My card game came true

Chapter 308 Summoning Satan

Chapter 308 Summoning Satan
Soon, a brand-new commercial vehicle was driven to the entrance of the restaurant.

An old driver in a suit and leather shoes got out of the car. He pushed the door open and said respectfully to Song Luo: "Mr. Zuo, the car you want is here."

"I am the driver specially assigned to you by Mr. Gaius. My name is Olivier..."

Before the man finished speaking, Song Luo waved his hand and said, "I don't need a driver, I have a tour guide."

After finishing speaking, Song Luo pointed to Selina who was not far away, and said at the same time: "With her here, I don't need anything."

Song Luo didn't need anyone to help him, after all, no one knew much about the situation of the watchman, and Song Luo couldn't guarantee that the watchman didn't have some different thoughts to disgust him.

In any case, Selena was hired with her own money, which is better than the staff assigned by the watchman.

Selena's eyes widened, a little stunned and at a loss.

She never expected that Song Luo was really a powerful transcendent.

It is so powerful that even the watchmen, a group of extraordinary people from Citigroup, have to respect it and dare not despise it in any way.

You know, for the arrogant Citi people, if you want to make them respectful, then you really have to have great skills!

Selena took a deep breath, stepped forward to take the key from an old driver in a suit and leather shoes, and said firmly, "Leave it to me."

Hearing this sentence, the old driver in suit and leather shoes was a little embarrassed, but he still handed over the car keys.

After all, he still knows who is the boss.

After respectfully handing over the car keys, the old driver left the restaurant without any hesitation.

And Song Luo yawned, and said to Selina under Master Wang's astonished expression: "It's time to go, Selena."

"Yes, boss."

Without the slightest hesitation, Selina spoke respectfully to Song Luo, then stood up, and happily walked towards the door. Looking at the vehicle that the watchman drove to Song Luo, Selina couldn't help but shine.

She has never driven such a luxurious vehicle!

With this thought in mind, Selina opened the car door cautiously, then suddenly thought of something, she immediately closed the driver's door, hurriedly went down and opened the door for Song Luo, and said at the same time: "Boss, please get in the car."

Seeing this situation, Song Luo couldn't help but smile, nodded, and got into the back seat. Seeing this, Selena also hurried into the car, and while adjusting the seat, she asked, "Boss, what are you doing?" Where do you want to go?"

"It's up to you, go wherever you think you can go."

Song Luo yawned, and said casually, "I'm not familiar with this place, at most I know about the Statue of Liberty... and buildings like the Empire State Building.",

All these things I saw in superhero movies. Song Luo didn't know much about the really fun places in Citigroup. It was far better to let a native of New York take him on a tour.

When Selena heard this, she was a little stunned for a moment and didn't know where to go.

She seldom has the habit of entertaining, and basically runs around at school, at home, and at work. Under the three-point and one-line life, the places where Selena usually relaxes are places where poor people go, such as places where there is no money. Parks and such...

Naturally, Song Luo, the boss, could not be allowed to follow him to such a place.

But when it comes to the more fun places in New York... locals say there are not many places to play in their city.

If you have money, you will definitely go to a high-end restaurant for a meal.

While thinking hard, suddenly, Selena thought of a place.

The place of your dreams.

Columbia University.

Today seems to be a rugby game, some celebrities will be in attendance, but it is a place where high-end people love to appear.

How about... take the boss to Columbia University?
Rugby is the most popular ball game in Citigroup. Neither football nor basketball can compare with rugby. In Citigroup, the status of rugby stars can be said to be the highest among sports stars.

"Boss, do you want to go to Columbia University?" After a moment of hesitation, Selena still asked.

"Go ahead, I also want to visit this 'world's top university'." Song Luo didn't care.

Columbia University, one of the most well-known schools in Citigroup and one of the Ivy League schools, ranks among the top five in Citigroup and the top ten in the world on multiple lists.

For such a prestigious school, Song Luo was quite looking forward to it.

Four months ago, I went to Gaohai University by myself, and I was very happy at that time.

And now, this Columbia University ranks far higher than Gao Hai University in the world, but Song Luo's current mood is only joking.

This is the confidence that strength brings to him.

But apart from his strength, there is another reason why Song Luo has changed so much, and that is that he has put on a disguise called 'Zuo Yuan'.

With this layer of camouflage, Song Luo can do whatever he wants without worrying about moral constraints, and can do everything according to his own will.

At that time, if I screw up, I will throw away the identity of "Zuo Yuan" at worst, and I will still be the "strongest fourth-level extraordinary person" and "the mainstay of the future" in everyone's eyes.

Who can put himself together with Zuo Yuan, the fifth-level superhuman?
The vehicle is driving, bound for Columbia University.

Song Luo could feel that there was some kind of eavesdropping device in the car.

"Listen, those who are listening to me, I'm not interested in attacking you, as long as you don't come to provoke me, it's just for entertainment."

Song Luo yawned, and casually yawned that he wanted to eat, and the bugging devices on the car instantly shattered and shattered without a sound.

Selena, who was driving, was a little at a loss. She didn't know who Song Luo was talking to, so she could only ask weakly: "Boss, are you talking to me?"

"No, to some little reptiles, just drive your car."


"The goal is to go to Columbia University, arrange it."

After Gaius received the news, he began to make arrangements without hesitation: "If there is any problem, clear the venue immediately and notify the senior management of Columbia University in advance. If something goes wrong, they will know what will happen."


The subordinates on the side hesitated to speak.

"Nothing! That's a fifth-level transcendent! A fifth-level, demigod existence!" Hargaius angrily scolded his subordinates.

He didn't understand why his subordinates were afraid of those high-class people but not five-level superhumans?
In Citigroup, the upper-class people have always had the final say.

However, after the Extraordinary Era, these upper-class people knew very well the strength of the Extraordinary.

For a level five transcendent, anyone would know the importance and fatality of it.

If a fifth-level transcendent wanted to take action against mortals, New York would be devastated within a few days.

And it's not like those mythical creatures.

The mythical creatures that have appeared now are all extremely large in size, and the army can easily locate these mythical creatures to launch nuclear weapons and resolve battles.

And for these human transcendents who are no different from human beings...nuclear weapons have lost their effectiveness in front of them.

At the current stage, if there is no restriction by a strong person of the same realm, the fifth-level transcendent is basically an unsolvable existence.

Right now, there is no technology that can kill a Level [-] Transcendent.

Unresolved in the true sense.

In response to this, scientific research in various countries is accelerating research and development, but they have not made good progress.


Thinking of this, Gaius couldn't help but sighed heavily.

I am just an ordinary fourth-level transcendent, why should I be responsible for so many things?

I'm so bored!

Columbia University's football game is undoubtedly very grand. Tickets for this game can be said to be hard to get. Except for students who can use their student cards to reserve in advance, everyone else, including the principal, needs to buy tickets.

Of course, this is only theoretical.

For example, now, Song Luo and Selena did not have tickets, but they still came to the best VIP viewing place of the rugby field, and even the president of Columbia University personally accompanied them, carefully.

This game was not an ordinary game. It was a football game between Columbia University and Princeton University. The two belonged to the Ivy League and competed with each other all the year round. Therefore, many people came to watch the game this time.

There were a lot of spectators, old and young. The caps, hairbands, T-shirts and jackets on their heads were all written with the names of the colleges and universities they supported. Not to mention the entire stadium, even the entire university town was covered by this atmosphere. shrouded.

"Is every football game this big?"

Song Luo asked the president of Columbia University casually.

"This is an annual carnival." The grey-haired headmaster didn't promise anything, but he and Song Luo seemed like old friends for many years, explaining to Song Luo with a smile: "The people who come here are not just to watch the football game. Students, as well as many alumni who have achieved fame all over the world, take this opportunity to go back to their alma mater every year to reunite with their old friends and build connections with each other. For the school, this is also a rare opportunity to raise funds from alumni."

Speaking of this, the principal waved his hand: "Students have a football game, alumni have connections, and the school has received donations from alumni...Who wouldn't want a win-win situation?"

"The benefits are in it."

Song Luo nodded, but didn't say anything. Although Selena on the side had many questions, she didn't ask them after all.

However, the principal was keenly aware of Selena's situation, and he smiled gently: "This is..."

"My tour guide and driver." Song Luo replied casually, "Her name is Selena, and she would rather be admitted to your school."

"Oh, really."

The principal pretended to be surprised, and immediately said to Selina in front of Song Luo: "If possible, I would like to write a letter of recommendation for you, ma'am."

In Citigroup, apart from the test scores, there is another important point, that is the recommendation letter.

If your recommendation letter is top-notch, such as the recommendation letter of a certain president or a certain governor, as long as you are a normal person and not mentally handicapped, you can generally enter the university.

Such a situation is commonly known as 'going through the back door'.

After all, in Citigroup, going through the back door is actually a relatively public thing.

After a while, the field broadcast began to sound, and one after another strong youths in football protective gear ran into the field, and cheers resounded through the sky above the entire stadium.

"Columbia! Columbia!"

"Princeton! Princeton!"

The cheerleaders from the two schools also began to dance passionately.The school band blew, played and sang their respective school songs, and the fans waved flags and cheered.

In an instant, the players on the field rushed forward and fought fiercely, and the game began.

Song Luo was not very interested in this competition.

Is this interesting?

It's not interesting, Song Luo doesn't understand rugby games at all, and doesn't know the rules of rugby games at all.

Instead of asking him to watch a football game, he might as well watch some football or basketball game.

Although the rules are also not very clear, these two sports are quite common in the Xia Kingdom, and they can understand part of the situation after being influenced by their ears and eyes.

It's not as embarrassing as it is now.

But having said that, the atmosphere of this rugby match was very good. Song Luo could almost hear the earth-shaking sounds. This inexplicable atmosphere made Song Luo a little helpless.

But at this moment, a flash of light suddenly flashed in front of Song Luo.

"Trigger mission, thirty silver coins!"

"The mysterious man carried thirteen silver coins. Taking advantage of the emptiness of New York, he wanted to sacrifice thousands of lives on the football field and summon the devil Satan."

"Mission Difficulty: Three"

"Mission reward: thirteen silver coins."


Seeing this scene, Song Luo froze for a moment.

Thirty silver coins?
Why is this task again?

Wait, No. 13 is on me, why...

Soon, Song Luo came to his senses.

It seems that the mission this time is not about its thirteen, but about carrying thirteen silver coins.


Song Luo took a deep breath.

What kind of thing is this? How could I encounter such a task when I came to New York?
Song Luo moved his hands and feet, and at the same time began to exude his consciousness, and began to observe the surroundings.

This task must be done. There is no doubt about it. After all, I have already collected two silver coins. If I can collect all the silver coins, it will be a special experience.

Perhaps, the collection of these thirty silver coins can possess some special abilities.

I don't know where a fool came from and made up thirteen for himself, so that he got half of them.

For this task, Song Luo said that it is inevitable.

After thinking about it for a period of time, Song Luo already understood the difficulty of this task very well.

Level four and five are difficult dungeons.

Level [-] is basically very difficult.

The third given away.

As long as the opponent doesn't summon that Satan in the end, everything will be much easier.

Thinking of this, Song Luo turned to look at Selina, and said, "Don't look, pay attention later, something might happen."


Selena was a little puzzled, but the university principal listened attentively, looking nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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