Beauty Man: All Heavens and Immortals

Chapter 248 The Psychological Shadow Area of ​​the Villains

Chapter 248 The Psychological Shadow Area of ​​the Villains
Xandar star.

"Dear Dark Knight, thank you for your selfless help, which saved my Chadar people from a catastrophe."

The female commander of the Nova Corps greeted them personally, and let Owen and others into the Nova Corps headquarters.

"It's nothing, this is what it should be, our Night Guardian Alliance has always been committed to the peace of the earth and the universe, and this is our duty."

Owen laughed.

"The name of the Earth Night Guardian Alliance, we are also very famous."

The female commander echoed with a smile, but glanced at the omnipotent warhammer in Owen's hand, and looked at the power gem with purple light inlaid on it, and the color of fear disappeared in a flash.

"I don't know what Mr. Dark Knight is going to do with this power gem?"

"Madam Commander, do you have any good advice?"

Owen held the Almighty Warhammer in front of his eyes, looked it over, and then asked with a half-smile.

"If possible, we hope that Mr. Dark Knight can seal up the Power Gem, otherwise it would be too dangerous to put it outside."

The female commander pondered.

"It's not impossible."

Owen said noncommittally.

"Mr. Dark Knight, please ask for anything."

The female commander was overjoyed.


Just as Xingjue was about to speak, Gamora covered his mouth next to him.

"If it's money, everything is easy to talk about. Please ask Mr. Dark Knight to make an offer."

The female commander laughed.

"No, talking about money is too vulgar."

Owen waved his hand and said: "I just hope that your country can help spread the prestige of our Night Guardian Alliance. In the future, Star Lord and the others will serve as a branch of the Night Guardian Alliance, and the Guardians of the Galaxy will protect the peace of the universe for our Night Guardian Alliance."

"this one?"

The female commander was startled, and looked at Owen in disbelief, with a trace of sincere admiration in her eyes for an instant, this kind of character is really rare.

"Of course, there are also the elimination of Xingjue's criminal record and helping them repair the damaged spaceship. These shouldn't be a problem, right?"

Owen laughed.

"Of course not a problem."

The female commander nodded repeatedly.

"Very good, Star Lord, the Cosmic Spirit Ball."

Owen greeted Star-Lord.


Xingjue took out the cosmic spirit ball from his arms with some reluctance, and handed it to Owen.

Owen smiled slightly, and with a thought, the sword flew out from between his brows, and the sword slashed on the hammer head of the Universal Warhammer. The powerful force and the sharpness of the bug instantly smashed the Universal Warhammer into pieces, and the inlaid power gem was lost. Container, falling down.

"Be careful, don't let it fall to the ground..."

The crowd shouted in unison.

"Do not worry."

Everyone's eyes flickered, and when they calmed down, there was no purple power gem, only a cosmic spirit ball in Owen's hand.

After the handover, everyone walked out of the headquarters of the Nova Corps, and Star-Lord said dissatisfiedly: "Dark Knight, why don't you exchange the power gem for money, you must know that it is a huge fortune, we get it, and we can't spend it all in a lifetime."

"of course I know."

Owen nodded and said, "Because I know, I don't want it. Otherwise, how would you have the mind to form the Guardians of the Galaxy? The universe needs you."

Compared with the merit and luck that the Guardians of the Galaxy can bring him, money is nothing.

"You're not kidding, are you?"

The corner of Xingjue's mouth twitched, and he shouted in disbelief: "Just because of this shit reason, you gave up this huge fortune?"


"Holy shit!"

"Dark Knight, you're such a prodigal."

"I'm Groot."

Washington, SHIELD Trident headquarters building.

A Hydra high-level video conference is underway.

"Pierce, I heard that the Extremis virus has been acquired by S.H.I.E.L.D., and it's time to hand it over to me."

A Hydra executive laughed.

"No problem, but you'd better keep a low profile. Nick Fury seems to have noticed something. He separated Phil Coulson to deal with global emergencies."

Pierce said in a low voice.

"Phil Coulson? Is that the agent who came back from the dead?"

The high-level Hydra executive who spoke first said with bright eyes: "This experiment should also be handed over to me, Pierce."

"I'm coordinating this matter. You also know that Nick Fury is not so easy to fool. I don't even know about this experiment, and there was no trace of it before."

Pierce frowned.

"It was a mistake to promote Nick Fury to the position of Director of S.H.I.E.L.D."

A Hydra executive said coldly: "After that, you still let Nick Fury hand over the Cosmic Cube to Thor and take it away from the earth. It is a failure among failures."

"That's right, the Cosmic Cube belongs to our Hydra. It contains infinite energy and is an important cornerstone for creating the ideal world of Hydra. Nick Fury dared to hand over the Cosmic Cube without your permission. This makes me I have to wonder, are you capable of running S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Another high-ranking officer echoed.

Power struggles happen in any organization, and Hydra is no exception.

Hydra and the Inhumans have the same origin, and both can be traced back to the special experiment conducted by the Kree on Earth.

Thousands of years ago, the Cree descended to the earth from a distant star field, used the genes of the earth people, conducted genetic experiments, and created the race of Inhumans.

And the first Inhuman race, nicknamed the Hive, is the spiritual leader of the traditional Hydra.

The ability of the hive can infect any Inhuman and allow it to be used by him. It played a huge role in leading the Inhumans' war against the Cree.

But after the war, the Inhumans deeply felt that the hive's ability was too terrifying. Together, they used a black boulder that could teleport through space to exile him from the earth.

But what they didn't expect was that the exiled land turned out to be a different planet with civilization.

The special ability of the hive, after sweeping the entire alien civilization, coupled with those who worship him on the earth, will use the black boulder to send humans to him at intervals. After thousands of years, the hive is still alive and well. On a deserted alien planet.

And these organizations that worship the hive are the most primitive Hydra.

Later, during World War II, a member of this organization joined the Communist Party of Germany and began to come out of the shadows. This person was the archenemy of Captain America, the Red Skull.

Different from the low-key of the original Hydra, it has been following the tenet that has been passed down for thousands of years, only to save the superhuman hive, the Red Skull clearly played the banner of fighting for world hegemony for the first time.

Although he was later defeated by Captain America, who was shrouded in luck, the Red Skull's big move, using World War II, cultivated countless new Hydra members who are loyal to the Red Skull's belief, so that Hydra really has the ability to "cut off a head, but also Will grow two' abilities.

Since then, Hydra has been divided into two.

The most powerful is of course the branch of the Red Skull.

And precisely because the idea of ​​the Red Skull is to fight for world hegemony, his branches are full of ambitious guys, such as Baron Strucker, who separatists from one side, or Hotwyer, who dissected Shockwave's mother and tried to live forever.

Of course, there is also Alexander Pierce who wants to transform the perfect world in another way.

These are just a few of the largest Hydra leaders on the top of the mountain, and there are countless other high-level Hydra leaders, large and small, each holding a piece of their own.

In this case, Hydra, a huge organization, of course, can't make a statement, even if this person is the biggest enemy of Hydra, Alexander Pierce, the highest level of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"If it wasn't for Nick Fury, our Hydra would have completely assimilated S.H.I.E.L.D. using this as a springboard, the whole world might have been subordinated to our Hydra banner, so there is no such trouble now."

Faced with the attacks from several people, Pierce's heart sank. This was indeed his biggest mistake.

He is not a pure Hydra member, but he joined Hydra halfway because he was dissatisfied with SHIELD's behavior style and thought that such SHIELD could not save the world at all.

At the beginning, he saw that Nick Fury's ability was extraordinary, out of love for talents, he promoted Nick Fury again and again, and he didn't mean to verify whether his choice was correct or not.

What he could not do, Nick Fury may be able to do.

No matter when the time comes, which of the two of them succeeds, in Pierce's view, they are all successful.

As a matter of fact, Nick Fury is really capable. As soon as he took the position, he established his absolute authority. Before Pierce could react in time, he had already grasped the power of S.H.I.E.L.D.

At this time, no matter whether Pierce regrets it later, it will not help.

If you don't want to be exposed in advance and encounter devastating blows from various countries and S.H.I.E.L.D., Hydra must continue to lurk.

What Pierce can think of, those Hydra executives who are always paying attention to the S.H.I.E.L.D.

"The previous S.H.I.E.L.D. was just a small department of Jianmei. If it didn't have Nick Fury's ability and courage, how could it develop into the global security intelligence organization it is now?"

Pierce's face remained unchanged, and he said lightly: "Without this kind of great development, what do you say that you have brought the world into the hands of Hydra long ago?"

Seeing the faces of several provocative high-level officials froze, Pierce continued: "You have the confidence and strength to point out the country here and trace the source, isn't it because of my decision? Eating meat with a bowl and putting down your chopsticks to scold your mother, but It's so ridiculous."

"Okay, let's not talk about this."

Keeping silent all the time, Baron Sterak, one of the three giants of Hydra and the only one who established political power, interrupted the filth of everyone.

As soon as his deep voice sounded, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Of the three giants of Hydra, Hotwyer has the advantage of being the oldest, and the experiment in hand is related to everyone's ambition of immortality, so he can take the top position.

Although Alexander Pierce became a monk halfway, his key position is extremely important. Without his cover, Hydra would not be able to grow stronger through the continuous expansion of S.H.I.E.L.D., so there is no doubt about his status as a giant, and because Only he can lead the global expansion of Hydra, which has a faint meaning of being the leader of Hydra.

But when it comes to prestige, because Pierce became a monk halfway, he can't be compared with Baron Sterak, who was born in the Hydra family. What's more, he is the only giant who established a country and political power after Hydra's defeat in World War II.

Just for this point, if Pierce and Baron Strucker compete for the position of leader of Hydra, most likely it will not be Pierce, but Baron Struker.

"Do you have anything to say? If not, I will be offline. There are still many things to deal with."

"No hurry, Strucker, there is still one important matter to discuss."

Pierce stopped him and raised his voice.

"Oh, what's the matter?"

Strack asked.

"After the Battle of New York, Nick Fury felt the crisis was deep, and he submitted a plan application to me. I found it very interesting and wanted to hear everyone's thoughts."

Pierce laughed.

"what's the plan?"

"He wants to build three aerospace aircraft carriers to cruise around the world. Once there is a change in any place, he can quickly send people to solve it."

Pierce said.

"What's so interesting about this? Isn't it just increasing one space carrier to three?"

The high-level officials with Hydra were puzzled.

"Of course it's nothing, but what's interesting is that as soon as his plan was submitted, it aroused our Dr. Zola's interest, perfected this plan, and made this plan more interesting."

Pierce laughed.

"Dr. Zola?"

The crowd exclaimed.

"Dr. Zola, say hello to everyone."

Pierce said.

"Hi everyone, after decades, I am very glad to see our Hydra elite again. I have seen your hard work over the years. I have to say, it is very amazing."

On the communication screens of everyone, an ugly face appeared at the same time, and the tone of speech was extremely rigid, as if it was the effect of recording and sounding when electronic instruments were just emerging decades ago.

"Dr. Zola, I'm glad to meet you. You are the biggest contributor to our Hydra. Without you, how could our Hydra be as strong as it is today."

Everyone complimented.

There is really nothing wrong with this!

You must know that more than 70 years ago, Dr. Zola was the chief scientist that the Red Skull relied on most. With his status and the losses he caused, after the defeat of Hydra, he was actually recruited by SHIELD, which shows that his scientific research level is high. , is definitely the top existence.

And it is precisely because of his efforts that Hydra can be reborn in S.H.I.E.L.D.

With super intelligence, Dr. Zola designed a set of black technology equipment for consciousness transfer even though his body was too decayed to support him, and successfully tricked S.H.I.E.L.D. into paying for it.

The supercomputer, which was so huge that it could hardly fit in a big house, successfully preserved his memory and wisdom. From then on, he got rid of the shackles of carbon-based life and lived in the computer.

"Dr. Zola, please introduce your genius idea."

Pierce laughed.

"I named this project the Insights Project."

Dr. Zola's weird voice sounded: "In the past, although our hydra once had an absolute upper hand, but because we couldn't see the undercurrent and waves under the rule, we were subverted by those despicable guys. If this problem is not solved, even if If we go on stage again in the future, there is no guarantee that there will be no second failure."


Everyone responded with twinkling eyes.

In fact, they are very clear about the real reason. Their iron-fisted rule is indeed unpopular, but they will not admit it...

"But now it is the information age, and we have solutions to problems that could not be cured before."

Dr. Zola's eerie voice raised slightly.

"Is it enough to rely on this insight program alone?"

Baron Strucker wondered.

"That's right. A person's birth and growth are already inseparable from various electronic devices. What you eat, shop, make friends with, and communicate with each other faithfully reflect a person's true personality. After processing this information, you can predict the person's future. .”

Dr. Zola explained: "Once we know this person's future and know whether his future will be unfavorable to our Hydra, then we can deal with him in advance. Imagine that all the people in the future are real How can anyone who agrees with our hydra still fail?"

"Is this insight plan really achievable?"

A high-level executive hesitated: "We must know that there are so many people in the world, and after so many years of publicity, it is agreed that our hydra almost does not exist. Can we kill them all? Do we have this ability?"

"This question is actually very simple."

Dr. Zola said: "The world has been stable for too long. Most people have forgotten about the war and us Hydra. As long as we control power and control public opinion in time, most ordinary people will not care who is in power. .”

"There are tens of billions of people in the world, even if it is a small part, the units are millions or tens of millions, not to mention that they are hidden in the crowd. It is impossible to find and deal with them one by one."

Someone questioned.

"This is what's interesting about the Insights program."

Dr. Zola said: "After Nick Fury's reminder, I thought of this insight plan. Once the three aerospace aircraft carriers go to the sky, they will be arranged in a triangle. We will install a large number of shipboard long-range high-precision machine guns on the aerospace aircraft carrier. Positioning lock, just press a button lightly, and within an hour, almost all open or hidden enemies can be cleaned up."


When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but gasp. This plan is too powerful.

If it can be realized, what kind of super soldier plan is needed, what kind of latent subversion of the regime is needed, just press a button lightly, and within an hour, all hostile people will be killed.

And as long as the three aerospace aircraft carriers of the insight plan are still operating in the sky, there will be no opposition forces, and the real stability is as stable as Mount Tai.

"This plan is good, but have you forgotten the Dark Knight?"

Amidst everyone's surprise and fear, someone raised a doubt, which made everyone slightly startled. The invincible figure couldn't help but appear in their minds, and the enthusiasm in their hearts was instantly poured into their heads like a basin of ice water, thinking: "Yeah, why? Can you forget this evil star..."

(End of this chapter)

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