My card game came true

Chapter 287 Citigroup

Chapter 287 Citigroup
Yanjing, the absolute center.

With a long history and splendid culture, it is one of the four ancient capitals.

Even though the economy is not as good as some cities, this city located under Yanshan Mountain is the well-deserved No. [-] city in Xia Kingdom.

As for the rest of the situation, I don’t dare to go into details, so I’ll end it here.

After arriving at the station, Song Luo and Director Zhu also separated. Director Zhu and his party escorted Katice to go to other areas, while Song Luo and his party were ordered to go to Citi Country and needed another area ahead.

One is south of the city and the other is north of the city.

It's a little bit different.

Song Luo walked together with other companions, and saw a lot of taboo things along the way, met many high-ranking people, Song Luo kept silent, but dared not talk nonsense, for fear that someone who didn't pay attention would commit a taboo thing and make people He disappeared out of thin air.

All the way quietly, even Song Luo, the rescue partner from other provinces, didn't pay much attention. He left the city in a daze, watched thousands of miles above the sky, and embarked on the road to Citi Country.

Even the young genius that Mr. Zhu once talked about never inquired about it.

Indeed, what does the young talent have to do with him?
The matter between level five transcendents has nothing to do with me.

During the flight, Song Luo also kept silent as much as possible. It was not until he reached the west coast that Song Luo stood up and flexed his wrist.

The plane landed in San Diego, a city on the west coast of Citigroup.

After getting off the plane, Song Luo didn't smell any sweet air. On the contrary, Song Luo smelled a strong smell of blood.

Even if this is an airport, it's hard to hide the smell Song Luo smells.

"The situation here looks complicated."

Song Luo looked cold, and said casually.

Wang Ting, who was standing beside Song Luo, also nodded, in line with Song Luo's words: "Yes, it is much more serious than Hawaii."

She was involved in the incident in Hawaii. Although there were many bloody incidents, compared with here, at least there is no such looming bloody smell anytime and anywhere.

"Hey, friends from across the ocean, how are you!"

At this moment, a middle-aged Caucasian man in a suit came running in a small step from a distance. With a professional fake smile, he released a friendly smile to Song Luo and others from a long distance. After walking in, It is a mouthful of 'you howl you howl'.

Song Luo also warmly stepped forward to say hello to the white man.

International relations must be handled well. We are all good friends and we must help each other.

Tang Yushu beside Song Luo also began to act as a bridge, translating for Song Luo and the other party.

"The current situation is very anxious. Some skeleton soldiers may appear in the whole city at any time...The strength of these skeleton soldiers is actually not very strong, but it is impossible to guard against it. Even a few skeleton soldiers may appear in residents' homes."

The Citigroup official who came to welcome Song Luo and others was a little distressed, and said to Song Luo embarrassedly: "Even the airport is like this. Not long before you came, there was an incident of this kind at the airport, which caused a lot of trouble. Three people died..."

Song Luo was stunned when he heard this.

It turned out that this was the reason why he felt the strong smell of blood in the air of Citigroup.

It turned out that not far away, an attack case just happened.

From this point of view, the situation here has really reached the point of dire straits.

Song Luo took a deep breath, and Wang Ting on the side was a little hesitant, and couldn't help but ask: "Now that things have happened, I think we should take a look at the situation of those skeletons first, otherwise if we don't understand the situation, I'm afraid we will capsize in the gutter. .”

Wang Ting's worry is not unreasonable.

Although Song Luo had already seen these skeletons in the dungeon, in the eyes of normal people, he should not know the skeletons, so Song Luo nodded and said to Tang Yushu: "I hope the one in front of me ...What's his name? It doesn't matter, the gentleman in front of him can take us to the scene of the attack at the airport to see the situation, we want to see the skeletons that were wiped out."

Although he was a good friend, Song Luo really didn't remember the name of the friend in front of him.

When Tang Yushu heard the words, he immediately began to translate Song Luo's words, and conveyed Song Luo's meaning to the Citigroup official.

Hearing the words, the Citigroup official nodded repeatedly, and after saying something, he led Song Luo and his party forward.

Lu Chong looked around cautiously, and was full of vigilance for everything around him. After all, he was in a foreign country, and he had to be cautious and resourceful enough if he wanted not to die in a foreign country.

The same is true for other people in the team. According to the Citigroup official just now, those skeleton soldiers will emerge from the mud at any time, and it is impossible to guard against them.

However, Song Luo still held his chest high and strode like a meteor, as if he didn't care about it.

Seeing this, the surrounding Citigroupers nodded secretly and whispered to each other: "Song Luo really deserves to be the first-class expert in the Xia Kingdom. I heard that when he came, he also beheaded three fourth-level transcendents who blocked the way. Chitu among Lu Bu's horses, this kind of ability should be the strongest group among the fourth-level transcendents, right?"

Well, this sentence was translated by Tang Yushu.

As a college student in the new era, Tang Yushu has her own views on translation. After localized translation, this is indeed the case.

For this situation, Song Luo nodded, very satisfied.

Who wouldn't want to hear foreigners bragging about themselves like that?

Soon, under the leadership of the airport security, a group of nine of them arrived at the crime scene.

All around are 'soldiers' with live ammunition.

But if you take a closer look, it should not be a 'soldier', but a bodyguard company called XX Security from Citigroup.

The equipment of these 'soldiers' can be said to be exactly the same as that of the Citigroup military, and even much better than that of ordinary soldiers. It can be said that some of the equipment of the elite troops are worn on them.

Song Luo had never experienced this kind of experience.

And the bodyguard soldiers with live ammunition also noticed the approach of Song Luo and his party, raised their guns one after another, and shouted loudly: "Stop your steps!"

Seeing this, Song Luo didn't stop his footsteps, and continued to move forward, asking at the same time, "Are those skeleton soldiers inside?"

"Yes, Mr. Song."

The Citigroup official on the side had already stopped in his tracks. He looked at Song Luo and said hesitantly, "Do you want to...stop."

Having said that, Citigroup officials were ready to take out some relevant documents and inform the bodyguards of the identity of this group of people.

"No, I'd hate it if someone pointed a gun at me."

Song Luo shook his head, responded casually, and continued to move forward. Immediately afterwards, the bodyguards felt a fierce tiger approaching.

Tiger shape!


These guys called bodyguards, who were actually more like mercenaries, suddenly changed their faces, but they had also experienced life and death, and they were ready to fire immediately.

But they suddenly discovered that their fingers couldn't pull the trigger, and they just stood there in a daze.

If you look carefully, you will find that there is a touch of frost in your hands... They are actually frozen!
When did this happen?

All the bodyguards fell into consternation, they didn't understand what happened, they only felt that their hands were stiff, and even their legs were beginning to feel a little out of control.


In panic, Song Luo smiled slightly and snapped his fingers. The firearms in their hands fell to the ground one after another. At this moment, the ice had just touched, and then Song Luo said in English: "I am a fourth-level extraordinary person from Xia Kingdom. I don't like having a gun pointed at me, understand?"

"Next, open the door for me and disappear from my sight."

After hearing Song Luo's words, the bodyguards were taken aback, and kept repeating the word 'fourth-level superhuman', with incredible eyes.

Unlike Xia Kingdom, Citigroup on the other side of the ocean has a clear understanding of the level of extraordinary people. Even ordinary people understand what a high-level extraordinary person represents.

Of course, that's for sure.

After all, no one knows whether two supermen will fight in front of their house tomorrow, and then accidentally smash their house.

Moreover, they are also security practitioners, and they are more familiar with some unnatural factors.

Therefore, they understand better what a level four transcendent means.

"Sir, please come in!"

Submitting to the strong is the theme of their belief.

Seeing this, Song Luo nodded.

This is the effect he wants.

He didn't have to come to show off his power with these bodyguards, but to let them know his strength so that he could act next.

He doesn't want to obey the orders of these Citi people, and it is not a good thing to obey the orders of foreigners in a foreign country.

What kind of things the extraordinary people of Citigroup will do, Song Luo knows very well in the copy in Alaska.

If there is any danger, Citigroup's transcendents will definitely retain their strength, and then let them, foreign transcendents, do it.

Therefore, if you want to fight for your own initiative, you can't be submissive and follow orders.

The ones who suffer are always honest people.

At this moment, in a small room not far away, a black hot girl with a rather hot figure was sitting on a chair, looked at another white young man generously, and said with a smile: "Did you see anything?"

"Luo Song, a native of the Xia Kingdom, has already killed four fourth-level transcendents, three of whom were killed just today."

The white young man read the information in front of him word by word to the hot black girl, and at the same time smiled, and said: "This guy is not like us, he only knows how to bully low-level transcendents, he At the third level, I had already killed a fourth-level transcendent, and there are countless people in the same realm, and now at the fourth level, I killed three fourth-level transcendents who joined forces to attack him in the first battle."

"Do you understand what that means?"

After all, the white young man paused: "Mia, one of the Big Three, just gave me a piece of news, saying that this person's strength is the strongest among the fourth-level extraordinary people. If you want to deal with me like you did back then He, then you will be in bad luck... Besides, he is not from Citigroup, but he is an extraordinary person from that country on the other side of the ocean."

Every sentence was convincing, but the black hot girl was a little impatient, and he said: "Drew, it's settled, don't be afraid, this is the West Coast, and it's our territory."

"Even if the Xia Guoguo can kill us both, he can't do it, can he? After all, we represent all mankind~~"

The black girl's voice was a little excited, as if she laughed at the words 'representing all mankind'.

Seeing this, the white young man shook his head, not knowing what to say.

how to say?

All I can say is... a little whimsical.

But it doesn't matter, I'm not very close to this black girl, it's just that I'm in a city, and I'm also a Level [-] Transcendent.

Drew came from abroad. On the first day he came here, he was punished by the black girl in front of him. Therefore, he knew the methods of the black girl very well.

It is not a good sign if there is a conflict with a guest from afar at such a time.

Unlike the black girl, Drew has a clear understanding of the current situation.

He decided to find a suitable opportunity to communicate with that extraordinary person from the other side of the ocean, and show that he has nothing to do with that black girl.

After taking a deep breath, Drew stretched his waist, and prepared to walk out of the room to meet the Transcendent from the other side of the ocean.

Seeing this, the black girl looked at Drew with great interest, and some amusement flashed in her bright eyes.

Seeing that the black girl was still indifferent, Drew emphasized again and again: "Rescue teams from all over the world are about to arrive. At this moment, we should be more cautious, so as not to affect the watchman's rating of us."

It doesn't matter what else, the rating is the most important.

After all, ratings represent extraordinary resources in the future. If the resources decline, it is absolutely unacceptable for an extraordinary person.Heimei didn't speak, but still looked at Drew. Seeing Heimei's appearance, Drew didn't say anything, took a deep breath, and walked out of the room.

And the black girl put on a victorious gesture, and also followed.


Inside the airport, Wang Ting, Lu Chong and others were studying the skeletons in front of them.

There was nothing to say, the skeletons that appeared at the airport were all low-level skeletons. They died from the hands of guns. Shotguns easily crushed their heads and killed them.

And the place where they appeared was the airport toilet, and a few unlucky guys just died in the cesspit.

Speaking of it, it's a bit unlucky.

If they appeared in other areas of the airport, with these heavily armed bodyguards, they would probably be able to survive and not die.

After all, bad luck.

But at this moment, Tang Yushu suddenly came to Song Luo's side, and said to Song Luo, "Mr. Song, another plane has landed. Looking at the flag, it should be a superhuman from the Kangaroo Kingdom."

After all, Tang Yushu said again: "I heard that their number one strongman, Abel, was promoted to a fourth-level superhuman not long ago, so he must be very powerful."

Hearing this sentence, Song Luo had a strange expression.

Seems like an old friend?
(End of this chapter)

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