come out?"

Brother Huang glanced at Dong Jiliang, as if he was thinking about something. After hesitating for a moment, he said to Dong Jiliang: "The next thing you hear is a first-level secret, and it cannot be leaked. If it is leaked, there will be a fourth-level superhuman or even Do you understand that the fifth-level transcendent is on the wanted list for you?"


Dong Jiliang's expression turned cold, and he nodded immediately. He was very curious about this matter, and at the same time knew the seriousness of the matter.

"You should also feel that at some time this morning, the aura environment of the Qinling generation has risen sharply. According to Bai Lao's speculation and past experience, there should be a secret place here, or some heaven and earth spirit treasure. Therefore, our Qinling garrison team must clear out a safe area around the periphery as soon as possible, waiting for the arrival of the fifth-level superhumans."

Senior Brother Huang's voice was sonorous and powerful, and Dong Jiliang could not allow him to interrupt.

Dong Jiliang was greatly shocked when he heard the words, and couldn't help asking: "The fifth-level extraordinary people...?" "

"Could it be that Bai Lao alone is not enough?"

Bai Lao is the only fifth-level transcendent in Qin land. He is responsible for guarding the northwest region. He lives in Chang'an on weekdays and is the guardian of every Qin land transcendent.

Dong Jiliang felt a little unbelievable when he learned that many fifth-level transcendents would come to the land of Qin.

Could it be that the situation here is so serious that even a level five extraordinary person can't solve it, do we need more level five extraordinary persons?

"Yes, Level [-] Transcendents!"

Hearing Dong Jiliang's question, Senior Brother Huang shook his head and said, "Although Bai Lao is a fifth-level transcendent, he is too old to act for a long time, and most importantly... there may be a fifth-level superhuman in this Qinling Mountains." The monster has been lurking, according to our intelligence..."

Having said that, Senior Brother Huang paused again, and then said:

"What you will hear next will be another piece of intelligence. Similarly, if the breach is leaked, you should know what the result will be."

Hearing what Senior Brother Huang said, Dong Jiliang was quite helpless. After nodding his head, Senior Brother Huang continued: "According to our information in Qinling, many intelligent monsters have been attacked by an existence from the 'Demon King'." Jurisdiction."

"Many of them have Level [-] monsters!" Senior Brother Huang said, "Therefore, according to our speculation, this 'Demon King' is very likely to be a level [-] extraordinary monster, with very difficult means of strength."

Hearing this information, Dong Jiliang also nodded solemnly.

Indeed, if there is such a powerful fifth-level monster, and its intelligence level is not simple, then it will definitely become their confidant, and they have to guard against it!


Dong Jiliang took a look around the team. Most of the people were only second-level transcendents. Among them, there were eight third-level transcendents including himself, and senior brother Huang was the only fourth-level transcendent.

With their current configuration, if they met that demon king, wouldn't they be sent to death?
Seeming to see Dong Jiliang's doubts, Senior Brother Huang went on to say: "The purpose of our trip is only to open up the safe zone. As for the demon king and so on, it is natural that the fifth-level transcendent will do it."

"Don't worry, although I don't know what good things will be harvested from this operation, but one thing I can be sure of, there will be a lot of furs from those extraordinary monsters!"

"set off!"


The team set off. In this team, although Dong Jiliang was a little unfamiliar with the formation, as time went by, he gradually remembered it and began to develop together with the extraordinary people stationed here.

At the beginning, there were no monsters, but as they went deeper, there were more and more monsters.

First-level monsters, second-level monsters, and third-level monsters, the former two are more common, and the latter is not uncommon, all of which made Dong Jiliang a little shocked, and he couldn't help but rejoice that he met Brother Huang on the way and was lucky enough to join the team together .

And as the team progressed, many newcomers were added, all of whom were individual folk superhumans practicing nearby.

Instead of being fascinated by the world of flowers and flowers at the foot of the mountain, they went down the mountain to open classes to make money, but stayed wholeheartedly in a place full of aura and practiced hard. Therefore, the strength of each folk superhuman who joined halfway was level three, and they even met a A fourth-level transcendent in the field.

It's just that the fourth-level transcendent in the field has strong self-control and does not join them. Instead, he plans to travel alone in the Qinling Mountains, looking for his own opportunities.

In this regard, everyone has their own ambitions. Senior Brother Huang only reminded the other party of the danger here, and then did not stop him.

And they are now starting to open a camp to prepare for the arrival of the fifth-level transcendent.

Between the mountains around the camp, there were ferocious beasts roaring from time to time, the sound was astonishingly loud, which made the transcendents in the camp startled and frightened, for fear that dozens of fourth-level monsters would come out of nowhere and attack them. Eat and bite, let them all be buried here.

At this moment, Senior Brother Huang seemed to have received some communication, and after a brief chat, he announced something to everyone.

"General Bai will enter the Qinling Mountains in two hours, and the other three fifth-level officers from nearby provinces will also arrive tonight."

After hearing this, everyone looked obviously relaxed and felt a little happy.

There is no doubt that the fifth-level transcendent is the most powerful transcendent in the world except for the mythical strong who came out of nowhere.

With the presence of Level [-] Transcendents, their safety was guaranteed at the most basic level.

In other words, they can last up to two hours longer.

It's just that amidst the cheers, Senior Brother Huang was not in such a good mood.

He is a level four transcendent, so he can naturally sense that the monsters in the Qinling Mountains are becoming more and more restless.

Moreover, with every roar, Senior Brother Huang could sense that the monsters were getting closer and closer to the camp, as if they wanted to wipe their camp off the map of the Qinling Mountains.

This is one of the few places where monsters and beasts gather in Xia Kingdom, and it is naturally extremely dangerous. It is absolutely impossible to travel around like them.

"hold head high--!!!"

At this moment, a high-pitched voice suddenly came from the distant mountains. Senior Brother Huang was startled immediately, and he quickly raised his head to look into the distance, feeling a burst of astonishment.

In an extremely distant place, a giant red dragon flew up from the forest and danced over the Qinling Mountains, as if it wanted to overturn the entire sky!
Accompanied by a dragon chant, bursts of coercion came in all directions, which directly injured Senior Brother Huang's spiritual consciousness before he could take it back, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

The same is true of many third-level transcendents, but the performance of the third-level transcendents is worse than that of Senior Brother Huang. After all, their spiritual consciousness distance is very short, and it is far less hit than Senior Brother Huang.

Although he had already vomited blood, Senior Brother Huang was still a little shocked.

That's a train!


At this moment, there was a sword cry, followed by a green awn piercing through the clouds, attacking the red dragon like a white rainbow penetrating the sun, causing even bigger hissing immediately.

But then, Senior Brother Huang was in no mood to watch the battle.

Because trees were being pushed down nearby, a giant bear seven or eight meters tall roared out from the depths of the Qinling Mountains, making a deafening roar!
Level five monster!

Brother Huang's heart sank, and the extraordinary people around him were also shocked.

"Don't worry, his opponent is me."

Just when everyone was confused, a young male voice sounded, and then Zuo Yuan, played by Song Luo, stood on a tree branch, holding a thunder blade, surrounded by purple lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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