In order to graduate from ninja school, kill Danzo at the beginning

Chapter 30 The Legend of the Uchiha Uchiha Fan

Chapter 30 The Legend of the Uchiha Uchiha Fan
On the other hand, after Tianyue returned home, she didn't say a word to her family.

Apart from eating something occasionally, I trained hard on the training ground until I was exhausted, and then lay down and fell asleep on the training ground.

This went on for three days.

It's not easy to ask at home, after all, Anbu has Anbu's regulations, and all actions and encounters cannot be passed on to the outside world.

During this period, Anbu did not have any new missions.Until the morning of the fourth day, Anbu sent someone to send a medal and a large sum of cash.

Only then did the Tian family vaguely guess that Tianyue should have participated in an important mission and made great contributions.

However, what Tian's family didn't understand was that Tianyue didn't feel happy at all after her meritorious deeds, but was still depressed.

In order to enlighten Tianyue, Tianyuan went to talk to Tianyue himself, and promised to take him to his treasury pavilion and give him a gift to relieve him.

Tianyue has always been immersed in the regret for his lack of strength, but now he has some interest in hearing the old man Tianyuan's suggestion.

After all, compared with your own exercise, the effect of ninja armor in a short period of time may be more direct.

The treasure house of the Tian family is the most important place of the Tian family, and no one can enter except the old man Tian Yuan.

Tianyue followed Tianyuan's footsteps, bypassed one trap after another, avoided one trap after another, and finally entered a small room.

The place is sealed on all sides, and apart from the heavy iron door at the door, there is no other way to enter.There are several shelves placed horizontally inside the treasure house, with various ninja equipment and protective gear placed on them.

Since old man Tianyuan, let Tianyue choose whatever he wants.

Tianyue was not in a hurry at the moment, and slowly looked at the past one by one.

On the first shelf, there are all kinds of weapons, including swords, kunai, and shurikens, even in a corner of the shelf.

Tianyue also saw a somewhat familiar piece of equipment.


Two sticks carved into fish heads are strung together by a black rope.

Seeing Tianyue standing in front of the nunchaku, Tianyuan asked curiously,

"What? Are you interested in Shuangxiya?"

Tianyue picked up Shuang Xiya, her whole body was red, and the fish scales were carved lifelike, like a red carp.

Seeing this, Tianyuan beamed and said,
"This weapon is my proud creation when I was young. Here is just one pair, and another pair is on the shelf below. If you are interested in this, I also have a set of corresponding physical scrolls here.

But, let’s be honest, this stuff isn’t that easy to learn. "

Following Tianyuan's words, Tianyue looked under the shelf.Sure enough, there was a pair of nunchucks lying there, exactly like the one he was holding.

In Tianyue's memory, this weapon should be Metkai's weapon, but now it was found here, and she didn't know how it fell into his hands.

Tianyue didn't speak, and put the double teeth back.

Off the first shelf, the second shelf is full of armor.

Tianyue already had armor, so she didn't look much, and walked directly towards the third shelf.

On this shelf are various helmets with different shapes.

Tianyue glanced at it, not showing much interest, and was about to move forward when she found something familiar.

The top of this helmet is an inverted hemisphere, and four curved armor pieces under the hemisphere are stacked to cover the entire neck.

Isn't this thing the helmet of the third Hokage?

Tianyue remembered it all at once.

However, seeing it here now, it is estimated that this thing has not yet been in the hands of the third generation, Tianyue is a little curious, how did this thing get into the hands of the third generation.

"Maybe it was delivered by me later," Tianyue laughed at herself, and continued to move forward.

On the last shelf, there are some weird-shaped things, such as gourds, bells, clocks, and other objects that Tianyue has never seen before.

Tianyue was a little curious, and was about to ask, but Tianyuan said first,

"I didn't create these things. They existed when I was qualified to enter this place, and there is no information in the clan to explain what these things are.

I don't know what these things are for, they don't absorb Chakra at all, or if my father asked me, I would have lost them long ago. "

Tianyuan seemed very dissatisfied with these inexplicable items occupying the treasure house.

Disregard these things.

However, Tianyue's eyes were attracted by a magical thing.

This thing is a circle. The size of the circle is slightly smaller than a human head. The two ends of the circle are directly in front. After rolling twice, it stands on the big circle.

"Isn't this a tightrope..."

Tianyue was speechless for a while, this treasure house is getting more and more outrageous, why does it have this thing.

Even Tianyuan didn't know the use of these weird things, and Tianyue naturally had no interest in them.As for the previous things, they are quite good, but Tianyue wants one thing more.

Tianyue turned around and asked, "Grandpa, do you have anything here that can resist ninjutsu?"

In fact, Tianyue didn't have any hope. If such a thing really existed, it would be extremely heaven-defying. Just imagine how terrible it would be in this world for a person who is completely immune to the other party's ninjutsu attacks.

When Tianyuan heard Tianyue's words, he was stunned for a moment, thought carefully for a long time, and murmured, "I know there is a material that no ninjutsu can take effect on."

"What kind of material?"

When Tianyue heard it, there really was such a thing.

"A kind of wood with circles of black veins on it, which creates a very eerie attraction."

Tianyuan seemed a little scared when talking about this material.
"If you get a chance to see it, you'll know it.

My father once got a piece of this wood from Uchiha Madara... By the way, do you know Uchiha Madara? "

When Tianyuan mentioned Uchiha Madara, he obviously paused and looked at Tianyue and asked.

Uchiha Madara?

Of course Tianyue knows.

But in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Tianyue still shook her head.

Seeing that Tianyue didn't know, Tianyuan interjected,
"Uchiha Madara's story can't be finished in three days and three nights, as long as you know that he is a very powerful ninja.

Let's move on to the material.

My father made Uchiha Madara a Uchiha Uchiha fan at his request.This round fan can not only absorb the enemy's ninjutsu attack, but also convert the absorbed attack into chakra, turning it into a hurricane to counter the enemy.

Since Uchiha Madara got this fan, his strength has become even stronger.The round fan has also become a symbol of the Uchiha clan for generations. "

Tianyuan's words are getting more and more amazing.

However, in Tianyue's memory, there is the appearance of this fan. It is true that this fan can absorb ninjutsu and bounce back, which is extremely powerful.

But I didn't expect that this fan was actually made by my ancestor.

Its material is actually a kind of wood...

Seeing that Tianyuan finished speaking, Tianyue asked again,
"So where can I find this kind of wood?"

(End of this chapter)

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