Lord of Yin Talisman

Chapter 113 Processing Results

Chapter 113 Processing Results
After Lin Siyuan left the secret realm, he immediately chose to report to the sect and opened the costly means of communication.

Under normal circumstances, the transmission of intelligence messages would at best use flying swords, and it would take time to transmit messages in between.

And Lin Siyuan almost used the equivalent of real-time communication this time, a magic circle specially used to transmit key intelligence information.

After the magic circle is turned on, it is equivalent to a video conversation between people on both sides. The reason why this magic circle is not used usually.

This is because it costs a lot of money. Just one minute of phone call can burn 1 spiritual stones.

Unless it is critical information, most people dare not pass it on easily, otherwise a foundation cultivator's net worth will be burned in just a few minutes.

In fact, no one has used this magic circle for more than twenty years.

Lin Siyuan reported it immediately and connected to Tianluo Road. Naturally, there were people on duty at the mountain gate of Tianluo Road, just to prevent this from happening and any emergencies.

Lin Siyuan explained clearly about the secret realm.

But when Lin Siyuan just talked about the secret realm, he was immediately interrupted by the opposite party, who seriously asked to explain in detail.

Lin Siyuan told everything he knew without missing a single detail.

But in the end, the person who appeared in Lin Siyuan's video conversation had been quietly replaced by a Jindan real person.

After Lin Siyuan finished all the information, Jindan Zhenren explained the situation and sent someone over immediately.

Lin Siyuan spent the rest of his time sitting quietly, waiting for someone from the sect to come.

It took Lin Siyuan nearly a month to travel from Tianluodao to Yongcheng by flying boat. I don't know how long it will take for the people from the sect.

Lin Siyuan was meditating in Qingyuanguan, and Xin Laosan was obediently sitting beside him.

He was forced by Lin Siyuan to make a Taoist oath, had to reveal information related to the secret realm, and was taken to Qingyuan to watch.

Even when Lin Siyuan was in contact with people just now, he sat quietly in the next room. In Lin Siyuan's words, once he detected a change in his breath.

He planned to leave quietly, but Lin Siyuan gave him a sword directly, threatening directly, it is best not to reveal the secret realm, once such things go wrong, it is easy to attract prying eyes.

In the end, Lin Siyuan sat carelessly beside Xin Laosan. It stands to reason that Lin Siyuan's cultivation in the early stage of foundation establishment should not make Xin Laosan so nervous.

But when Xin Laosan saw Lin Siyuan easily kill the Elder Wang who was in the late stage of foundation building.

Step by step, he killed Mo Wuji, who couldn't be defeated even by himself and Bai Yuan.

Lin Siyuan's danger level in Xin Laosan's heart has been raised to an extremely high level, even going beyond the category of Foundation Establishment Cultivator.

Lin Siyuan didn't think too much about it, the main thing was that everything was within the plan, just report the secret realm to the sect, and don't let Lao San Xin run around.

In fact, everything else is fine, including the Xuanyin Hualing Pill, which can increase the chance of success when entering the Tribulation Golden Pill during the Foundation Establishment Stage by two layers.

But now there is only the early stage of foundation establishment, not to mention advanced Jindan, even the late stage of foundation establishment is far behind, the need for this is far from that urgent.

What's more, in front of this thing, Xuanyin Hualing Pill is somewhat bleak.

Lin Siyuan quietly played with a jade slip, an ordinary jade slip, but the information recorded in it was a little shocking.

A clue to the solution of the Tianshu talisman.

Although it is just a relevant clue, it is also so fascinating. Without this thing, Lin Siyuan might not agree to go to the secret realm.

Even if Liu Chuanfei, the deputy head of the third hall of the Blood Demon Sect, finds out the relics of the Nine Miao Sect, he will most likely not be interested in it. After all, the clues in the secret realm are useless to him except for the solution of the Tianshu talisman.

Even if Xuanyin Hualing Pill, at most it can be replaced with a little bit of Lingshi.Then Mo Wuji might not go, and Elder Wang might not know this information.

Lin Siyuan will not go to the secret realm, Elder Wang will not die, Mo Wuji will not die, Tan Chi will not die, Bai Yuan will not...

Well, Bai Yuan should definitely die, at most, he would die at the hands of Mo Wuji and become at the hands of Tan Chi.

The sword cultivator in the later stage of foundation establishment, who has mastered the differentiation of sword energy, thunder sound and sword light, theoretically tied the other six people together. Even if there are Yu brothers, Tan Chi has a better chance of winning in the end.

You must know that even Golden Core Sword Cultivator may not be able to easily master one of them.

Naturally, Lin Siyuan didn't think of this, but he was a little irritable. Although logically pushed back and forth, he chose a decision that should allow him to gain the most and the safest.

But it will still bring some changes to me, such as the situation in Yongcheng, can I stay in Yongcheng safely in the future.

The talisman store I just opened has not even made back the cost. I plan on a five-year cycle, and I will just change hands before leaving.

Lin Siyuan thought this way, several hours later, at dusk, a wave or even several powerful spiritual pressure spread to the whole city of Yong.

The unreasonable consciousness swept across Yongcheng.

Lin Siyuan felt cold all over his body, and was swept back and forth several times, not just once.

Lin Siyuan didn't care about these things, he went out of the Qingyuan Temple and looked up. With his spiritual sense detection, a huge flying boat was suspended and docked above Yongcheng.

This is the real flying boat, like a battleship in the air, compared with the one Lin Siyuan was riding on before, it is the difference between a mouse and an elephant.

Whether it is size or momentum, nothing can be surpassed.

The most important thing is the spiritual pressure of those monks. The others are relatively normal, but it is not that Lin Siyuan has never seen the golden core spiritual pressure.

But the old man with a mustache at the front had a majestic look and aura of aura on his body.

Lin Siyuan's spiritual consciousness spread over and couldn't help dispelling it automatically.

The Jindan Daoist next to him was inconspicuous next to this old man, just like a small sapling next to the big tree in the sky.

The old man seemed to be looking for something, and kept moving his eyes in the void.

Suddenly stopped for a moment.

Said flatly, "So it's here, it's hidden deep enough."

Holding his right hand empty, the spiritual energy rushed towards him automatically, but when the spiritual energy rushed into the void, there was no response.

What should have been or what should have been, a little embarrassing.

This old man, who should be Yuanying Zhenjun, looked at this scene that hadn't changed at all.

He sighed slightly.

Lin Siyuan wanted to tell this old man who should be called the Patriarch that the secret realm can only be opened on the full moon with the help of the moonlight and the key.

I learned this from Bai Yuan.

Even Mo Wuji had to wait until the full moon and use the power of the moonlight to open it, but the experience when entering the secret realm was far less friendly than Bai Yuan.

Elder Wang, who was physically aging, vomited for a while, even though Mo Wuji's face was pale.

But this old man, who should be Yuanying Zhenjun, was observing carefully, and a careful look flashed in his eyes.

Keep counting with your hands.

Looking at the void, whether Lin Siyuan looked at it with the naked eye or scanned it with his consciousness, he couldn't detect any movement, it was just ordinary air.

It's just that the concentration of aura is a little stronger because of this old man in the Nascent Soul stage.

"So that's it, the night of the full moon, I understand."

The old man's eyes lit up and said.

The seemingly honest and honest middle-aged Jindan Master next to him actually wanted to tell Lin Siyuan that he had told Lin Siyuan about this a long time ago, but he couldn't stop this uncle.

"Then let the sky change it." The old man of Yuanying Zhenjun said lightly.

After Lin Siyuan heard this sentence, the corner of his mouth twitched, you were driven by your family that day, so you can change it if you want.

But in the next moment, a bit of ink quietly appeared in the corner of the sky, and then quickly expanded to cover the white clouds and even the sun in the sky.

A little bit of starlight appeared quietly, and a pale yellow full moon hung high in the sky.

The sun and the stars appear in the daytime, and the sun and the moon change.

Lin Siyuan and all the monks in Yongcheng saw this scene and stood up.

No matter whether you are sitting or not, or you are standing, it is worth standing at this moment.

The president of the Black Xuanhui, the old man in the late stage of foundation establishment, couldn't help trembling, and couldn't help showing a look of fear when he looked at the sky.

This is Tianluo Dao, is this Yuanying Zhenjun?

Who would send Yuanying Zhenjun to Yongcheng except Tianluodao, so blatantly.

Is this the real supernatural power?

All the foundation building monks and qi training monks couldn't help but fell silent when they saw this scene. This kind of method is truly a great supernatural power.

Is this Yuanying Zhenjun?
Including the seemingly simple and honest middle-aged Jindan Daoist who wanted to dissuade Zhenjun Yuanying just now, he also kept his mouth shut.

So powerful, a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

Is this the Nascent Soul True Monarch, whether it is Jindan, foundation building, or Qi training, he is silent at this moment.

When it should be dusk, when the sun sets, it is night in an instant.

After doing this, the old man, who was the True Monarch of Nascent Soul, also showed a rare hint of tiredness on his face.

Although it is only to change the celestial phenomena near Yongcheng, it consumes a lot of mana, energy, and even spiritual consciousness.

The old man clasped his right hand again, to attract the moonlight, strands of golden moonlight were attracted.

Then a door was opened in the void where there was nothing.

Later, he looked weird.

"Is it only during the foundation building period?"

This is what Lin Siyuan said in advance, but the old man of Yuanying Zhenjun obviously didn't know.

Of course, Jindan Daoist next to him didn't dare to remind him.

"Nine Wonderful Sects, amazing workmanship, really great supernatural powers." The old man felt this secret realm carefully, and couldn't help but praise.

Hidden in the void, without the corresponding key, it is impossible to enter.

Even a Nascent Soul True Monarch like him, if he is not careful enough and does not have a good understanding of the way of space, he will not be able to find it at all.

In fact, Yuanying Zhenjun has the ability similar to teleportation, and it is not unusual to make shots across thousands of miles.

In fact, the old man can also come alone, and within a few minutes, he is within the territory of Tianluo Dao. For Yuanying Zhenjun, the distance is really not a problem.

But if there is a flying boat, you don't sit on it, and run over here by yourself, aren't you stupid?

So I took a flying boat and came over.

It happened to bring a few juniors of the Golden Core stage by the way. If this secret realm cannot be taken away, there must be a Golden Core realm here for a long time.

Swear the sovereignty of the secret realm.

From today onwards, the days when Tianluo Dao didn't care about Yongcheng and just sent a guardian envoy as a matter of routine is over, Jindan Daoist sits in charge.

All kinds of additional monks must hold Yongcheng in their hands.

From this point of view, Lin Siyuan's deduction is correct, no matter what the outcome is, Lin Siyuan will not be able to live a clean life in Yongcheng alone.

Tianluodao will never allow Yongcheng to be a mixed bag of fish and dragons, with three legs standing on top of each other, and Lixiu everywhere.

From now on, there is only one voice in Yongcheng, and that is the voice of Tianluo Dao.

Tianluodao has the ability to control any place in its own territory, but it is impossible to control all places at the same time.

Originally, Yongcheng had no special resources because of its geographical location at the junction of the three sects.

Tian Luo Dao has always been in a state of indifference, and he really doesn't like it, even the local forces are shameless, and he can't even find a golden elixir.

If you are lazy, it is enough to send a guardian envoy. As long as you don't make too much noise and let the guardians die accidentally one after another, Tian Luodao will be lazy to let Jindan Daoist go.

It's like colonization. You have to go to a place where you can earn money. If you have no money and the poor will die [no resources], you send people there. That's not colonization, it's called poverty alleviation.

Originally, Yongcheng was just an ordinary place in the eyes of Tianluodao. Apart from its special geographical location, it didn't even have any decent resources.

There are no spiritual stone mines, spiritual plants or anything else.

But now a secret place has been discovered in Yongcheng. Under what circumstances, Africa has turned into the Middle East, and oil has been dug out here.

It is very necessary to send a few Jindan real people to guard.

When Zhenjun Yuanying came over, it was just a deterrent, to prove that this is the territory of Tianluodao.

By the way, I wanted to see if I could find a way to move this secret place, but in the end, unfortunately, I couldn't move it.


The old man, who is the True Monarch of Nascent Soul, said with a hint of regret that a secret realm can completely increase the sect's heritage.

After the trial play, I went back, and I went back by myself in a flying boat. Although I can fly away quickly, but if I can sit still, who wants to run back with effort.

Only a group of hard-working Jindan Daoist were left behind.Lin Siyuan didn't even have time to say a word, maybe Lin Siyuan didn't exist in his impression.

There were a total of five Jindan real people, although they were not as shocking as the Yuanying Zhenjun just now, but there were not so many Jindan real people in Yongcheng City before.

Lin Siyuan hurried over.There's no way, my reward hasn't been given to that one yet, Tian Luo Dao is such a big sect, it won't be reckless.

Lin Siyuan stepped forward and respectfully called Uncle Shi, but he didn't know which one to call.

Then he brought the five Jindan real people back to Qingyuan Temple.

The foothold of Tianluo Dao in Yongcheng.

There are three sword cultivators, one body cultivator, and one talisman cultivator.

Fu Xiu was a tall and thin middle-aged monk in the early stage of Jindan, which Lin Siyuan had never seen before.

But after he knew that Lin Siyuan belonged to Futang, his expression softened a lot.

The middle-aged Jindan Daoist who seemed to have a somewhat simple and honest face entered the Qingyuan Temple and sat in the main seat unceremoniously.

His cultivation base is also the highest.

After drinking a bowl of spiritual tea, he began to announce the rewards for Lin Siyuan.

Although the time is short, the initial rewards for Lin Siyuan have been decided, and there will be more in the future.

Lin Siyuan listened slowly, there were quite a lot of things.

Lin Siyuan remained calm, it's okay, it's not special, at least for the Foundation Establishment monks, it's a huge sum of money that they can't imagine.

Even for Jindan Zhenren, it is an enviable figure, although it is just like that in front of the secret realm.

(End of this chapter)

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