Chapter 94 Discussion

Also increased by [-]%?
How did you come up with this data!
Principal Niu really wanted to ask this question, but considering that Cheng Long had just lost Liu Yin, he couldn't be too harsh.

After hesitating for a while, Principal Niu said: "Cheng Long, I haven't met Fang Han, but I asked someone to inquire about his family's social environment.

In Fang Han's family, his parents' jobs are not very good, and they don't have much money every month.

And there are three children in his family, the eldest brother Fang Han, the second eldest Fang Ping, and the younger sister Fang Yuan.

I don't know what happened to Fang Yuan, but Fang Ping's Qi and blood strength was 163 during the martial arts physical examination.

From this point of view, although Fang Han and his family have never produced martial artists before, their genes for practicing martial arts are not bad. "

When Principal Niu said this, he saw Cheng Long nodding his head, looking thoughtful.

Satisfied, he continued: "This Fang Han, with his genius, if there are no accidents in the future, he will probably be able to reach the realm of a master.

But we can't treat him as a flower in a greenhouse, we must give him enough experience.

In my opinion, in the early stage, when he was still a low-level warrior, he should practice more fighting methods, and then participate in some black boxing competitions.

When he is at the second and third ranks, he will do some tasks to capture the cult warriors, see the blood, fight those outlaws, and experience the cruelty and strong hearts of some warriors.

When he reached the middle and high level of the third rank, he had to go down to the burrow to practice.

But we also have to pay attention to his safety, after all, because of the Tiannan Catacombs, some cult organizations are still very rampant.

I said so much, do you understand? "

He meant that Fang Han was a rare genius.

Exercise will be indispensable in the future, and his genius level must be on the blacklist of the cult organization.

Going out to exercise must be assassinated by a cult.

So Fang Han's mentor, that is, a mentor, has to take on the responsibility of a bodyguard.

He felt that the fifth-rank fighters might not be enough, at least a sixth-rank warrior should be found.

And Cheng Long.

Don't hang around here if you are a fourth-rank, where to go.

Cheng Long thought for a while, then suddenly stood up and said, "Principal, I understand your painstaking efforts.

I know that my current design, Fang Han's training plan still has some flaws, and it lacks actual combat content.

I will go back to study this part and find some tutors to make reasonable arrangements.

Then come to you with a new plan! "

After Cheng Long finished speaking, he happily took the teaching materials and left the principal's office.

Principal Niu looked confused afterwards.

After talking for a long time, you understand this?
"Forget it, just do what you want, if you can't fight, put you together with other sixth-rank warriors, and let Fang Han choose by himself.

In this way, if he chooses you, I will eat this desk on the spot! "

Principal Niu shook his head behind him.

At this time, in Tiannan Wuda Martial Arts Club.

Liu Bing and Xuan Jiye managed to process the information at hand.

The solution they finally came up with was to cut some benefits for new students.

Then he managed to find a way to get some sponsorship from Governor Tiannan.

In this way, the financial hole of Tiannan Wuda was blocked.

"The matter is settled, Liu Bing, I want to find a way to go to the Catacomb after school starts."

Xuan Jiye put away the report at hand, and said to Liu Bing beside him.

When Liu Bing heard this, the pen in his hand trembled.

A warrior going down to the burrow is a life-or-death adventure.

But it won't work if you don't go down to the burrow.

In that way, warriors will not be able to get enough resources to improve their martial arts strength.

Based on what she knew about Xuan Jiye's character.

As long as he made up his mind, he would definitely go.

However, Liu Bing still wanted to persuade, "President, now Tiannan Wu Dazhong, except for you, no one can be the president of the Martial Arts Club anymore.

If something unexpected happens to you in the Catacombs, there will probably be no one in the Martial Arts Club to manage it.

And if Tiannan Wuda does not have a leading figure, it will only gradually decline. "

Xuan Jiye nodded when he heard this.

But he had already made up his mind and would not change it.

Said: "I know Tiannan Wuda is indeed in a very dangerous situation, but it won't collapse just because I'm missing.

If the principal is still there, the resource allocation of Tiannan Wuda is indispensable.

The Tiannan Catacombs are still there, so there will always be one or two people who are eye-catching in Tiannanwu Dazhong, when the waves wash the sand.

It's not like I can't do without me. "

Hearing this, Liu Bing sighed and said, "Then I will go with you."

Xuan Jiye shook his head, "No need, you are only at the beginning of the third rank, it is too dangerous to enter the burrow, and don't worry, I will pay attention to safety when I go down this time, and find a relatively peaceful burrow, and I won't go to that kind of cave from the beginning. It is a very dangerous cave with constant wars."

At this time, a person came outside the door.

It was Wang Ting who packed up his things.

As soon as he walked outside the door, he heard Xuan Jiye say that he wanted to go down to the burrow.

Immediately pushed the door open and came in, "President, if you want to go down to the Catacombs, then I plan to go to the Catacombs of the Demon City in a while, so let's go together!"

When Liu Bing heard this, he frowned and said, "Wang Ting, what are you talking about.

Modu Catacombs are so dangerous, and the situation is even more tense than Tiannan Catacombs. If the president wants to go, he will also go to Kyoto Catacombs, not Modu.

If you want to go, go by yourself. "

She didn't want Xuan Jiye to follow Wang Ting to the Catacombs of the Demon City as soon as his head became hot.

That's just too dangerous.

"When a man talks, why should a woman interrupt?" Wang Ting picked out his ears, his face full of indifference.

Seeing that Liu Bing seemed about to lose his temper, Wang Ting immediately showed interest.

"You want to hit me? Right now, come on, let's compete in the ring.

I am still at the beginning of the third rank now, but I will reach the middle of the third rank in a few days. By then, don't blame me for bullying you! "

While Wang Ting was speaking, he pushed open the door of the Martial Arts Club.

Seeing this, Liu Bing kept a cold face and said nothing.

This Wang Ting is hob meat, Wu Chi.

In his eyes, all men and women are imaginary.

Only recognize the level of martial arts.

If Liu Bing really dares to go to the ring with him.

It is estimated that a severe beating will be inevitable.

Seeing this, Xuan Jiye quickly came up to stop him and said, "Okay, okay, don't say a few words, I am the president of Tiannanwu Dawu Dao, and I will not put myself in danger, so I will follow you to the Catacombs of the Devil's Capital.

I have decided that if I want to go, I will go to Kyoto and stop making trouble. "

After hearing this, Liu Bing calmed down.

Seeing this, Wang Ting showed a bored expression.

"You guys are so boring, not even a freshman is interesting."

When Xuan Jiye heard this, he showed some interest and asked, "You mean freshman, who is it?"

"Who else could it be, Fang Han.

I met him on the road just now, and he also knows the situation of Tiannan Catacombs, so he came to Tiannan on purpose! "

When Wang Ting mentioned this, he immediately beamed with joy.

 I woke up today with diarrhea and stomach discomfort. I don’t know what happened.

  There may only be two chapters to be updated, and the next chapter may be updated later.

  I'll see if I can recover tomorrow.

  It's hard right now, feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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