Hercules Walk

Chapter 95 Autobots in Marvel

Chapter 95 Autobots in Marvel

Wang Dali can understand Nick Fury's distrust.

Even as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., his vision is still too small and his brain is not big enough.He who pays attention to rationality and science cannot understand many things that can only be understood and believed by imagination.

Or to put it another way, as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., the largest secret service organization under the United Nations, if Nick Fury shouted 'Long live magic (girl) every day! ’, ‘Holy Light, that enemy is worth a fight’ or something, I’m afraid they’ve been kicked down a long time ago.

Although he knew that Wang Dali had a teleportation ability, Nick Fury always believed that it was a superpower and never connected it with magic.And maybe in his eyes, magic is another form of technology.

"... Forget it, let's do it for now."

Knowing that with Nick Fury's temperament, Wang Dali, who would never believe it until he saw it, shook his head, got up and prepared to leave his office.

"Wait for a while, after the Autobots get used to this world, I'll ask them out to meet you. The technology of Planet Cybertron has a lot to learn from."

Watching Wang Dali walk out of his office on his own, a vein twitched on Nick Fury's smooth head: So this guy came to his office today purely to amuse him?

After leaving S.H.I.E.L.D., Wang Dali went to Tony Stark's villa.Before being crossed, he was still discussing with Stark how to deal with the Hydra hidden in S.H.I.E.L.D.Now half a month has passed, and I don't know what happened to him there.

After Tony and Pepper got engaged, the door of Stark's house was never an obstacle to Wang Dali, no matter whether he opened the portal directly or asked Jarvis to show his face.

Just out of politeness, Wang Dali would first use the portal to come to Stark's house, and then enter by swiping his face.

"Dali, it's been a long time!"

When Wang Dali saw Tony Stark, he was signing a stack of thick documents.Pepper, who was wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, stood aside, nodded to Wang Dali, and continued to talk to Stark.

"These are the documents that I think need to be handed over to you for confirmation after I have read them. You must get them done before today!"

"Okay, Pepper, I'm not watching..."

With Tony Stark's ingenuity, dealing with documents is certainly not a problem.It's just that Tony Stark, who is obsessed with research and invention, is unwilling to do it, and has recently been distracted by the Hydra matter, and has no time.

No, today Pepper rushed into Tony's laboratory with company documents that he hadn't approved for a week, forcing him to read them before continuing the experiment, but Wang Dali happened to hit him right in the face.

After exhorting Tony, Pepper left the laboratory to make coffee for Wang Dali.As someone's niece, she knows exactly what someone's coffee tastes like.

No milk, no sugar, at least three yuan, it is a veritable sweet party.

After watching Pepper leave in the elevator, Tony breathed a sigh of relief.He put down the pen and documents in his hand, leaned back on the back chair behind him, took a sip of the red wine beside him.

"I haven't seen you for half a month. Where did you go? Why is there no news at all, and the phone keeps turning off when I call you."

"I went to another world and came back with some Autobots."

"Autobots? You mean Transformers?"

Thinking that Wang Dali was joking, Tony grinned.

"Ha, that's really great. When I was very young, I wanted an autograph of Optimus Prime very much. It seems that this time my wish can finally come true."

"No problem, as long as you are willing to help, even if you want to sleep in Optimus Prime's driver's seat, you can be satisfied."

Looking at Wang Dali who didn't even have a trace of a smile on his face, the smile on Tony's face also gradually froze.

"Hey, hey, you're not telling me the truth, are you?"

"I said it was a joke, do you believe it now?"

Wang Dali took out his mobile phone that had been modified by iron sheets from his pocket, took out the calling card inside, opened the fingerprint lock on it, and then threw the phone to Tony.

"Give me another mobile phone. This is something modified by Cybertron technology. Maybe it will be useful to you."

"Wow, alien technology!"

Taking the ordinary-looking mobile phone in Wang Dali's hand, although the expression on his face was disgusted, in fact, Tony's eyes were shining at this moment.

He wrote down his name on all the documents that needed to be signed as quickly as he could, told Wang Dali to leave the rest to Pepper, took his mobile phone, and walked into the room that was separated by two tempered glass doors. open laboratory.

Not long after, Pepper came back with two cups of coffee.Looking at Tony in the laboratory, she frowned and was about to go in, but Wang Dali quickly stopped her.

"Pepper, Tony asked me to tell you that he is very busy during this time, and you have full control over the company's affairs."

"He is very busy?"

Pointing to Tony who was playing with Wang Dali's mobile phone in the laboratory, which could easily be misunderstood as Tony playing with his mobile phone, Pepper firmly grasped the tray in his hand, and abruptly broke off a piece of plastic from it.

"Busy! He's so busy!"

Snorting angrily, Pepper picked up the documents on the table, turned around and left the underground laboratory.

Turning his head to look at Tony who put his mobile phone on the test bench in the laboratory and began to conduct research with various instruments, Wang Dali sighed softly.

Tony, wish you were lucky.


Seven days flew by, and on the morning of the eighth day back in Marvel, Wang Dali said hello to the Autobots who were resting on the square.

"How did you sleep yesterday? How have you been living recently?"

Hearing his words, Optimus Prime changed from the resting truck form to a human form, lowered his head and said to Wang Dali.

“The scenery here is beautiful and the environment is also very good.”

"It's just that there are too many people watching us around, and I always feel that their eyes are so strange."

The bumblebee stretched, then shook its body.Several parts fell to the ground, making a crisp sound of metal clashing.

Due to crossing two worlds, many parts of the Autobots have problems and need to be replaced. Thanks to the wizard of Karma Taj, according to the list of the Autobots, he bought a lot of metal parts through the portal, and the pile was almost half a square. .

"Haha~~ It's nothing strange, if we see a few Earthlings on Cybertron, it's probably the same."

Patting Bumblebee on the shoulder, Ironhide yawned.His explanation was very reasonable, and Bumblebee believed it at once.

But then, Wang Dali placed in front of Optimus Prime a pack of comics that had just been collected by someone (Harry Osborne), from beginning to end, and a set of DVDs by the way.

"Look at Optimus Prime. After reading this, you should understand why you are surrounded by people."

(End of this chapter)

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