Beauty Man: All Heavens and Immortals

Chapter 156 Peace-loving is Owen

Chapter 156 Peace-loving is Owen

New York, Westchester County.

Xavier School for Gifted Teens.

Mystique changed into a school student and mixed in, and found Magneto who was lying on the bed reading a book.



"Charles and the others didn't detain you, let's go?"

"Do you think I can go?"

"what happened?"

"Did you bring my helmet?"

" was put away by the Dark Knight, and I have no way to get it."

"Who in the world could walk away without a helmet under Charles' watchful eye?"

"Now that the X-Men are out, and the eyes of the world are on the Brooklyn Bridge in New York, don't you even want to try it?"

"Hi, Raven."

A gentle voice resounded in the hearts of Magneto and Mystique at the same time, Mystique felt a blur in front of her eyes, the environment had changed drastically, and the three 'old friends' stood together again.

"Look, who can leave without his consent?"

"Charles, don't you even bother to meet us now, what do you mean by directly pulling us into a spiritual illusion?"

"Sorry, Scott and the others are out on business, and I have been handicapped for many years, and I am unable to move around. I suddenly know that an old friend is coming to visit, and I want to say hello to you as soon as I get excited. Since you don't like it, then wait for me come on."

Saying that, the figure of Professor X and the surrounding environment disappeared at the same time, and Mystique saw another flower in front of her eyes. She looked closely, and it was still the original scene, with Magneto's expression of "I told you a long time ago".

"Charles has always been resolutely opposed to using his powerful telepathic ability to benefit all mutants on the issue of the rights and interests of mutants, but in life, he can use his abilities as he pleases, hehe..."

Mystique was stunned, and the scene where she followed Professor X back then, the young Professor X used telepathy to pretend to be a magic stick to pick up girls, at that time, because of the shadow of her childhood, she put all her heart in this shelter. gave her, and gave it to her brother from Wenxin's family, so she was not less jealous for it.

"Eric, what you said is biased. I use my ability to facilitate my life, and using my ability to seize other people's freedom and change their will are two completely different concepts."

Because of the special nature of Magneto, Professor X has always put a ray of spiritual power on Magneto, so even if he just arrived, he still clearly understands the conversation between Magneto and Mystique. , retorted with a smile.

"Charles, I know our philosophies are different, but everyone's starting point is the same. For the future of mutants, do you really want to hand over Eric to the Jianmei government?"

"Hey, there's no way around it. Ruiwen, what you did in the foot basin gave them another chance to start a wave of anti-mutants. If we don't compromise, countless mutants will suffer because of it."

"Compromise? Hmph!"

Magneto snorted coldly in disdain.

Mystique said softly: "But have you ever thought about how Eric will be treated once he is handed over? Don't you think he is a lot older and wants to go back to his life in a concentration camp when he was a child?" ?"


Professor X was silent for a while, and said in a low voice: "I have already asked Henry, he is the Minister of Mutant Affairs, and he will visit Eric regularly. Once he is treated unfairly, we will find a way to help him. "

Magneto knew the answer a long time ago, without any disappointment, he winked at Mystique and said, "It's useless to talk, Ruiwen, let's go."

Professor X is such a person, under telepathy, he can't hide anything from him, but most of the time he chooses to remain silent, pretends not to know, and declares to the outside world that it is not a last resort, and he does not use his ability to spy on other people's thoughts, otherwise even if he is strong You are comparable to gods, but you will have no friends.

No one can bear to be peeped at and exposed to the outside world all the time, even if this person is the closest relative, lover, or friend...

Mystique walked out of the school disappointed, and the phone rang suddenly.


"Raven, are you in New York? I need your help."

"But I still want to save Eric."

"This matter has something to do with Magneto, will you come?"

"Okay, I'll go right away."

"Ok, I will wait for you."

New York, Bronx.


Owen hung up the phone, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then picked up a pen and started writing on paper...

New York, Queens.

Inside a high-rise retro apartment in a high-rise building.

Harry Osborn suddenly woke up from his dream, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, got up and went to the open kitchen, took out a bottle of water from the refrigerator, took a few sips, walked to the balcony, looked at the night Next, in the brightly lit New York, I was speechless, still trying to recall what was that nightmare just now in my mind?

Suddenly a gust of wind blew the curtains, and a figure flashed past.


Harry Osborn shouted, and walked over quickly, and saw his father Norman Osborn lying quietly on the recliner by the window, while the famous Spiderman was standing in front of the window, his heart suddenly An ominous premonition arose, and he trembled, "What did you do?"


Looking at his friend's trembling body, Peter was speechless.

Although Norman Osborn did not kill him, Norman's death did have a lot to do with him. When Harry saw the blood hole on Norman's forehead, he recalled the scene on the live TV. Norman belonged to the Green Goblin. It is impossible to hide the news.

Peter only hoped that this matter would not be known to outsiders, otherwise the relatives of the board members who were killed by the Green Goblin would not let Harry go.

You know, without Norman Osborn, Harry is still just a high school student. Although he does not have the dandyism of the rich second generation, he does not have the talent of Tony Stark, and he will definitely not be able to deal with the storm after being exposed.

"How could this be?"

Sure enough, Harry lay beside Norman, saw the blood hole on his forehead, and immediately thought of the scene of the Dark Knight killing Norman on the live broadcast.

"Dark Knight! You killed my father!"

"Your father is the Green Goblin. He wants to kill Mary Jane and many innocent children. The Dark Knight just did what he should do. I hope you don't seek revenge from him."

Peter advised.

He knows that the Dark Knight is a decisive person with such strong abilities. Even if his friends are super rich, but they are really obsessed with seeking revenge from the Dark Knight, they will definitely end up like the Green Goblin. This is what he does not want. have witnessed.

"Shut up! It's all you, you killed my father, I will definitely not let you go!"

Harry leaned on Norman's body and roared frantically.

Then, he stood up, drew out the sword hanging on the wall, and slashed at Peter with the sword.

Peter escaped easily, and sincerely reminded: "Mr. Osborne's death must not be known by outsiders, otherwise it will expose the fact that he is a green goblin. Those who have been hurt by the green goblin will not let you go." of."

After finishing speaking, the spider silk was ejected, and he left the apartment.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

Losing his target, Harry took the sword and slashed left and right, cutting the luxurious furniture decorations to pieces, venting his anger crazily.

Peter, who was lying outside the wall, did not leave, but guarded here silently. He was really afraid that his friend would be angry for a while and do something that would make him hate him for life.

Fortunately, after venting crazily, Harry collapsed to the ground exhausted, screaming in pain.

"Master, he's right. The master's body needs to be disposed of. No one should know about it."

Bernard, the old steward of the Osborne family, came in and reminded.

As a full-time butler, Bernard is obliged to keep the secret. In fact, Norman is the secret of the Green Goblin. He has known it for a long time, but he just pretended not to know it.


Seeing the old butler, Harry cried even more sadly, and Peter, who was lying outside, couldn't help crying silently.

Afterwards, with the help of the old butler, Harry dealt with Norman's funeral. Although the stock price plummeted, no one jumped out to point out Norman's identity as the Green Goblin due to luck.

Harry Osborne chose to drop out of school, took over his father's business, and became the new head of Osborne Industries, but the outside world held serious doubts about whether Osborne Industries could be revived.


underground base.

Under the 'escort' of Professor X, Magneto came to this heavily guarded underground base. Looking at the white plastic prison in front of him, a strong killing intent flashed in Magneto's eyes.

"go in."

The accompanying officer reminded with a straight face.

Magneto glanced at Professor X, and then walked in with no expression on his face. When the passage of the plastic prison was completely closed, Magneto lost his sense of metal, and a little panic rose in his heart. However, with his strong psychological quality, he could breathe Instantly suppressed this emotion.

He believes that without Professor X's all-round 'protection', no matter how tight the prison looks, it can't stop the ever-changing Mystique.

After he goes out...

New York, Bronx.


"what is this?"

"How about the micro-movie script I compiled?"

"... You asked me to come, you didn't ask me to act in a movie, did you?"

Mystique picked up the manuscript written by Owen in a speechless manner, looked at it casually, but was attracted by the name of the character on it: "William Stryker?"

"Yes, you should know this person, right?"

"Of course! He is an anti-mutant fanatic in the military. He served as the chief of the Special Forces decades ago. He has ruthless means and has crossed paths with us. Why, he also provoked you?"

Mystique quickly reacted and joked in a good mood.

"That's right, although he wants to kill me, I'm going to punish him mercifully. You know, I'm a peace-loving person. The so-called Stark who has nothing, peace-loving is Owen."

Mystique: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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