Chapter 64 Summary
In the future, I plan to write a summary after the end of each volume, to see if I can improve my writing skills, and to communicate with readers some doubts in each volume.

The first volume is No. [-] in the world. When I wrote it, I thought about writing it from two aspects.

The first direction is the interaction between the protagonist and the reincarnator. What I think is that the protagonist cheats the reincarnator, but the reincarnator also wants to thank the protagonist and create a funny effect.

But now that I write it out, I feel that the writing is not very good, and I feel that it has not achieved the effect I expected.

In this regard, I have come up with a reason. It may be that the characters of the reincarnation are not full enough.

Therefore, I thought about the gap in reality between the first reincarnation and the second reincarnation, and spent some pen and ink to describe the next reincarnation, the reincarnation to be written.

In this way, the next time you enter the reincarnation world, the characters will be fuller. Once you enter, you will know what kind of person the protagonist's teammates are.

The second direction is the interaction between the protagonist and the characters in the reincarnation world. In this regard, I feel that the first volume did not handle it well.

In this regard, I think the next volume may have a little more experience.

Next, I will answer some doubts that readers may have in the first volume.

The first is why the protagonist chooses Bajiquan instead of Yangshen martial arts.

This is related to a setting issue of the novel, that is, the blood of the reincarnated person.

Doesn't it feel quite sudden? Why is it that we are talking about skills but then it turns to bloodline? I want to explain in detail here.

The main world, that is, the world where reincarnations are located, I set up a completely scientific world, which can be understood in this way. If there is no reincarnation space, then there will be no supernatural power in the real world.

Therefore, a problem arises, that is, in the body of the reincarnated person, there may be no special 'organs' that should appear in human beings in other worlds.

This kind of organ may be the eight extraordinary meridians for cultivating internal power, or it may be the magic circuit for practicing magic.

In short, without these special organs, if the reincarnator is given a martial arts or a magic skill, it is impossible for the reincarnated person to learn these things.

So how do reincarnators learn martial arts from other worlds?

My setting here is that when the reincarnation strengthens an ability, the reincarnation space will strengthen the special physique of the human beings in that world to the reincarnation.

This setting, the protagonist Jiang Han had already thought of it when he chose to strengthen it.

Of course, maybe I wrote it secretly at the beginning and readers didn't notice it. Now I have revised Chapter 2 and included this part of the information, so subsequent readers can see it directly.

Then go back to the multiple-choice questions about Yangshen and Dragon Snake Romance.

The world of Yangshen can finally cultivate to the realm of the other side, which is the pinnacle, but there is also Emperor Xinghe in the sequel of Romance of the Dragon and Snake.

It can be said that the earth in Romance of Dragon and Snake is actually the earth in Galaxy Emperor, there is no difference between the two.

Therefore, in Romance of the Dragon and Snake, the bloodlines of the people on Earth are actually the bloodlines of the people in the Ten Thousand Worlds in the Star River Emperor.

Comparing these two bloodlines together, did you find that the benefits of choosing Dragon Snake Romance are far greater than choosing Yangshen.

In fact, this is also a cheat I opened for the protagonist in the early stage, using the foresight.

The next question is about Shenhou's final despair.

Some readers think that Shenhou did not despair in the end.

When I was writing the volume of No. [-] in the World, I also searched for resources on the Internet to read No. [-] in the World. At the same time, I browsed the post bar forum, and then wrote it based on my own understanding.

Then the answer to this question lies in what kind of person Zhu Wushi is and what kind of love he has for Su Xin.

In fact, if readers have read No. [-] Under Heaven, then Zhu Wushi's image in readers' minds is probably a traitor. At the same time, he loves Su Xin deeply and is willing to die for Su Xin.

My understanding is actually the same, and at the same time, it goes deeper.

That is, what Zhu ignores is actually a strong possessive desire for Su Xin.

This starts with Zhu Wushi's character.

Zhu ignored the two things he was most obsessed with in his life, one was Su Xin and the other was the throne.

Why is he so obsessed with these two things, because both of them are what he desires but cannot have.

Regarding the issue of the throne, he is a concubine, so even if his martial arts are world-class, he will not be able to be the emperor.

Su Xin, he even almost got it, but lost it again.

In the original book, the first emperor was very opposed to Zhu ignoring marrying Su Xin at first, and everyone knew the reason, but until the news that Gu Santong killed more than 100 masters of the Eight Great Sects in Taihu Lake reached the capital, the first emperor's attitude softened.

He ignored Zhu and said that if he can arrest Gu Santong, then he can consider his marriage with Su Xin.

This was the closest Zhu Wuwu got to Su Xin.

But the result is that although he caught Gu Santong, Su Xin was also involved in their battle and was on the verge of death.

It is naturally impossible for such a person to let Zhu ignore marrying her.

So Zhu ignored losing Suxin again.

As for the throne, Zhu ignored it but could not get it. As for Su Xin, he lost it after gaining it.

Because Zhu Wushi's character is to have a strong desire to possess what he can't get.

Therefore, he attaches great importance to these two things and is very eager to get them.

In the original work, he uses a dream to describe Su Xin. In fact, this dream should be that he becomes the emperor, and then makes Su Xin the queen, and obtains these two things that he is least likely to obtain in an honest and open manner.

There is one other thing in the original book that he can't get, and that is the indestructible magic of King Kong.

As for Vajra Immortality, it is impossible for him to master it in his non-child body, so the way he comforts himself is that his energy-absorbing method is stronger than Vajra Indestructibility.

Because the Vajra Immortality can only be used five times, so in the original book, he saw Cheng Shifei use the Vajra Indestructibility for the sixth time, and felt very incredible.

At that time, he did not avoid Cheng Shifei's Vajra Invincible Magical Art, but instead relied on his behind-the-scenes skills to confront Cheng Shifei head-on, and defeated the Vajra Indestructible Magical Art head-on. Dafa is the strongest, surpassing the indestructible magic of Vajra.

The topic returns to Su Xin and the throne.

So Zhu ignores the love for Suxin, which is actually a kind of possessive desire. He longs for Suxin, not for Suxin's happiness.

Therefore, my design was that when Zhu Wuli was about to die, Su Xin appeared, and he loved Su Xin very much, so he had to hand her the last heavenly fragrant cardamom in his hand.

In this way, although Su Xin survived, he lost Su Xin and the throne again.

For him, this is true despair.

As for why Zhu Wushi didn't destroy Tianxiang Cardamom and let Su Xin die with him.

I can explain this as Zhu ignores and has no self-knowledge. What people lack most is self-knowledge.

Zhu Wushi only knows that he loves Suxin, but he doesn't know that his love for Suxin is a possessive love, not a love that wants Suxin to live happily and longs for her to live a better life.

So he gave out the last Tianxiang cardamom, and he was in despair.

Of course, the interpretation of Zhu Wushi here is the author's subjective Zhu Wushi. No one knows who the real Zhu Wushi is.

When I wrote about Zhu ignoring despair, it was actually an open ending.

If readers cannot accept this kind of Zhu Wushi, then it can be understood that the protagonist is hypnotized by the protagonist at the last moment of Zhu Wushi's life and falls into despair.

After all, in the article, I did not describe how desperate Zhu Wuli was.

This is the end of the summary of Volume 2. Tomorrow this book will enter Chapter [-], the global high martial arts. Don’t worry if you haven’t read the global high martial arts. The author will write easy to understand. Whether you have read it or not, you should be able to read it Cool.

In addition, I saw that some readers complained about the same thing about teammate rewards.

Because the second volume has been written for almost one-third, there is no way to change it for the time being.

I will address this issue before the third volume begins.

This setting in the early stage is mainly to increase the degree of cooperation between the reincarnation and the protagonist.

Because if the rewards for completing the task are different, the reincarnation will inevitably intrigue, which is not suitable for the protagonist's early development.

This setting also increases the survival rate of the reincarnation.

It can be regarded as a benefit for novices in the reincarnation space.

Waiting until the third volume will change this situation.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and further reading. Those who recommend it will enjoy eternal blessings, and those who follow it will enjoy a long life.

(End of this chapter)

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