Dragon Ball: Crossing the Heavens

Chapter 80 The Problem of Gene Lock

Chapter 80 The Problem of Gene Lock
Chapter 80 gene lock problem

Time is like running water, passing imperceptibly.

It has been ten days since Chu Xiao came to the New York headquarters of the umbrella company.

During this period of time, Chu Xiao has become the core leader of the New York headquarters, whether it is the scientific research department or the armed department, they are all under Chu Xiao's control.

Chu Xiao's method of controlling them is very simple and direct, with a stick in one hand and candy in the other.

Chu Xiao knew that he didn't need to control all the personnel, he only needed to control the core of power in important positions.

Therefore, it is naturally very easy for Chu Xiao to use his scientific research ability to become the core of the scientific research department.

As for the control of the armed forces, Chu Xiao naturally used the life and death talisman to control the core of power in the New York headquarters.

While controlling them with the life and death talisman, let them use for themselves, not daring to betray themselves.

On the one hand, a batch of super soldier serum was produced to give them great strength and let them know the benefits of following themselves.

Under these two hands, the New York headquarters already belonged to Chu Xiao's private base without Thomas being aware of it.

Chu Xiao also used the resources of the New York headquarters to develop a batch of [-] tubes of T virus stock solution and a batch of [-] tubes of super soldier serum. Naturally, they were used as trading items to trade with Zheng Zha and other reincarnated people.

And ten days later, Chu Xiao did not wait for Zheng Zha and others, and he was not disappointed. After all, if the reincarnation wants to return to the world they have experienced, they still need some reward points and side plots. Taking into consideration, Zheng Zha and others naturally need a certain amount of time to prepare trading items.

What puzzled Chu Xiao was that it had been ten days since he had been injected with the T virus, but his body, except for the strength that had just begun to increase significantly, and the little strength that had grown during this period of time, had never shown any other symptoms. Variety.

Originally in Chu Xiao's plan, there was no sign of awakening or unlocking the telekinetic power that would gradually be possessed, and the first-order gene lock that would be unlocked automatically.

It's as if the T virus didn't endow Chu Xiao with these two abilities at all.

There must be something wrong with this situation. Although Chu Xiao didn't know where the problem was for a while, the information he got from the Lord God was absolutely accurate.

Then the problem must be your own.

Leaving aside the telekinetic awakening that comes with the T virus, this is not as important as the gene lock to Chu Xiao.

Unlocking the first-order gene lock is very tempting to Chu Xiao, but why didn't Chu Xiao unlock the gene lock himself?

Chu Xiao pondered carefully, and in the end he could only put the answer to the question in the space of the main god.

Gene locks are the special powers possessed by the reincarnation of the main god space, and whether Chu Xiao, as a stowaway, also has the ability to unlock the gene locks, this question has never been considered by Chu Xiao.

But now it seems that the answer is obvious, Chu Xiao, a stowaway, does not have the potential to unlock the gene lock at all.

This is like the fish in a pond, all have the marks of this pond, and suddenly one day a new fish is put into the pond, this fish does not belong to this pond at all, and naturally there is no mark.

When it comes to marks, Chu Xiao believes that as long as he enters the space of the main god and is marked by the space of the main god, there is a high probability that he will be able to obtain the ability to unlock the gene lock.

But is it really necessary for him to take the initiative to enter the space of the main god in order to unlock the gene lock?

Chu Xiao shook his head, denying this idea. As the name suggests, Infinite Horror is to experience all kinds of horrible worlds constantly, just like raising Gu, let the Gu worms fight in it, and finally leave the strongest Gu worm.

Compared with Chu Xiao's reincarnation black lotus traveling through the reincarnation world, the latter is obviously more advanced and suitable for him.

Naturally, Chu Xiao would not choose to give up the reincarnation of the black lotus and enter the space of the main god.

Then do you want to give up unlocking the gene lock?

Chu Xiao was really not reconciled, after all, with such power at his fingertips in front of him, how could he give up so easily?

No matter what Chu Xiao said, he still needed to try his best. It would be great if he could obtain the gene lock ability.

If there is really no way, as long as you try your best, you won't regret it in the future.

The door of Chu Xiao's office was knocked lightly, which interrupted Chu Xiao's train of thought and brought him back to reality.

"Come in!"

I saw a woman dressed in professional attire and with perfect proportions came in with a document in her hand.

"Mr. Chu Xiao, this is the latest report from Raccoon City this morning, please read it."

Chu Xiao took the report, and a seductive fragrance radiated from the woman. Chu Xiao subconsciously swept over the plump breasts, wide buttocks and charming waist, and his gaze fell on the report in his hand without stopping.

The woman seemed to be aware of Chu Xiao's gaze, and leaned towards Chu Xiao imperceptibly, trying her best to show her most perfect posture in front of the man in front of her.

"Is there anything else?" Chu Xiao asked calmly without leaving the report.

The woman seemed surprised, and then said with some disappointment, "There is no more sir."

"Go down!"

"Yes!" The woman bit her red lips lightly, as if a little aggrieved, and when she approached the door, she didn't forget to add, "Mr. Chu Xiao, if you need anything, you can come to me at any time."

Chu Xiao didn't pay attention to the woman anymore, but concentrated on the report in his hand, because a piece of information caught his attention.

Yesterday, two strange Chinese men appeared in Raccoon City. Their appearance was very similar to the target person. According to the preliminary judgment, they were Zheng Zha and Zhang Jie among the target people. Moreover, these two men did not appear in Raccoon City at the same time.

An hour after Zheng Zha appeared, Zhang Jie entered Raccoon City, and the two were currently living in two hotels in the south and north of the city.

Raccoon City in the original plot became a purgatory on earth due to the leak of the T virus.

But now, because of Chu Xiao's intervention, everyone has already wiped out the zombies and crawlers in the hive. Coupled with Umbrella Company's late remedy, the outbreak of the T virus was temporarily suppressed.

There was no full-scale outbreak that affected the entire Raccoon City, but it was only a matter of time before the outbreak of the T virus, according to Umbrella Corporation's estimates.

"Is it finally here?" Chu Xiao said secretly, "I don't know what worlds you have experienced, but this time, what good things did you bring me?"

After Chu Xiao finished speaking, he read again, "This time Zhang Jie is also here, and the two of them are not traveling together. It seems that Zheng Zha didn't know that Zhang Jie followed him to the Biochemical World!"

"Zheng Zha and Zhang Jie, something must have happened between the two of you!"

Chu Xiao stood up slowly, picked up the phone beside her, "In 10 minutes, prepare a plane for me to go to Raccoon City."

Chu Xiao checked again what he was supposed to bring. Twelve tubes of super soldier serum and twelve tubes of T virus enhanced stock solution had already been included in the universal capsule.

After everything was ready, Chu Xiao went to Raccoon City, where Zheng Zha was waiting for him.

(End of this chapter)

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