Chapter 70 Report

Fang Han: "Yes, what's the matter?"

Wang Bochang: "I have found out some things about my cult, and now there is a big plan in the cult, it seems to be a plan to attack college entrance examination candidates.

I want to be a part of it, and if the plan works out well, then I might be able to climb to a high position and take a place in the cult soon. "

Fang Han: "This matter can be considered, but you should also pay attention. The college entrance examination must be the top priority. There may be warriors on the scene to maintain order. If you personally participate in it, there is a chance that you will be discovered, and you may also be arrested. Killed on the spot.

According to the information I found here, this society has a very low tolerance for cults. Generally, cult members can be sentenced if they are caught. If you are caught and sentenced, then this reincarnation mission will be useless at all. "

Wang Bochang knew his teammates were worried about him.

He responded: "Don't worry, if I want to participate in it, I will definitely pay attention to my own safety. I have tried these cultists and they are all very fanatical. When the time comes, I will let them rush to the front and I will paddle behind.

And we have a missionary here, who is the leader of our cultists. After I find a way to kill her, and then integrate these cultists, I can gain some status soon. "

Fang Han: "It's good that you have a plan. By the way, is your current location safe? Don't have an accident before the mission starts."

Wang Bochang: "Don't worry, I've checked the neighborhood, and our place is a warehouse area.

There is a small river nearby, and there are very few people. Only people from some nearby villas come here for a walk, but they will not go near here.

If there is any danger, I just jump into the water and swim away, no one can catch me. "

Fang Han: "Then I don't worry. In short, you should be careful. In fact, in the cult, although you may gain great benefits in the end, it may also be very dangerous.

Also, if I get any information, I will let you know in advance. "

Wang Bochang: "I see."

Wang Bochang ended the information exchange this time. He thought that Fang Han might be a good person and very capable.

After his task is completed this time, maybe we can get in touch with him more.

He thought of Jiang Han from the previous world.

Both of them are called Han, and they are both very capable, but they have different surnames.

It's a pity that the gap between the two is so big?

On the other side, after Jiang Han closed the chat room, he opened the search software on his phone, and began to investigate all the warehouse areas in Yangcheng, especially the ones with small rivers nearby.

But after searching for a while, I couldn't find any clues.

Seeing this, Fang Ping came up and asked, "What are you looking for?"

He had just drawn up a study plan, but he didn't know if he would have time to finish it.

Hearing this, Jiang Han handed the phone to Fang Ping, and said, "Help me find out where there is in Yangcheng. It is a warehouse area. There are villas nearby and a small river. The place is remote."

"What's the use of looking for this?" Fang Ping asked curiously.

"I remembered one thing. Before I was reborn, I read the newspaper and found that the Yangcheng police had investigated a cult organization's den, but I can't remember the exact location. I probably remember that it was a warehouse area. There was a small river and villas nearby, and the location was quite remote. .” Jiang Han said.

After finishing speaking, he saw that Fang Ping didn't seem to be very active, so he continued: "Reporting the cult's dens seems to be rewarded by the authorities, about tens of thousands of dollars."

Fang Ping thought it was quite boring at first, but when he heard Jiang Han's words, his whole body suddenly became energetic.

He immediately combined the memories in his brain and searched with Jiang Han's mobile phone.

In the past ten minutes or so, he found the place: "I found it, is it in the Nanhu District, it is newly developed, but there are still very few people living there.

There is also a warehouse area here, there is a blue lake river here, and there is also a villa area nearby. "

Jiang Han took the phone, looked at it for a while and nodded, "It should be this place. Tomorrow, the two of us will find a way to report them!"

Fang Ping nodded when he heard this.

He is short of money right now.

Jiang Han checked the time again and found that it was already ten o'clock.

"It's already ten o'clock, go to bed early, I'll hypnotize you!" He said to Fang Ping.

He just wanted to try the effect of hypnosis in this world.

"Hypnosis?" Fang Ping was a little puzzled.

Jiang Han explained: "Hypnosis is an ability I researched before I was reborn. It can use mental power to influence other people's minds and achieve many effects.

I can hypnotize you right now and make you sleep better. "

"That's fine!" Fang Ping didn't pay much attention when he heard this.

I just feel that compared with ordinary hypnosis, there is one more step of mental power.

As a result, when he was lying on the bed, within a few seconds, he felt his eyelids getting heavier and heavier, and fell into a deep sleep in an instant.

'Hypnotizing people in this world is actually easier than hypnotizing people in the real world, the number one world in the world! '

Jiang Han discovered this feature.

'It may be that people in this world all have the characteristic of spiritual power, so it is easier for me to hypnotize them. '

Jiang Han had discovered before at No. [-] under heaven that his hypnotic ability was not as terrifying as that of the Galaxy Emperor under heaven.

The hypnotist in Galaxy Emperor can hypnotize everyone in a city at any time, turning them into his own thugs.

But Jiang Han couldn't do it in No. [-] Under Heaven Middle School. Although his spiritual power could radiate to a city, he couldn't hypnotize all of them with a single thought.

It has to be done more finely.

Jiang Han had experimented with hypnotic effects, so with a thought, he immediately hypnotized everyone in the vicinity.

Then he came to the yard and saw that the moon in the sky was already up.

'You can try to see if you can absorb the essence of the sun and moon in this world. '

Jiang Han sat upright, closed his eyes and meditated.

He has now recovered to the realm of the holy fetus, which he recovered two days before entering the reincarnation world.

The recovery speed was very fast, exceeding his expectations.

Now he can use his mental power to absorb external energy to condense the holy fetus.

He had tried No. [-] in the world before, without success.

Now he wants to try again.

The sun and the moon in the global high martial arts world are different from the number one in the world.

The world's most powerful sun is the projection of Xianyuan.

The sky full of stars in the sky is also the projection of the original stars.

So these things will emit some energy.

What Jiang Han wants to do is to absorb these energies and see if he can synthesize the Sun Moon Essence.

After a while, I felt a trace of coldness enter my body.

He has indeed absorbed energy, but this energy cannot be called the essence of the sun and the moon, it is just ordinary energy.

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(End of this chapter)

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