The sand was flying from the top of the cave, and it was clearly visible under the sunlight at the entrance of the cave. Song Luo took a deep breath, and without hesitation operated the "Sword of Canghai" and walked towards the cave.

In the gloomy cave, the hard-working mother mouse is holding her four children to look for food in the cave. She drags out half a lamb carcass from nowhere and begins to feast on it.


There was a sudden sound of blades.

Like a skilled and seasoned hunter, the girl took the head of the hard-working mother mouse with one blow. During the few breaths of the owl's head, before the four cubs could react, light blue fluctuations began to emerge gradually, accompanied by a wave like flowing water. The four young rats were instantly chopped apart as if they were withered.

After killing the monster, Song Luo did not hesitate at all, and manipulated the character to go straight to the south, and found three trembling humans in the corner.


Looking at these three humans, Song Luo was stunned: This was the first time he had encountered an unknown change in so long!

"Is it because I didn't go straight to the monster a few weeks ago, but explored other locations in the cave, so the three people were eaten by these mice?"

Song Luo held the phone and muttered to himself, feeling very interested in the three new people.

Just when Song Luo was very interested in them, a dialog box popped up suddenly, and the following dialogue and options appeared: "Thank God, someone finally came to save us, you are..."

Immediately afterwards, three dialogue options appeared below.

Option A. '...(grim face)'

Option B. 'I am the fourth-generation successor of No.70 of the Canghai School. It is my job to be a chivalrous man, so there is no need to thank you. '

Option C. Attack the opponent
Looking at these three options, Song Luo fell into deep thought.

Will these three choices affect the plot direction and mission rewards?Or is it just a simple three options?

Also, why doesn't this game ask for dubbing, what's so good about dry characters.

Although Song Luo used to fast forward and not listen to the voice when playing games before, but I don't have to listen to it, you can't do without it!
After all, it was the first time such an option appeared, so Song Luo had to take it seriously, and took a closer look at the three people: they were ragged and disheveled, and they couldn't tell what they looked like.

However, Song Luo could tell that each of the three had different performance details, and it seemed that they were modeled separately, each with their own differences.

This touched Song Luo greatly. He thought that this game would be the same as the card-drawing games he had played before. mold……

Wait, these three should also be card-drawing characters, right?
After the cold reading, Song Luo looked at the three options again. Before he could make a choice, it seemed that the default countdown was over, and he chose option A automatically.


Yang Huanyi kept a straight face, his white face was as cold as frost, he just slightly raised his beautiful eyes to look at the three of them, and an invisible aura immediately calmed down the three of them.

"Target shocked"

After a prompt box pops up, there is nothing more.


Song Luo made a question mark on the spot: "Is there no follow-up plot for option A? Could it be that this is just an ordinary conversation, without any task triggering?"

Song Luo thought about the games he had played in the past, and it was true. Some villager NPCs who were captured by bandits, monsters, and rebels would indeed have a conversation with him, basically without any information.

"Damn, this wave is mine, forget about it."

Song Luo really thought that this cross-century masterpiece game, which can be said to transcend the times, would be different from normal games, but he did not expect that this would inevitably happen.

After reading, Song Luo shrugged his shoulders, ignored the three villager NPCs, and continued to move forward into the depths of the cave.

The screen is played in a third-person perspective. From the corner of the screen, Song Luo seems to see that the three of them seem to be messing around. Song Luo thinks it's interesting, and decides to come back after finishing the boss to see if there is any What special easter eggs can be triggered.

As for now, I might as well forget it. This time I got rid of the Ratmen faster than the previous times, so I saved three NPCs. Maybe there will be a similar situation before?

Thinking of this, Song Luo became interested and continued to manipulate the character to explore the front area.

The entire cave is very large, and there are some other monsters in the area, but they can only be regarded as "little monsters" in comparison. It is unparalleled to mow the grass for yourself, and it is not difficult to operate with one knife and one child.

The real difficulty is the mother mouse and four baby mice, a toad that can spit lava, a cyclops, a vampire bat, and a mysterious boss that Song Luo has not seen yet, whether it is a porcupine or a hedgehog.

"Gugulu... Gugulu..."

There was a rhythmic cry of frogs in the earphones, and Song Luo immediately knew that he had manipulated the character to reach the location of the little boss "Magma Toad" in the second level.

Naturally, this magma toad got its own name, and the game doesn't know what's wrong with it. NPCs and monsters don't have any names, so Song Luo doesn't even know what to call them.

"Is this game still in closed beta?"

Song Luo yawned, skillfully manipulated the character, and crazily output damage to the magma toad.

The magma toad is quite easy to fight. If you are not used to its attack frequency for the first time, you may lose your skills, but after you get used to the toad's attack frequency, the magma toad is easier than the mother mouse and the four mouse babies.

After all, the Ratman's wave still needs some operational skills if he wants to speed through.

About 30 seconds later, the magma toad rushed to the street, and still didn't explode the equipment and get any feedback. Song Luo was used to this, and continued to operate the character to walk forward.

After breaking through the magma toad, the next boss is currently the most difficult boss Song Luo feels.

Although vampire bats are difficult to deal with, they can be killed in one blow before the battle begins. This Cyclops is different. He is a soul-type boss, and he can only scrape him to death with his own skills.

After thinking about the strategy for a moment in his mind, Song Luo was ready to start the group.



Song Luo was manipulating the character, and Yang Huanyi occasionally made some unclear and sharp noises. After admiring the figure of the character for a few seconds, Song Luo resolutely stepped towards the deep pit ahead.


"Boom, boom, boom—"

At the same time as stepping into this place, the ground and the wall began to shake, and after a brief shake, the screen fell into darkness.

Immediately afterwards, on Song Luo's screen, in the deep and dark cave, a pair of bloody eyes slowly opened, revealing killing intent.

Immediately afterwards, the roar was deafening and pierced into the sky!

The blood bar slowly unfolded, Song Luo took a deep breath, and quickly operated his fingers.

 There is no internal investment, one change before signing, and two changes after signing.

  Slow and long flow, write longer this time.

(End of this chapter)

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