My card game came true

Chapter 20 Seaweed

Chapter 20 Seaweed
The seaweed was growing crazily, and Yang Peng's lower leg was gone, replaced by seaweed growing wildly.

Green seaweeds spread densely from under Yang Peng's feet. Many passers-by were unable to dodge in time, and were directly swept up by the seaweed, slowly entangled, and fell to the ground.

"What the hell is this?!"

"Let go of me, help! Help!"

Countless people wailed, this sudden incident really impacted people's three perceptions and visual nerves, the seaweed spread down densely, rolled around directly, and the beach was occupied by seaweed in an instant.

"What is this?!"

On both sides of the road, the security personnel on the beach stared at the crazy growth of seaweed. They have been on duty at this beach for so long, but they have never seen such a situation.

There were also many unsuspecting passers-by who stretched their necks and stood curiously on the roadside, looking at the beach.

They didn't know what happened, but the large seaweed growth made them feel very novel. They took out their mobile phones or took videos or took pictures. They were very curious about what happened on the beach.

The crowd who fled in panic from the beach passed by them. They didn't know what happened, and felt that these people were making a fuss: Isn't it just some seaweed? Why are they so panicked?
Driven by the escaping wind and waves, some passers-by blindly ran along, while some boldly stood still and continued to look towards the beach, and some even got off the road and ran towards the beach, intending to touch the seaweed for themselves .

"Run, don't touch this seaweed!"

The lifeguard, who had narrowly escaped death, struggled out of the seaweed pile, and happened to see a tall, round-waisted man walking over curiously, intending to touch the seaweed.

"What can't you touch? I'm a local. It's just small-leaf seaweed. It's not like I don't know it." The big, round man looked at the lifeguard curiously and said cheerfully, "But with so many small-leaf seaweeds together, I I’ve never seen it before.”


The lifeguard seemed to be about to say something, when a vine-shaped seaweed root suddenly protruded from the seaweed group, swung it out, and wrapped it around the lifeguard's waist in an instant, and with a strong wave, the lifeguard flew into the air immediately Get up and be pulled away by this seaweed root!


Trapped by the seaweed roots, the lifeguard mopping the ground let out a scream, and the big man who saw this scene was also stunned, looking at the direction in which the lifeguard was being dragged away, Soon he woke up and shouted: "Save people, save people quickly!"

After that, the man ran towards the lifeguard, grabbed the lifeguard's hand in two or three steps, and held on to the lifeguard tightly to prevent him from being dragged away by the seaweed roots.

The sound of the sneakers rubbing against the beach was heard. Although the man had big arms and a round waist, he looked like a powerful man, but the strength of the seaweed root was too great, and the man was dragged past and entered the seaweed pile inside!

The seaweed in the seaweed pile seemed to be alive. After sensing the arrival of the man and the lifeguard, they surrounded them one after another, attached to their legs like leeches, and began to slowly suck blood.

Unlike the undetectable leech that sucks human blood silently, the blood-sucking of this seaweed is much more brutal. It doesn't care what the parasite is like, it just sucks it directly, without any intention of hiding itself. It seems to be like the needle tube "bang bang" straight pumping during artificial blood donation.


This feeling of being sucked blood was transmitted to their brains in an instant, and the man couldn't help taking a breath, feeling a little numb in his scalp, and couldn't help shouting: "What the hell is this?!"

"I...I don't know either!"

The lifeguard is now terrified to the extreme. He finally escaped from the seaweed pile, but he was caught back again unexpectedly. The ups and downs of life are really exciting.

"Don't worry, someone must have called the police, let's hold on!"

The man with a big arm and a round waist was quite optimistic, and he was sucked in time and grinned, but he still yelled to comfort the lifeguard, but the lifeguard was terrified, and after listening to the man's words, he kept shaking his head, his eyes full of fear : "No, no, no, you have no idea what kind of monster we are facing!"

"A monster that came back from the dead, that's a monster that came back from the dead!"

The lifeguard's hysterical shouts made the man feel a little baffled, but he was not discouraged. He looked around and saw that the seaweed was spreading faster and faster, and half of the beach was covered by it.

What kind of new species is this, and why is it spreading so fast?
The man was very puzzled, and suddenly his eyes stopped somewhere.

A student who fell into the seaweed had lost consciousness, his face was pale, and he looked like a mummy, as if his blood had been sucked clean.

Seeing this scene, the man's heart sank, and a trace of fear began to rise in his heart, which had no fear at first.

Can he really get out alive?
After seeing that the victims had already appeared, the man's heart also became confused, and he couldn't help thinking wildly.

Just as he was thinking wildly, a light blue figure appeared in his vision.

A girl dressed in white classic training clothes and holding a Mo knife appeared in his vision.

The girl's face was frosty, and the Mo Dao in her hand was shining with a dazzling cold light. Just looking at it made the big man feel a little shivering.

How could I be afraid of a little girl?
The big man shook his head, trying to keep himself awake, and at the same time shouted in the direction of the girl: "Little girl, go, don't come here, this place is very dangerous!"

The girl seemed to have heard the man's shout, raised her head slightly, looked at the man with a pair of cold eyes, and nodded immediately.

Seeing this scene, the big man breathed a sigh of relief: "Go to the police, let the police..."

Before the big man finished speaking, he saw that the girl didn't stop moving at all, and continued to move towards the seaweed pile step by step!
The difference from before is that at this moment, the Mo Dao in the girl's hand has been raised high above her head, her eyes have become colder, and wisps of light blue light have begun to linger around her body.

Seeing this situation, the big man suddenly shrank his pupils and opened his mouth, as if he wanted to speak, but he didn't know what to say, so he could only stare blankly at the girl who drew the knife.

"drop in the ocean!"

The girl's voice was cold with a touch of purity, and the voice echoed on the entire beach, shining like the might of the sky!

This skill is the ultimate move among the Canghai School's unique skills.

As soon as this knife is released, every enemy will be killed.

(End of this chapter)

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