My card game came true

Chapter 100 Murloc

Chapter 100 Murloc
"I'm sick!"

In the room, Wang Manfang, Wang Chengyu's eldest daughter, couldn't help but feel a little irritable and complained unconsciously.

"Mom, what is Dad doing here? Do you treat us like animals in a zoo?"

Wang Manfang began to babble: "It's just a dream, what's the matter? There are so many people coming to our house every day, this time we agreed that our family will accompany Zhuang Zhuang to Disney once, why..."

I can't blame Wang Manfang for complaining.

For six days, Wang Chengyu would call them out every day and let some people who didn't know their origins take a look at them, as if they were going to be sold together and were showing the goods to buyers.

If only it was limited to this.

He even restricted his travels.

Wang Manfang is 23 years old and a senior student at Gaohai University. It happens to be a time when she has nothing to do and likes to go out and play.

Not letting her go out like this really suffocated Wang Manfang.

"Your father is doing it for your own good."

Wang Chengyu's wife was very calm, and advised Wang Manfang, "Okay, go out with your brother."

Although Wang Manfang still complained a little, she obediently went out amidst her mother's coaxing.

And Wang Chengyu's son, 'Zhuang Zhuang' who had just entered elementary school, had just been woken up and was looking around in confusion when he was dragged out of the door by his mother.

For Zhuang Zhuang, he is quite satisfied with his current life.

To be able to play games at home every day, isn't this a great thing for a student who has just entered elementary school?
Amidst the turmoil, Wang Chengyu's family also came to the living room.

After meeting Song Luo for the first time, Wang Manfang felt that it was a little unreliable, compared to the previous five days.

protect us?

What can he protect?

Wang Manfang had this idea in her heart, but she is not stupid, if she was stupid, she would not be admitted to Gaohai University.

Although he was a little dissatisfied in his heart, he still had a smile on his face, and said to Song Luo obediently, "Hi, I'm Wang Manfang, please come all the way."

And Wang Chengyu's wife also introduced herself. His wife has an unremarkable name 'Zhao Mei'.

When it was his son's turn, Wang Chengyu loved his son very much. He hugged his son in his arms and introduced to Song Luo: "This is my son Wang Zhenyang. His nickname is Zhuang Zhuang, Zhuang Zhuang, Call Uncle quickly."

"Hello, uncle."

The child didn't understand anything, so the father said what he said, and called Song Luo uncle.

Song Luo didn't care about it like a child, and said with a smile: "Little friend, how is your study?"

"Zhuang Zhuang just won the first prize in the composition competition of the family members of our company's employees last week." Zhuang Zhuang's mother immediately said, with a sweet smile.


Song Luo gave a proper compliment.

An essay contest for the family members of company employees?
The title of the composition is "My Chairman's Father", right?
But he just kept thinking about it in his mind, and Song Luo didn't say it out loud to slap anyone in the face.

In life, you still need some emotional intelligence.

After Wang Chengyu briefly introduced his family members, Song Luo knew these people well, and would protect them in time if they encountered problems.

After that, Zhao Mei took the strong Wang Zhenyang back to the room, but Wang Manfang didn't know what kind of mentality he was holding, so he stayed in the hall and turned on the TV casually.

Seeing this, Song Luo was fine.

Protecting Wang Chengyu... It looks a bit tall, but in fact, it is enough to sit by the side, and if there is a problem, it will be solved as soon as possible.

The bored Song Luo took out his mobile phone, sat on the sofa of Wang's house, clicked on the social software, and read the news.

Seeing this, Wang Manfang, who was sitting at the other end, couldn't help feeling disdainful.

What kind of professionals, at least the first five people didn't play with their mobile phones when they came here, but this one plays with their mobile phones as soon as they sit down.

Not satisfied.

Wang Manfang was very dissatisfied with this professional surnamed Song.

Hmph, it looks like he's here to scam money, let his father deduct some money from him tomorrow!

Thinking of this in her heart, Wang Manfang suddenly noticed that Song Luo was looking at her, she froze immediately, then squeezed out a smile, and nodded kindly to Song Luo.

Seeing this, Song Luo didn't have any other thoughts. He just felt that someone was looking at him just now, so he raised his head subconsciously.

Since there was nothing to do, Song Luo opened the game casually, intending to clear the game early before it was night.

It is now 15:23, Wang Chengyu only feels like seeing a ghost at night, so Song Luo's time is very long, enough for him to clear the second half of the game.

But before the start, Song Luo shifted his position to a corner against the wall without saying a word, and without waiting for other people to ask, Song Luo said calmly: "I can observe the whole living room from here, by the way... If possible, Mr. Wang, please let your lady and Zhuang Zhuang come to the living room at night, so that I can observe."

"Okay okay."

Wang Chengyu obeyed what professionals like Song Luo said, without any rejection.

Six days ago, Wang Chengyu was actually very dissatisfied.

The expert I hired for 1 yuan an hour actually pointed at me. What do you mean? I don’t know who is the customer?
Then Wang Chengyu saw something that affected his three views.

The flames burned in his hands, and the ice burst out...Wang Chengyu had only seen this kind of scene in TV series for most of his life.

Since then, Wang Chengyu has been polite to these professionals.

Although he doesn't know what Song Luo's ability is, there is no doubt that this person is definitely not an ordinary person, and he is right!
Seeing Wang Chengyu's obedience, Song Luo sighed, "No wonder the rich have money", then opened the game, and chose the second half of "Deep Sea Invasion" without hesitation.

Quick fight!


It was night again.

Unlike Gaohai City at sunset, Hawaii is now in the early morning.

The waves were beating against the beach, surging and surging, but it was a bit angry.

Citigroup soldiers are patrolling along the coastline, and the searchlights are constantly hitting the sea, always on the lookout for sea problems.

Just today, another moth appeared around here.

Experts have detected some abnormalities in the waters of Hawaii recently. It seems that a strange monster suddenly appeared in the nearby waters and hunted and killed the nearby creatures.

The strength of this monster has exceeded the scope of normal people's comprehension. What's even more frightening is that during the day they found a large number of broken shark corpses washed up by the water on the coast.

The sharks are mako sharks and usually come in packs.

Even if a shark dies accidentally, the other companions will rush up and eat him up. It will never be like this, with a large number of broken shark corpses washing up on the shore.

The storm is coming.

Therefore, Citigroup soldiers were quickly assembled and began patrolling along the coast of Hawaii to prevent any problems.

"When will the Transcendents from other countries arrive?"

On the beach, two Transcendents from Citigroup followed a group of soldiers and were patrolling the beach here.

They chatted while looking at the ocean illuminated by searchlights, which was indistinguishable from daytime.

They looked a little lazy, but they didn't look like extraordinary people from the largest country.

"Xia Guo's plane arrives at four o'clock today, and the European one will be later."

Another transcendent yawned, and continued: "It's the Kangaroo Country... Heh, the Kangaroo Country is like that, and they can send a Transcendent to help us..."

The superhumans from Neon and Nanli have already arrived. The superhumans from Neon are okay and can go into battle. Nanli... the atmosphere is set.

As for the extraordinary in Africa?
Are you kidding me, the warlords are in a melee, there are no supernatural beings left.

The two were chatting and laughing, while the Citizen soldiers behind them were meticulous and focused on the situation on the sea.

They are not supernatural beings. Although they have weapons in their hands, they still have little confidence in themselves.

If something goes wrong, they believe that extraordinary people can escape and ascend to heaven, and they will die on the spot.

So it's not that they don't want to joke, it's that they can't.

The figure walked further and further away, gradually leaving the sea area.

The searchlights were still shining on the surface of the sea, lingering constantly on the surface of the sea.

However, amidst the staggered searchlights, a wet hand suddenly grasped the reef on the coast, and climbed hard to the shore!
There were only four fingers in that hand, and the skin was grayish green, with little scales attached to the skin. When you used force, fishbone protruded from the skin of this finger!


A low growl sounded from the shore, and a short, crooked figure climbed in from the sea. The monster had a fish-headed human body, and its eyeballs were protruding straight out. It looked like a dead fish's eye. Strong fishy smell.

After landing on the shore, this figure sometimes walked upright, sometimes climbed on all fours, and sometimes jumped forward with all his strength.

Along with the monster's landing, heads emerged from the sea, all of which were fish heads with big eyes. They were staring at the shore disheveledly, as if they were waiting for news from their companions.

They seemed to be very intelligent. When the searchlight was about to shine on them, they all dived into the water and disappeared under the light of the searchlight.


Bursts of hissing sounded slightly on the coast, and the murlocs hiding on the bottom of the sea looked at each other, one of them suddenly stretched out a short hand and waved his arms, and immediately behind him, a large number of manatees with blood-red eyes appeared towards the shore without fear. The dead charge away!

And these murloc-like monsters also continued to dive into the bottom of the sea, as if planning to observe something.

Manatees move very briskly in the sea, but after landing, their movements are very swollen, and they can't climb very far even if they try hard to climb, and they soon make a huge noise.

At the same time, the murloc who landed first had already rolled into the grass and hid in the grass, motionless, as if waiting for something.

No one knows what it is waiting for.

(End of this chapter)

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