Beauty Man: All Heavens and Immortals

Chapter 165 When a master meets a teacher

Chapter 165 When a master meets a teacher


Yakali Lake.

Dam secret military base.

In the illusion.

"Hey, don't be afraid, where is everyone else?"

Xavier School for Gifted Youth, in the underground base glowing with metallic luster, Professor X said to a shivering little girl huddled in a corner with a gentle face.

"I do not know."

The little girl timidly responded.

"It's okay, we'll find them."

Professor X wiped away the little girl's tears and smiled warmly.

Suddenly, Professor X's expression changed, and he shouted loudly, "Stop, Jason."

With the shout, the scene suddenly changed, where is there Xavier School for Gifted Teenagers and little girls?In the rough and simple replica of the brainwave enhancement device, only the Illusion Master and Professor X were sitting in wheelchairs one after the other. Everything just now was an illusion created by the Illusion Master.

Professor X wanted to say something more, but Master Illusion rolled his eyes, and Professor X frowned suddenly. It was obvious that he was engaged in a new round of mental confrontation. The heavily restricted Professor X was not the opponent of Master Illusion. When I came to that illusion, I lost the memory of just resisting.

"How to find them?"

The little girl had one eyeball blue and one eyeball green, and asked very strangely.

"Use the brain wave enhancement device, follow me."

Professor X took the little girl's hand and headed towards the search room, outside the metal door. When Professor X aimed his eyes at the scanner, the metal door opened automatically.

"Welcome Professor."

"Please don't leave me behind."

The little girl said weakly.

"It's okay, you can come in."

Professor X completely lost his vigilance and became a puppet in the hands of the master of illusion.

Inside the secret military base of the dam.

After the phantom cat brought the Phoenix girl through the wall, it found the control center, but it was also exposed, and a piercing siren sounded in the base.

Soldiers with guns and live ammunition rushed to kill the enemy, but they only saw the specially reinforced door of the control center being closed.

After a while, the huge metal door at the entrance of the base also slowly opened.

"Sir, another mutant has come in, the number is unknown."

"Substantial electromagnetic storm detected, base communications disrupted."

"Sir, what should I do now?"

As bad news came one after another, the soldiers looked at the leader, Colonel Allen Turner.

Alan Turner was shocked, and ordered with a blank expression: "If you find an enemy, shoot and kill."

"Yes, sir!"

As the order to kill was issued, the soldiers held their guns nervously, ready to shoot at any time. In the control center, the Phoenix girl and the phantom cat passed through the central control. Seeing the scene outside, they couldn't help but said in surprise: "Hey, They actually gave up their plan to storm here?"

You know, this specially reinforced control center is the most important area of ​​the base. Under normal circumstances, they should try their best to regain it.

But soon Phoenix Girl and Phantom Cat understood the reason.

"Katie, be careful."

Qin yelled, stretched out her hands, and fixed a blue figure that suddenly appeared in the air. When the phantom cat looked back, its heart was beating suddenly.

I saw a man in blue floating in mid-air. The strange thing was that he had a tail with the tip like a javelin, facing her. Obviously, if Qin hadn't held him down, he would have been stabbed.

"Mr. Gray?"

"Don't worry, Katie."

Qin controlled the blue devil, and Wen Sheng comforted the phantom cat who was shivering because of fear.

There is a dangerous situation here, and the storm girl and others who came in through the gate, even with the big killer of Magneto, it is not all smooth sailing.


"Look at me!"

Magneto controlled the field domineeringly, returned all the bullets fired by the soldiers, easily surpassed Super God, and completed the group annihilation, but at this moment, an astonishingly powerful red beam of light blasted, causing everyone's expressions to change drastically.

"Holy shit!"

Wolverine couldn't help cursing, the Adamantium alloy steel claws on both hands stretched out, blocking in front of him, controlled by Magneto, flew directly in front of the red beam of light, and the Adamantium alloy steel claws blocked the bombardment of the red beam of light.


Seeing such a familiar laser light, how can Storm not know who is coming, and shouted quickly, wanting to wake up the other party, but unfortunately, Cyclops, who was injected with the brain fluid secretion of Master Illusion, ignored them at all and just kept going shoot laser light to destroy them.

"Storm, don't bother, he's already under control."

Magneto controlled Wolverine with one hand, using it as a meat shield, with a dangerous smile on the corner of his mouth, and stretched out his other hand, the bullets on the regiment's soldiers flew out, heading towards Cyclops to kill.

"do not want!"

Storm screamed, but she didn't have time to summon Fenglei to stop her. She could only watch as Cyclops collapsed in a shock. On the wall above the base, the powerful laser light directly tore a large piece of the wall, shaking the entire base.

"You killed him!!!"

Storm and Wolverine yelled at Magneto.


Magneto waved his hand and said with a smile: "He was just injured, and nothing will happen. Now we should focus on stopping Charles, otherwise it will be really too late."

Saying that, let go of Wolverine's shackles, and hurried to the central control center with Mystique. Wolverine looked at Magneto's back angrily. This is not the first time he has been tempered by Magneto. In front of the fainted Cyclops, after checking, he said to Storm, "He's fine, let's meet up with Qin quickly."

"it is good."

Wolverine also came to the central control room with Cyclops in his arms.

Because of the fact that Cyclops was injured by Magneto, everyone almost had internal strife, but in the end reason suppressed their anger, and under Qin's prompt, everyone rushed to the location of the brain wave enhancer.

A replica of the brain wave booster room.

Master Illusion sensed the crowd's approach, but he had already put all his energy on controlling Professor X and could not care about the others at all.

In the illusion.

The little girl said anxiously: "We must find them quickly."

"it is good."

Professor X, who was completely controlled, naturally had no objection. He put on the helmet of the brain wave enhancer. With a thought, the entire search room turned into a starry dream scene. Countless lights and shadows appeared around him. The red ones represent mutants, and the white ones represent mutants. represents human beings.

"Find all the mutants."

The little girl whispered in Professor X's ear.

Professor X repeated blankly: "Okay, find all the mutants."

As soon as the voice fell, all the white representing humans disappeared, and the entire starry sky was composed of red lines, representing all mutants on the earth.


Magneto and the others, who had been killed outside the brain wave enhancement instrument, had no time to move, so they all covered their heads, lying on the ground struggling and moaning in pain.

"No, Charles launched an attack, it's too late."

Magneto lamented.

The phoenix girl sensed the situation inside, and said in pain: "The professor is controlled by the illusion, and I can't wake him up. Ah!!!"

In the illusion.

The little girl murmured again: "Concentrate and kill all mutants."

"Okay, focus and kill all the mutants."

Professor X repeated the command of Master Illusion, squinting his eyes, and countless red figures representing mutants in the starry sky screamed in unison, and Magneto and the others outside began to twitch, Qin twisted his body, and tried his best to resist the force from Professor X With a mental attack, his eyes gradually turned red.

"It's over, the mutant, sure enough, died at the hands of Charles."

Magneto murmured with his remaining consciousness.

new York.

Watching the scenes of people screaming with headaches reported one after another on the live TV, Owen touched the helmet on his head, without feeling any discomfort, and said softly, "It's started..."

Search the interior.

Just when Master Illusion wanted to go all out and control Professor X to fulfill his father's last wish and kill as many as 6000 million mutants in the world at one time, a circle full of sparks appeared behind him, and a bald woman in a white robe came out , is the Supreme Master Gu Yi.

Seeing this scene, Gu Yi frowned and stomped on the ground with one foot. With her as the center, the crystal glass-like spatial ripples instantly expanded the entire space and separated reality. This is the signature spell of Kama Taj - Mirror space!

"Ah, what's going on?"

Outside, Magneto and the others were sweating profusely, paralyzed there powerlessly, not understanding what happened.

The red in Qin's eyes receded unwillingly, she regained her senses, let go of her telepathy, and reluctantly explained: "There is an extra person inside, such a powerful breath of life, she saved us."

Search the interior.

Master Illusion rolled his eyes again, wanting to pull Gu Yi into the illusion, Gu Yi smiled slightly, ignoring Master Illusion's movements, stretched out his hand and drew a circle, opened a door in the mirror space and illusion, and directly entered X In the illusion where the professor is.

"What do you want to do?"

The little girl hid beside Professor X and asked timidly.

"It's not right for you to do this."

Gu Yi smiled at the little girl, then walked to Professor X with a sluggish face, reached out and touched Professor X's big bald head, a green spell rune flashed, and the sluggish Professor X regained his sanity, looked up Seeing a shiny bald head, he couldn't help but smile and said, "Your Excellency Gu Yi, it's nice to meet you."

"Professor X, are you okay?"

Gu Yi said warmly.

"Well, thank you, Your Excellency Gu Yi, for your help."

"In that case, let's get out of here."

Saying that, Gu Yi drew a circle again, pushed Professor X, and left the illusion.


Seeing the figures of the two leaving, the little girl let out a shrill scream, and the whole illusion disappeared immediately.

in reality.

Professor X was shocked, his eyes regained their agility, while Master Illusion stared at the two bald heads standing side by side, his eyes were full of hatred and unwillingness...


(End of this chapter)

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