Hercules Walk

Chapter 92 Get through

Chapter 92 Get through

Another week later, due to irresistible factors such as keeping X first, British X alliance X, magic X world and so on, only one-third of the Autobots' space vehicles have been manufactured.

Of course, the ostensible reason must be that the materials have run out, after all, there are only so many Decepticon corpse parts, right (laughs).

From this morning, Wang Dali could feel a vague spatial fluctuation unfolding beside him.

"It's almost time to count."

Wang Dali, who had been waiting for more than half an hour, punched suddenly when the slowly growing spatial fluctuations reached a peak.

Unlike the black space channel that could be opened casually in the past, this time Wang Dali felt that his fist had encountered a layer of resistance.Just like using chopsticks to poke in the water, the space actually emits ripples that can be seen by the naked eye of human beings.

Slender black space cracks were densely covered layer by layer in front of Wang Dali, like the shell of an onion being peeled off and slowly shattered.

A green light appeared from this white hole. Wang Dali, who had seen this light before, recognized it at a glance. It was the Eye of Agamotto, that is, the energy wave emitted by the Time Stone when it was activated by Doctor Strange. .

Wang Dali, who was sure he was not mistaken, stretched out his hands and pressed them in the air.Some kind of mysterious power allowed his hand to directly press the edge of the passageway in this small world, but the clothes and pants of ordinary materials on his body were quickly damaged.

At this time, the Eye of Agamotto, which only played a positioning role for Wang Dali, could no longer help him.Wang Dali felt like Atlas, the Titan god in Greek mythology who carried the sky on his back, carrying the entire universe, no, the mass of the double universe between these seemingly ordinary hands.

The pressure from the two worlds did not make him succumb, on the contrary, forcefully withstood the oppression and impact from the two worlds, Wang Dali's clothes had already turned into the most primitive elements, but his body was still connected. No injuries at all.

His breathing is still steady, like a rock that remains motionless under the impact of heavy waves.But his eyes became indifferent, and his white marble body seemed to reflect a phantom under the sunlight, emitting a hazy white light.

Like a god looking down on everything from above, a heavy coercion suddenly appeared around Wang Dali.This coercion even far exceeds the fluctuations produced by the superposition and collision of the two worlds, standing on this earth with a great posture that even the best sculptors cannot reproduce.


He exhaled slowly, and with Wang Dali's exertion, the channel connecting the two worlds was being opened bit by bit.There were invisible fluctuations that turned into sharp swords, long knives, and heavy hammers across his body. This was the dissatisfaction and resistance of the laws contained in the two universes against Wang Dali.

Destiny has already been delineated, and you cannot allow you to change it arbitrarily!

However, Wang Dali himself was not moved by the targets of these law weapons. He just slowly expanded the world channel at his own frequency until the Optimus Prime in the form of a truck could drive past it.

After feeling the spatial fluctuations around him, Wang Dali left the Autobots and came to the vast Sahara Desert.

At this time, because of the confrontation between him and the world, the surrounding sand endured the strange gravity, turning into glass-like crystals one by one, showing a diamond-like luster.If some scientists take out some things that seem to be no longer called sand for testing at this time, they will be surprised to find that their hardness has surpassed that of diamonds.

Even though the sky was covered with dark clouds, a blazing sun shone directly on Wang Dali.The ground is harder than diamonds, and the sand under heavy pressure began to melt in just a few seconds after being irradiated by the afterglow of the sun.

With the accumulation of time, several small liquefaction pits shining with colorful lights soon appeared around Wang Dali.Lightly lowered his head and glanced at these small pits, Wang Dali let go of the world channel that had been fixed by himself, and turned his hand to the ground with a palm.

Under his palm, the entire desert shook.Countless sand and gravel flew into the sky tens of meters high, and then landed layer by layer, burying these glazed liquefied potholes underground.

Then, Wang Dali raised his head and opened his mouth to spit out a Qi sword.

This invisible Qi sword pierced through the hundreds of meters thick clouds, pierced a hole in the sky, and hit the sun all the way.

Under the impact of this Qi sword, the dark clouds in the sky quickly dissipated, and the sun returned to normal.

After doing these actions, Wang Dali reached out to get some clothes from the abandoned factory where he and the Autobots lived together and put them on.His god-like aura quickly dissipated, and he soon became like an ordinary person again.

Then, he put his gaze back on the white space channel in front of him.

The world channel that has just been expanded is very unstable, with black cracks constantly forming and disappearing from it.This rapidly appearing and disappearing space crack is like a storm, trying to tear apart all objects and life that pass through it.

Not to mention the governments of various countries that were shocked by Wang Dali's actions, he frowned when he saw the World Passage that was frequently distorted and turned into phantoms, which seemed to be collapsing.

The two sword eyebrows frowned and made a clanging sound.Hearing this sound, the two large storms in the space channel visibly trembled, turning into two breezes and disappearing.

After the culprit disappeared, the remaining space cracks also quickly closed, making this long space channel stable.

After more than ten minutes, feeling the familiar aura coming from the passage, Wang Dali smiled and opened his hands, and put back some things that emerged from the excessive use of strength just now.


"Long time no see, Katie."

The husband and wife who hadn't seen each other for nearly half a month hugged tightly.They had never been separated for so long since their marriage.


But after a while, Catherine, who buried her head in Wang Dali's arms, blushed.Originally planning to express her nervousness and worry to Wang Dali, she glanced at Wang Dali, spit lightly, reached out and gently twisted his waist.

"This... After all, we have been separated for half a month. The young man is very strong. You have to understand this, Katie."

Sighing secretly that his family Wang Xiaoli was too helpless to expose his intentions so quickly, Wang Dali sneered at Catherine.

"Fool, what are you waiting for?"

With her arms around Wang Dali's neck, the expression on Catherine's face became more and more rosy.It's not just Wang Dali, she's also very tired after half a month without that.


"What about people?"

One minute after Wang Dali hugged Catherine and left through the portal, Strange, who appeared in this world, looked at the surrounding desert, which was messed up in the wind.

 PS: It will be on the shelves tomorrow. I have already asked for leave. Let's see how much I can update.
(End of this chapter)

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