Hercules Walk

Chapter 90

Chapter 90

"Damn Decepticons!"

The moment he saw the figures of the four Decepticons, Ironhide roared angrily.Just this content...

"My landlord finally got a good card, so you have to wait until this time?!"

He took out two of the largest energy cannons from his equipment library, and at the same time there were two rows of rocket perforations. The iron sheet protruding from his shoulders strode towards the door, the anger on his face was beyond words.

But Wang Dali, who got a lot of bad cards, was one step faster than him.


At some point, his figure disappeared into the abandoned factory building, and came before the four Decepticons.


Seeing Wang Dali standing in front of him and others, the roadblock turned into a police car showed no intention of slowing down.

If it is in the urban area, he will slow down and let the other party go first because of the scruples.But this is an inaccessible suburb, not to mention that the Decepticons will fight the Autobots hiding here in a while, and there will definitely be a lot of commotion.

So let this human being be the first casualty of this war!

Thinking of the roadblocks here running at full speed, it seems that the interesting scene of this unlucky human being who appeared here for some reason being knocked into the sky by himself, and blood scattered in the sky.

Hey, why is it suddenly dark?

This was the last thought of Roadblock in his life.

In the eyes of Starscream, Black Demon and Tank, Wang Dali frowned as he faced the roadblock galloping towards him, and instead of retreating, he advanced.

He advanced extremely fast, forming one after another continuous phantom behind him.It's like turning into a long knife that alternates between reality and reality, cutting the roadblock that is still in the shape of a police car in half from the beginning to the end.

Almost at the same time that Barricade died, the sound of a sonic boom appeared in the ears of everyone nearby.The body of the barricade, which was cut into two by Wang Dali with a hand knife, walked forward again in a posture of being divided into two, and then fell to the ground accompanied by a large number of sparks generated by the friction between the car body and the ground.

The scene suddenly became quiet. Whether it was the Decepticons or the Autobots, they all stared at Wang Dali standing in the middle of the field with their eyes wide open, as if even time had been suspended.

Until a whirlwind blew by, the parts on the barricade's corpse clanged to the ground.

"Run away!"

After reacting, Starscream turned and left without saying a word.Beside him, Black Demon and Tank also made the same choice.

"Damn it! If it weren't for the fact that the materials and accessories on the earth are too old, so that our strength does not exist, the roadblocks would not be killed so easily by this human being!"

During Megatron's absence, life on Cybertron was difficult for Starscream.

As a Decepticon respected by strength, Starscream, who has a place in Megatron's team, cannot be considered weak.

But compared to Shockwave and Plague, he wasn't that strong either.

After Megatron's disappearance, due to the loss of the backbone, Megatron's men were divided into several factions, fighting each other on the separatist planet Cybertron.Don't talk about watching and helping each other in normal times, it's good if you don't have a fight after meeting.

Compared with other people who rely on force, Starscream, who is more intelligent, looks sinister, cunning, and cowardly to the Decepticons who don't like to use their brains because of their combat style.Without the support of Megatron, who knew it was a good thing to use his brain, the only Decepticons following Starscream were two or three big cats and kittens.

It is also because of this that his sphere of influence on Cybertron has shrunk sharply, and finally, as a last resort, he brought some Decepticons who were willing to cross the planet and come to find Megatron with him to Earth.

He still has a long way to go before Megatron.

The matter was at this point, and no matter how much Starscream complained, it would not help.But since coming to Earth, he understood a proverb.

When you meet a bear, you don't need to run faster than the bear, you just need to run faster than your companions.

After Barricade died, he was undoubtedly the fastest among the remaining three Decepticons, not to mention separated from the other two.After this human killed the tank and the black demon, he would have been lost for a long time.

But at this moment, a voice of dying rang in Starscream's ear.

"Starscream, where do you want to go?"

It was that human being just now! ! !
One second, three seconds or five seconds?Starscream couldn't judge the time when the other party caught up with him, but he knew very well that in this situation, facing the other party, he had no choice but to die.

Those who know current affairs are heroes!Starscream said that after coming to this planet, he learned a lot.

"My lord, Starscream is willing to be your subordinate and obey your orders!"

After discovering Wang Dali standing on top of him, he had no intention of throwing him off at all.Since the other party can come to his back silently, it means that he will be killed silently by him.

But Wang Dali, who had just passed through the portal and decided to be the first to kill the fastest enemy, was unwilling to accept this rebellious underling.

"It's like you are under Megatron, how do you think about overthrowing it every day?"

If it was said who had the lowest loyalty among the Transformers, then there was no doubt that the target was Starscream under Wang Dali's feet.

Not to mention the others, Megatron alone betrayed, attached, betrayed, and attached several times.Starscream would have died long ago if Megatron hadn't thought he needed the other's wisdom.

Therefore, Wang Dali, who didn't think that he had the aura of domineering king, stepped on his foot when he accepted his head.A burst of energy was driven into Starscream's body, along the energy pipeline to the source of fire in his chest.

Like a candle blown by a gust of wind, the sparking source of blue phantom in Starscream's body was extinguished in an instant.Starscream's eyes also quickly dimmed, and he fell in the shape of an F22 fighter jet.

With Wang Dali waving his hand standing on Starscream's corpse, a spatial crack appeared in the sky.The next moment, he and Starscream's corpse appeared in front of Optimus Prime.


When Wang Dali dealt with Starscream, the Autobots were not idle either.Ironhide, Bumblebee, Ambulance, Jazz and other five Autobots raised their weapons and kept shooting into the sky, forcing the Black Demon to hide everywhere, unable to find a chance to leave.

Optimus Prime met the fleeing tank alone.Stretching out a red sharp blade from his right hand, he knocked the tank to the ground with three punches and two kicks, and finally grabbed the opponent's head, and wiped the long knife, which can only be regarded as a short sword, on the tank's neck .

With a clang, a huge metal head fell to the ground, announcing the demise of yet another Decepticon.

(End of this chapter)

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