My card game came true

Chapter 22 Hot Search

Chapter 22 Hot Search

In a small roadside shop, Song Luo came to the legendary Shaxian Hotel and ordered a duck leg rice bowl.

Hunger prompted Song Luo to grab the rice in big mouthfuls, not caring about what to eat.

As for the taste...

This is the Shaxian Hotel, it's almost enough, what kind of taste are you looking for, and for Song Luo, this duck leg rice bowl is actually not bad.

"Hello, viewers, Gaohai Satellite TV urgently broadcast a piece of news. It is reported that at 32:[-] today, there was an invasion of alien species in Haining City. For now..."

The old TV in the store played a news report from this province, which generally meant that there was an invasion of alien species in Haining City. It is a kind of seaweed that grows and reproduces quickly. In addition, there are The ability to suck blood.

So far, there have been one death and 29 injuries.

At the same time, government departments urge everyone to travel carefully in the near future, and try not to get close to the sea.

Seeing such a situation, Song Luo felt a chill in his heart.

Now that he knows that this world is extraordinary, he naturally understands that this may not be an 'invasion of alien species', but a special event about extraordinary events!

Haining City is a city in the same province as Gaohai City, but the difference is that Gaohai City is closer to the north, while Haining City is at the southern end of this coastal province.

The news screen also flashed a few pictures of the scene, densely packed seaweed spread all over the beach, this kind of seaweed is everywhere, and there are crowds of onlookers around, but the banners of isolation are drawn far north, and no approaching is allowed.

Judging from these pictures, Song Luo can't see anything related to the extraordinary incident, and it seems that it has been resolved.

'I really don't know what power the government has sent to solve such a wide range of things. '

After Song Luo thought to himself that the government was so horrible, he quickly cleaned up the remaining few mouthfuls of rice, and then paid the bill.

After paying the bill, Song Luo now had three days of vacation, but he was idle, so he found an air-conditioned shopping mall, pretended that he was a tourist who was tired from shopping, and rubbed the wave seat.

After thinking about it, Song Luo turned on the phone and clicked on the game that changed his destiny.

If you are a hero, you will come to maintain world peace!

The logo appeared again, but this time the logo was surrounded by seaweed, and at the same time, the sound of waves rang through Song Luodi's earphones.

"There are so many tricks."

After Song Luo sighed, he entered the game interface and saw an exclamation mark.


Song Luo was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously clicked on what the exclamation mark represented: nothing else, just a kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder that wanted to click when he saw the red dot.

"Canghai Yidao is patrolling the sea territory..."

"Shooting across the sea and encountering elite seaweed monsters!"

"Canghai Yidao defeated the elite seaweed monster, and obtained hero's adventure experience x5, crystal energy x30, and deep sea stone x1."


"Canghai Yidao is patrolling the sea frontier."

"Countdown: 22:36:44..."

Seeing this scene, Song Luo was startled.

The problem of co-authoring Haining City was not solved by others, but by Yang Huanyi of his own family?
Looking at Yang Huanyi with the Q version of the profile picture, Song Luo couldn't help but feel a sense of sharing weal and woe.

Soon, Song Luo happily looked at the spoils.

Needless to say, the hero's adventure experience is a pure experience book; Jingneng naturally doesn't need to mention it, it's just the currency for drawing cards.

It's just that what makes Song Luo a little depressed is that it is also a beheading, why did he get the soul before, which can be recharged by Song Luo, but now it is crystal energy?
But soon, this thought disappeared in Song Luo's mind.

"Deep Sea Stone"

"Effect: Awakening, enhancing water ability."

"How to use: wear it with you, accumulate it over time."

Song Luo was excited by this stone.

Song Luo is very happy about such an object that can awaken supernatural powers. After all, Song Luo has no other abilities except taking a dragon scale fruit to enhance his physical fitness.

In this magnificent era, how can we do without supernatural powers?


Song Luo extracted the deep sea stone without hesitation. The next moment, Song Luo felt a sudden sink in his pocket. He stretched out his hand to touch it, and a cold feeling spread all over Song Luo's body.

It's really cool to have such a sudden move in Da Xia Tian!
The effect of this deep-sea stone is carried around and accumulated over time, Song Luo is not in a hurry.

Seeing that Yang Huanyi's Q version avatar in the game was still "on patrol", Song Luo casually opened Weibo.

Hot spot number one, Yang Chen's new movie is online.

The second hot spot is Wang Wanmei's legs.


After going down to No. 20, Song Luo saw the news of the biological invasion in Haining City.

According to Song Luo's estimation, if the whole province hadn't urgently interrupted the news, it is estimated that none of them would be able to enter the top [-].

I clicked in and took a look. Many people who experienced it personally felt lingering fear. Some people said that the source of everything was a student who came back from the dead, and it was a girl with a knife who saved them.

Of course, this comment was also ignored by many people, and some even questioned that this comment was making up a story.

Back from the dead?Girl with a knife?

A classic story, right?
Many people on the Internet don't quite believe this, and there are even pictures, but everyone still thinks that it happened that someone was cosplaying on the beach and was photographed.

As for the video?

There is, but it is very blurry. The photographer is far away from the beach, so blurry that only the villain and the azure blue knife can be seen.

As we all know, blurring is equivalent to P picture P video, so it didn't cause too much trouble.

Most of the comments are worried about whether there will be such 'alien invasive seaweed' in their own home, but for netizens in inland cities...


What seaweed, do you mean kelp?

Seeing this scene, Song Luo was also slightly puzzled, he didn't see any accusation in it.

In this case... Could it be that he will not criticize?
Although Song Luo knew the truth that it is better to block than to avoid, and it would be a ghost if he directly deleted the post and banned the words, but... there are indeed some people who believe that there are superpowers.

Song Luo believes that if the official agency took action, all this would definitely not happen.

Could it be... the authorities have begun to subtly reveal the news of the superhuman?
Just when Song Luo felt a little confused, the phone vibrated suddenly. Song Luo looked intently, only to see that Yang Huanyi encountered an enemy again!
Yang Huanyi's Q version profile picture was puffing up, showing a cute growling expression, and a line of words appeared above his head.

"Encountering an ordinary octopus in one stroke across the ocean!"

"Do you want to do it manually? (10 seconds countdown)"

(End of this chapter)

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