My card game came true

Chapter 289 God's Soul

Chapter 289 God's Soul

Song Luo also stepped forward in a habitual way, and shook hands with these two local Level [-] Transcendents.

When shaking hands with that extraordinary man named Drew, the other party seemed to give him a wink, but Song Luo couldn't understand what the wink meant.

But when shaking hands with the black female superhuman named Laila, the other party felt uncomfortable for Song Luo.

This kind of feeling can't be described, it just has a sinister and soft feeling.

Anyway, it's a weird feeling.

Song Luo shook his head, and after shaking this strange thought out of his mind, he calmed down and followed them into a meeting room.

What happened after that has nothing to do with Song Luo.

After all, things like meetings are not familiar to Song Luo. This is not Song Luo's battlefield, but Wang Ting's home field.

Wang Ting gave pointers and passionate words at the meeting, and even in the face of extraordinary people from other countries, she did not flinch in the slightest.

As for Song Luo, he stayed behind Wang Ting the whole time, acting as a strong backer, and nodded to Wang Ting's ideas, very supportive.

Show that this is what you mean!
When he had nothing to do, Song Luo also looked around at the transcendents around him. There were transcendents from the Seven Kingdoms here. Apart from Kangaroo Country, Citigroup and himself, there were Neon, Nanli, Britain, and Gaul.

It is not uncommon for Gaul and Britain to appear here.

But the appearance of Neon and Nanli was surprising.

Especially Nan Li.

There are four or five fourth-level transcendents in the Kangaroo Kingdom, but if Song Luo remembers correctly, there seems to be only one Nanli, right?

Although in this meeting, Nihong, Nanli and the leader of Gaul were all third-level transcendents, it seemed that Nanli was a little too active anyway.

To this, Song Luo can only say...

You know everything you know, and it's useless to say what you don't know.

Soon, the meeting ended, and Song Luo returned to the hotel arranged by Citigroup.

There is nothing to talk about in this meeting. It is generally a matter of joint action, because there are no fourth-level superhumans in the Neon team, so my group has to act together with the Neon people.

Song Luo didn't feel anything else, he acted the same as everyone else.

After returning to the room, Song Luo leaned halfway in front of the window, looking at the streets of the city and observing the surrounding situation.

The city they are currently in is called San Diego. Although it is far less well-known in the world than cities such as San Francisco and Los Angeles, it is also well-known within Citigroup.

The reason why they aided this place was not only that it was a big city, but more importantly, the land here was fertile, the climate was warm, and the ocean resources were abundant. Therefore, the original owner of this land made a living here by farming, fishing, and hunting.

This place used to be the original owner's paradise, but now it is occupied by doves and magpies. Therefore, many indigenous residents are buried under this land. San Diego is also one of the most noisy cities on the west coast of Citigroup.


Suddenly, there was a shuddering roar from outside the window.

Song Luo looked over, but saw a crazy skeleton crawling out from under the asphalt road, roaring and trying to rush towards passers-by on both sides.

However, it had no effect, and soon a soldier shot him directly through the skull, leaving him no time.

This process went on so quickly that some passers-by didn't even realize what had happened before it was over.

Seeing this situation, Song Luo also nodded slightly.

It can be seen that these Citigroup soldiers seem to have become accustomed to this, and killed the skeleton as soon as it appeared, and they were skilled in their movements.

But what if a relatively powerful skeleton emerges, and the gun is useless?

Song Luo glanced around the entire street, and with his spiritual consciousness comparable to level five, he didn't find any extraordinary people on the street, most of them were ordinary soldiers.

Another point……

This is San Diego, a city with a large number of indigenous people. Although the sporadic skeletons that appear all the time are scary, but...

Song Luo felt that this place should be far from being so simple.

When he was in Maple Leaf Country, all that was vividly remembered, making it unforgettable for Song Luo.

Since this is a gathering place, it can't be that there are only so many, right?
Suddenly, Song Luo thought of something.

The skeleton army here, shouldn't they be accumulating power?
With this in mind, Song Luo turned on the phone, quickly clicked on the game, and opened the copy of "Far From Heroes".

Here in San Diego, there is indeed a bright spot.

It's just that the level of this bright spot is far lower than that of Maple Leaf Country, and the danger rating here is only level 4.

What does level four mean?
It means you can live.

In this regard, Song Luo's heart is not so nervous, as long as it doesn't reproduce the scene of Maple Leaf Kingdom.

However, this cannot be avoided.

Song Luo opened the chat software and sent a 'be careful' reminder to the small group formed by them.

At the same time, I told my own 'analysis', which was mostly about San Diego and the aborigines.

After the reminder, Song Luo lay on the bed and continued to prepare for the game.

Measures such as monitoring and eavesdropping basically have nowhere to hide in front of Song Luo.

Although Song Luo is only a Level [-] Transcendence, his spiritual consciousness is equivalent to a Level [-] Transcendence, and there is also a game warning. If someone is really listening to him in the room, he will be aware of everything directly.

After opening the game, he habitually entered the "hyperspace trading field". Song Luo was a little surprised by the trade partner this time.

He was a guy whose whole body was covered in bandages and seemed to exude some kind of corpse odor!
The aura of this person is very domineering, even through the screen, Song Luo can feel a sense of chill.

"Unknown Trader Level 6 Peak (Half Step Level 7)"

The eye-catching handwriting dangled in front of Song Luo's eyes. Seeing this, Song Luo could only take a deep breath and began to take this existence seriously.

Before that, the traders Song Luo had seen were not strong. The strongest was the Level 4 Transcendent who traded a lot of pills to him. None of the Transcendents of Level 5 or above was seen.

And this level 6 transcendent was the first time Song Luo met.

A trader in the realm of mythology, and an existence in his heyday, should have a lot of good things on him, right?
It's just this level 6 peak and half-step level 7... This taste is too aggressive.

"I found this place from the rift in the God Realm. I need something that can make me stronger."

Before Song Luo could take the initiative to speak, the trader took the initiative to say: "I am the Lord of Death and the Underworld, Cadina Valens."

Lord of Death and the Underworld, Cadina Valens?

This name can't be said to be domineering.

Song Luo didn't know what world this person came from, anyway, it had nothing to do with him, he was doing a simple business with him now, and there would be no interaction in the future...

Not necessarily, according to the conventional situation, he should enter the card pool.

After settling his mind, Song Luo pretended to be mysterious, shaking the strange bell in his hand, and said, "What can you give?"

Song Luo didn't know what this bell was for, anyway, every time he clicked with his fingers, there would be a pleasant ringtone.

It's a bit like the Hearthstone battle.

The mythical powerhouse who claimed to be the 'Lord of Death and Netherworld' did not hesitate at all, and directly pulled out his hand, and said to Song Luo: "The power of the soul, the purest power of the soul, can be instilled, and the strength can be improved rapidly. !"

"I still have the souls of three gods in my hands. They are all the guys who came to surround and kill me. It's a pity that they are dead, but I am alive."

The Lord of Death and Nether said calmly, without any discomfort: "If you are a barbarian, I can add all three souls to you, otherwise, only one or two."

Song Luo frowned, and knocked on the table, a coercion came over in an instant, immobilizing the Lord of Death and Netherworld in an instant.

Although this Lord of Death and Nether is powerful, this is after all the "hyperspace trading field" and it is his own territory.

Why is he so domineering?

Those who didn't know thought he was a trader, and he was the customer.

"Correct your own attitude, maybe in your world, you are the supreme and unique existence, but in my place, you are not worth mentioning."

Song Luo's voice was indifferent, but there was a slightly different situation in the ears of the Death and Nether Lord.

Perhaps Song Luo currently has no one under his command to be his opponent, but unfortunately, this is in the "hyperspace trading field", where the main body of the game is located.

The game body is not comparable to level 6 or level 7. Even the powers of level [-] or [-] have to be well-behaved and polite in this "hyperspace trading field".

The Lord of Death and Nether obviously did not expect this situation. He took a deep breath, said nothing, and nodded: "This is what it should be."

Soon, a pop-up window appeared in front of Song Luo.

"Do you want to obtain the souls of two gods in exchange for the 'scepter of bones'?"

"Attention, the soul of the god can be used."

Need the scepter of bones?

Song Luo was a little startled.

This can be said to be the most valuable equipment in Song Luo's current backpack.

The Lord of Death and Nether in front of him actually needs the scepter of bones?

Song Luo thought about it.

I don't know if I want to exchange it with the scepter of bones.

Although this thing is actually useless in my own hands, but...

"How can a god's soul help me?"

Song Luo simply asked the system.

If the soul of this god is just a piece of shit and of no use to me, then there is no need for me to exchange it.

Take a break, right?
"It can be absorbed by game players and gain a lot of experience."

The pop-up window of the system was very simple, but it made Song Luo gasp and secretly said that it was terrifying.

Massive experience, what does this mean?
How much experience is massive?
Song Luo was already a little moved.

The system has never used 'massive' as a noun, but now it uses this word, which must mean that there are a lot of experience points.

So do you want to change yourself?

Without the slightest hesitation, Song Luo clicked Exchange!

Lose the 'Scepter of Bones' and gain the souls of two gods!
And the moment the deal was concluded, the Lord of Death and Nether quickly disappeared from Song Luo's sight.

It can be seen that although the transaction was successfully concluded, the Lord of Death and Nether is still a little uncomfortable.

As one of the top existences in another world, being coerced by a guy who doesn't know how deep he is to be forced to be subdued here is indeed somewhat unacceptable for the Lord of Death and Netherworld.

But for Song Luo, it doesn't matter.

This Lord of Death and Nether is not satisfied if he is not satisfied, anyway, I am afraid that we will never have the chance to meet again in the future.

If there is... let's talk about it.

Song Luo took a deep breath, and two new items appeared in his backpack.

"The Soul of the Wrathful God Yoiz"

"After the defeat, Joyz was taken out of his soul by the Lord Nether, wiped out his consciousness, and completely turned into nothingness. After 5000 years of brewing, he became a pure soul."

"The Soul of the Light Chaser Hawke"

"After the defeat, Hawke's soul was taken away by Lord Nether, his consciousness was wiped away, and he was completely turned into nothingness. After 5000 years of brewing, he became a pure soul."

The names of these two divine mansions appeared in front of Song Luo's eyes, and they both came from the West.

The method of use is also very simple, just click to use.

As for whether there will be any sense of guilt... What's the matter with Guan Songluo?
He didn't kill himself, as long as there are no side effects, Song Luo will certainly not give up.

Song Luo is not a bad person, but he is definitely not a good person in the traditional sense.

How many good people are there these days?Everyone is an exquisite egoist, so don't let the elder brother make fun of the second elder brother.

Song Luo was about to test the waters with one first.

But at this moment, Song Luo noticed a voice in the corridor outside.

The voice was very soft, but Song Luo was still keenly aware of it.

who is it?

Song Luo saw the man.

It's that black girl named Lai.

Forgot the name, but the bear is really big.

When the door was knocked, Song Luo was not surprised at all, but said calmly, "Please come in."

"Hello, Mr. Song Luo."

The black girl leaned half of her body against the door frame, and then gently licked her lips with her tongue, looking very charming.

"Welcome to Citigroup, as the owner here, do you need any help?"

Heimei's voice was full of temptation, she looked at Song Luo sternly, winking like silk: "I can do anything."

Song Luo looked at Heimei, thought for a while, and asked, "Can you really do anything?"

"of course."

The black girl nodded, and her smile became even more exuberant.

"Please inform the waiter, my room will not need to be cleaned, please inform other people, don't come to my floor casually, and give me a tip by the way, I heard that you need tips for all services here in Citigroup Yes." Song Luo said casually.

Heimei's face darkened instantly upon hearing this sentence.

What do you mean?
I'm already standing here, are you telling me this?

"Don't you think about other things? For example, to meet needs..."

"There is a need."

"Please say."

"Close the door when you leave, and help me with the whole sign. I don't like people who can come and go from my room at will. I will impose something later."

PS: I wish everyone a happy tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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