My card game came true

Chapter 103 nuclear submarine

Chapter 103 nuclear submarine


In a resplendent villa area in Gaohai City, the eyes of a young man in pajamas were bloodshot.

"Damn it, damn it! After waiting for so long, those guys from the non-security bureau finally left. I didn't expect there to be strong ones. Where did Wang Chengyu find so many experts?!"

The youth felt a little unbelievable.

He had long wanted to annex Wang Chengyu's company, but he couldn't find an opportunity.

After obtaining the supernatural ability a few weeks ago, he began to prepare to kill Wang Chengyu's family with his supernatural ability, making himself the largest shareholder of the company.

But he didn't expect that Wang Chengyu's protectors would emerge in endlessly.

"Who is that person today, I really want to see, he..."

The young man opened his mouth viciously, and suddenly, a sense of hunger came, which immediately made the young man feel a little puzzled.

Didn't I just finish eating, why are you hungry again?
"Forget it, let's order some takeaway, deal with it casually, or think about how to kill Wang Chengyu's family."

After thinking about it, the young man felt that he was getting hungrier and hungrier.

"It may be that the use of the shadow technique has consumed too much mental power recently, and it has remained on hold for the past few days. Let's act again in a few days."

The young man thought: "When the clouds clear and the wind clears, no one should pay attention to Wang Chengyu. At that time, it is my chance to make a move."

One of his friends, a brother who came here from another place not long ago, died in an alley when he was out hunting. No one knew how he died.

In this world, there are many crouching tigers, hidden dragons, especially for an abnormal transcendent like him, he must be careful when sailing for thousands of years.

Since I failed to show up for the first time, I should hide and wait for the next opportunity!

"Damn it, I'm almost starving to death, why hasn't the takeaway arrived yet?!"


"Mr. Song, it... has it gone?"

In the palace, Wang Chengyu looked at Song Luo cautiously and asked in a low voice.

"Well, he's gone." Song Luo nodded, nonchalantly, "I stabbed the black shadow he condensed just now, which caused great mental damage. He won't come again in a short time, you can rest assured .”

"Okay, okay."

Wang Chengyu didn't dare to interrupt, and immediately responded in a low voice.

And Wang Manfang, who had always looked down on Song Luo and thought he was here to defraud her family of money, was now so shocked that she was speechless.

This...this is still...

Wang Manfang only felt an emotion called shame spreading in her heart, and along with this emotion called shame, there was also a kind of admiration and worship.

Excited, Wang Manfang spoke with a clip, like a frightened deer: "Mr. Song, thank you for protecting us, I..."

Song Luoli ignored Wang Manfang, went straight back to his seat, took out his mobile phone, and yawned: "Boss Wang, I hope you don't leave my sight tonight, even though he was repelled by me, But that doesn't mean he won't kill us all back."

"Okay, okay."

Wang Chengyu was a little shocked, so he nodded immediately.

Now Wang Chengyu and his family, even if Song Luo said 'eating shit can save your life', they probably would eat it without hesitation.

After all, what happened just now was really surprising.

Seeing this, Song Luo turned to Chen Daqian again and said, "Chen Daqian, have you notified the non-security bureau?"

Chen Daqian immediately said: "Team Leader Song, the Non-Security Bureau has been notified, and the Non-Security Bureau has already learned that this is a man-made case."

"very good."

Song Luo nodded: "Stay at the scene, wait for someone to come now."

After finishing speaking, Song Luo sat comfortably on the sofa and clicked on the game again.

Seeing Song Luo's nonchalant expression, everyone began to relax their tense hearts.

Song Luo's actions like this seemed to give them a reassurance, which had an unparalleled effect.

And it wasn't just Wang Chengyu's family who were shocked, the police officers who came here were also a little shocked.

It's okay for non-security bureau members. They can often see extraordinary people who are not members of the security bureau and know the abilities displayed by extraordinary people.

But those police officers were different.

They only knew that there was a transcendence, but they didn't know the specific situation. There were very few transcendents in the huge police station. This was the first time they had seen a battle between transcendents.

This sight really made them feel dreamy.

Is that human being?
Isn't this some kind of magic?

Everyone was shocked by Song Luo, and they all looked at Song Luo curiously, and at this time Song Luo entered the game.

It's still the coast, but at this moment the coast has become the ruins of a battlefield.

The beach had become extremely dark with pits and pits. A large amount of blood was scattered on the shore, and several tentacles of unknown meaning were broken on the river bank. Although they were twisted off, they were still struggling and twisting.

Several armored vehicles on the side of the road turned into ruins and were scrapped on the spot. It seemed that the war was over. Only the occasional gunshots announced the death of the remaining monsters.

"Oh, it's really time to come."

Song Luo couldn't help sighing in his heart. On the screen, the monster "Thousand-Touched Squid" marked with red light and with a level of "???" has begun to recede towards the depths of the ocean, and the task completion rate is constantly increasing.

It can be seen that this wave of Citizen soldiers relied on their own hard power to beat the "???" level monster back into the sea. This is really amazing.

Song Luo was not stingy in his praise for the Citigroup army that helped him complete the mission, and gave the Citigroup army a good review without hesitation.

Before the activity and the dungeon were fused, this "Deep Sea Invasion: Chapter 1" was marked as a dungeon with a level [-] difficulty, and a "???" monster appeared in the level [-] difficulty, which is unreasonable. But it should also be considered to have the help of the friendly unit Citigroup Army. From this point of view, the third level of difficulty is much more reasonable.

This is also a copy of honesty and honesty.

After Song Luo sighed, the completion of the dungeon also reached 100%.

Only a 'thump' sound was heard, and the copy was completed.

"The copy is complete."

"Rewards: Essence X18, hero's adventure experience X13."

"Clearance Reward: Crystal Energy X100"

"Note: If you failed to kill the boss 'Thousand-Touched Squid' in this dungeon, 200 crystal energy rewards will be deducted."

Song Luo took back what he said just now, this copy is not honest at all.

If you care about every detail, can't you give yourself the 200 crystal energy?
The size of a mosquito is also meat.

But without hesitation, Song Luo didn't pay attention to other things at all, and directly opened the "Deep Sea Overlord" event, clicked on "Leviathan's Devouring Operation", and chose the target near the Hawaiian waters.

Although Song Luo didn't know how many missiles the Citizen Army fired at the "Thousand-Touched Squid", nor did he know how fierce the war was, the only thing he knew was that the "Thousand-Touched Squid" was definitely seriously injured. , otherwise we will never retreat!
Even if it wasn't seriously injured, it should have been injured a lot. After all, several tentacles were blown off, so it wouldn't be the state of its heyday anyway.

As the saying goes, take advantage of his illness and kill him!

If Leviathan can swallow this monster with a level of "???", how far can it grow?
Song Luo didn't dare to continue thinking about it.

After spending all his strength, the deep-sea bully Leviathan appeared in this sea area again, and began to charge unscrupulously, looking for traces of the "Thousand-Touched Squid".

This time, Leviathan will eat up this "thousand-touch squid" thoroughly and make a complete tonic soup!


The Seawolf-class attack nuclear submarine "Carter" and "William" and "Martin" were ordered to go deep into the waters of Hawaii to find the trace of the monster.

As the most advanced nuclear submarine of the Seawolf-class nuclear submarine, the Carter is equipped with 50 'Tomahawk' cruise missiles, 'Whale Hark' anti-ship missiles and MK48-5 heavy torpedoes, and is bound to win this mission.

On land, because the time was too short, the Citigroup army did not assemble real large weapons at the first time to attack the giant squid, resulting in the loss of a lot of manpower and material resources.

After the missile was launched, the monster collapsed without a fight and fled into the deep sea.

Facing this monster, Citigroup will naturally not let it escape like this. These three nuclear submarines are the submarines dispatched from the Hawaiian Naval Base. In addition, other fleets also started to attack, searching for the giant squid monster. trace.

It's just a pity that Citigroup does not have conventionally powered submarines, so there are only three nuclear submarines currently searching for targets under the sea.

Even the 'Virginia' class nuclear-powered attack submarine 'USS Hawaii', which had just been built a few years ago, was dispatched from Kaneohet Bay, where the Smith Marine Corps Barracks is located, and came across the island to participate in this battle against the giant squid. In the midst of the monster's siege and interception, try to kill the monster before sunrise and drag its body back.

It can be said that Citigroup is bound to win this monster.

The nuclear submarine is advancing, and everything in the deep sea is unknown. The military personnel in the nuclear submarine must concentrate on driving the nuclear submarine to avoid any problems.

"The radar found a huge creature. According to the current scanning observations, it should be a whale."

On the USS Carter nuclear submarine, someone discovered the message: "Wait, another monster was found ahead, it was a squid! It was the monster that attacked Honolulu 47 minutes ago!"

The military chief of the nuclear submarine said without hesitation: "Load the torpedo, prepare to launch the missile, and bring this monster back."

The order they received was not to capture him alive, but to bring the body back, so they didn't need to worry about any other issues, and just beat him to death.

"Sir, please wait a moment!"

Suddenly, the soldier in charge of manipulating the radar was a little unbelievable. He stopped the military chief and said, "Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, that monster is dead!"


The captain of the nuclear submarine was a little surprised, and said, "What's going on?"

"The whale-like monster suddenly grew in size just now, and the life characteristics of the squid monster that attacked Honolulu began to disappear rapidly... It is very likely that it was eaten by this whale-like monster !” The soldier quickly reported.

"Inform the 'William' and the 'Martin' to prepare to attack the squid that has swallowed the squid that attacked Honolulu, and attack the whale with all your strength!"

Needless to say, they immediately switched targets.

The whale that can eat that monster, without even thinking about it, is definitely a monster.

Now that the squid monster has been eaten, taking the corpse of a whale monster back will have the same effect.

Attacking nuclear submarines do not carry nuclear weapons. Their main attack target is actually to follow the aircraft carrier battle group to fight in the ocean and destroy the enemy's aircraft carrier.

But in their view, torpedoes are enough to solve all problems. No matter how powerful the monster is, can it still block their missiles abruptly?

In their view, the torpedo was enough to blow up this ignorant monster into pieces.

"Attention all members, prepare to launch the first torpedo, target, underwater depth 400 meters, longitude 158.83 west, latitude 26.77 north..."

"Countdown, 10...9...8...7..."



A dull sound erupted on the bottom of the sea. At the same time as the Carter nuclear submarine was launched, the William and Martin also launched a torpedo in the direction of the monster.

This torpedo is mainly used for testing. After all, the cost of torpedoes equipped on nuclear submarines is really high. The cost of a torpedo on a nuclear submarine is more than 300 million US dollars. If three of them are launched at one time, it is equivalent to nearly 1000 US dollars. Wan fought out.

1000 million to eliminate this monster is within the acceptable range.

At this time, Song Luo, who was playing the game, suddenly found that a red warning had begun to appear on his mobile phone screen.


Seeing such a situation, Song Luo was shocked. He was about to quit the game, but was told that he could not quit. He felt a burst of shock.


The torpedo is like a shooting star under the seabed, with a posture capable of destroying everything, it is unstoppable, splits a burst of water, and roars towards Leviathan!

Song Luo immediately manipulated Leviathan and advanced at full speed, trying to throw off the torpedo.

These three are acoustic self-guiding torpedoes, which use underwater acoustic technology to automatically search, track, and attack targets. They are automatic attacks. No matter where Leviathan hides, the torpedoes can follow and turn.

"Depend on!"

The first torpedo has detonated near Leviathan!
After all, it is a monster recorded in the "Bible". Although Leviathan is still very weak, after swallowing the thousand-touched squid, it has grown to 12 meters, and it will not be taken away by one shot.

After a chaotic roar erupted from the bottom of the sea, Song Luo's screen vibrated, and his blood volume dropped by half!

Song Luo cursed in his heart, and Leviathan was getting faster and faster, breaking through the water waves, and fled the area directly.

While the other two torpedoes were left behind by Leviathan, they gradually distanced themselves from Leviathan, automatically locked on to pursue other targets, and exploded on the bottom of the sea.

After all three torpedoes detonated, the red alerts on the screen disappeared. At this moment, Song Luo chose to log off without any hesitation, regardless of his remaining time!

Can't beat, can't I still run?
(End of this chapter)

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