Chapter 32 No.30 Two Universe Rubik's Cube
Chapter 32 Cosmic Rubik's Cube

Chu Xiao led Rogers and others to destroy Hydra's temporary base and successfully killed the Red Skull, the leader of Hydra Hydra.

This task can be described as a complete victory.

Before Chu Xiao and others returned to our base, the news of their complete victory spread throughout the base.

At the same time, the news also spread to the rear headquarters.

For the soldiers on the front line, Chu Xiao and the others had received the mission and returned triumphantly after completing it perfectly.

Chu Xiao not only completed the task, but also completed the task with zero casualties.

For the soldiers, this was like a shot of stimulant, and they all sharpened their heads and wanted to join Chu Xiao's special warfare team.

Let me ask, what is the most important thing on the battlefield?

It must be important to follow a powerful leader!

Chu Xiao obviously met these requirements, and this battle can be said to have become famous in one battle.

But for the military, they were in a daze. They never gave Chu Xiao any tasks at all.

The task of destroying the secret base of Hydra was secretly sent to Chu Xiao and others by Hydra spies using their power, and the military headquarters did not know it at all.

They know almost nothing about the secret base of the Hydra Hydra.

Why, within a few days, Chu Xiao and others successfully destroyed the secret base of Hydra, and also successfully killed the leader of Hydra, Red Skull.

This kind of surprise that fell on the top of the head made the military chiefs very excited. They knew the importance of Hydra to Hitler. The death of Red Skull, the leader of Hydra, would definitely damage the enemy's combat power.

At this moment, it is obviously a good time to launch a general offensive and destroy the enemy in one go.

At the same time, Chu Xiao's performance was unanimously approved by the military leaders, and they all voted in favor of Chu Xiao's next actions to express their support.

Ever since, Chu Xiao and the others embarked on the journey again after making temporary corrections at the base.

During the rest period, Chu Xiao heard some rumors that a fire broke out in the Stark Industries laboratory, and Dr. Erskine was unfortunately killed in an accident.

This matter sounds serious, but Chu Xiao believes that it is impossible for Stark Industries' laboratory to catch fire, let alone Dr. Erskine, who is so important, will die so easily.

Naturally, he didn't take it to heart.

Their task this time is to destroy Hydra's secret bases one by one and destroy Hydra's weapon production base.

As found in the original plot, under the leadership of Chu Xiao, Hydra's bases were destroyed one by one, the morale of the enemy army became more and more depressed, the battle situation became one-sided, and victory was in sight.

The Alps, Hydra's last secret base.

Chu Xiao and others drove a maglev vehicle and slowly approached Hydra's final base.

"Immediately arrive at the destination and prepare to land. Next, we need to invade the base on foot." Chu Xiao gave orders to the soldiers beside him. Looking at his teammates who were fighting with him, they all worship and admire him very much at this moment. The cohesion of the team is natural it goes without saying.

Chu Xiao parked the maglev car in a hidden corner, turned the car into a capsule and put it away. Everyone put on snow invisibility suits and started walking into the enemy's range.

A few hours later, with the experience of the previous few times, Chu Xiao and others successfully sneaked into the secret base easily.

But what makes Chu Xiao and others feel bad is that there is not even a single person in this base, leaving only equipment for making energy weapons, weapons that are too late to take away, and semi-finished weapons.

"This is an empty base!" Realizing that the situation is not good, Chu Xiao immediately gave an order, threw Rogers a universal capsule containing a maglev vehicle, and said, "Rogers, lead the team to withdraw from the base immediately."

"Start to check the watch. After an hour, if I haven't come out, then you will drive to transfer!"

Rogers took the universal capsule from Chu Xiao's hand, nodded heavily, and led the team to quickly evacuate from the base without questioning Chu Xiao's order.

Chu Xiao was left alone in the base.

"This is the last base of Hydra. The Cosmic Rubik's Cube must be in this base, but now it is an empty city!"

Chu Xiao frowned, unfolded his figure, and began to quickly search the various rooms in the base, and soon found the former laboratory of the Red Skull.

As soon as he stepped into the laboratory, Chu Xiao saw the professional equipment for storing the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, but at the moment the equipment was empty, so no trace of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube could be seen.

Chu Xiao searched the surroundings carefully, and soon several corpses caught Chu Xiao's attention.

Those were a few senior officers in German military uniforms, all of them were shot dead without exception, and it seemed that they were all killed by the same person.

"It seems that the person who killed them took the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, who could it be?" Chu Xiao's mind flashed one by one who might be eyeing the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

"First rule out Odin and Thor, they don't kill enemies with guns."

"Then, it can't be Hitler's people, these corpses should be the people he sent to take over Hydra."

"Then..." A person's name flashed in Chu Xiao's mind, "Dr. Zola?!"

Chu Xiao couldn't believe it. In the original plot, Dr. Zola was a scientist who was greedy for life and afraid of death. When the Red Skull killed people, he was terrified.

How could such a cowardly person have the courage to kill several officers?
"Universal Rubik's Cube!" Chu Xiao immediately thought of the reason. Dr. Zola must have killed Hitler's people because of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

In the eyes of Dr. Zola, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is a gem of a god, which contains inexhaustible energy.

But as a traveler, Chu Xiao naturally knew that the body of the Universe Rubik's Cube was actually the space gem among the six infinite gems.

Master the space gem, and you will have the ability to travel through the infinite universe at will. For example, Thanos, who has collected all six infinite gems, can open the space shuttle door and travel freely to and from the universe with just one thought.

Even Chu Xiao couldn't refuse such an alluring magic power, let alone Dr. Zola who was always in touch with the Rubik's Cube.

Power will change a person's heart, allowing him to gain power at all costs.

Dr. Zola was changed by the power of the Rubik's Cube.

"Where will Dr. Zola escape with the Rubik's Cube?"

Chu Xiao smiled wryly. If he hadn't killed the Red Skull in advance, Dr. Zola would never have had the chance to monopolize the Rubik's Cube.

Now, Dr. Zola disappeared together with the Rubik's Cube, without leaving any clues, so Chu Xiao was very disappointed.

For Chu Xiao, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is not only the powerful power of the space gem, but more importantly, the acquisition of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube will definitely make the reincarnation black lotus in Chu Xiao's body condense into a fifth lotus petal.

But judging from the current situation, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is too far away from Chu Xiao!
In desperation, Chu Xiao could only give up temporarily the idea of ​​obtaining the Rubik's Cube, and when he returned, he dispatched intelligence personnel to search Dr. Zola's whereabouts with all his might.

After making up his mind, Chu Xiao came to the main control room of the secret base, turned on the self-destruct function of the base, turned around and left the base.

Chu Xiao joined Rogers and the others, drove the maglev car to leave the base, and looked at the secret base behind which flames and smoke intertwined.

Chu Xiao didn't feel very happy. After all, he didn't get the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. What made Chu Xiao even more dissatisfied was that since he got a lotus petal by killing the Red Skull, Chu Xiao never got a lotus petal again.

Even if the last secret base of Hydra is destroyed now, Samsara Heilian has no response.

In Chu Xiao's actions after killing the Red Skull, the biggest profit has become his voice among the American people.

Because the battlefield needs heroes to inspire the enthusiasm of ordinary soldiers and the people, the military pushed Chu Xiao out to embellish his record.

Chu Xiao changed suddenly and became a great war hero in the hearts of Americans.

In addition, the identity of the major shareholder of Chu Xiao Stark Industry was exposed by insiders.

Its voice is even higher than that of the American team in the original book.

Even the stock of Stark Industries rose crazily, and once became a mythical stock on Wall Street.

forward base.

"The war is about to end! Our team is about to disband! It's an honor to fight with you!"

Chu Xiao looked at Rogers and the others, said his final farewell words, and boarded the plane back to New York with Rogers.

(End of this chapter)

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