Hercules Walk

Chapter 85 Leaving

Chapter 85 Leaving
Seeing Wang Dali outside the car window at the same speed as the car, Seymour's first reaction was to take out his pistol from his pocket and aim at him to slam the bullets in it.

"Mr. Wang?!"

But then, Sam and Mikaela, who were sitting in the back seat with their hands handcuffed, exclaimed at the same time.

"Mr. Wang?"

Pointing to Wang Dali who was keeping a constant speed with the car outside the car, Seymour, whose face was uncertain, asked Sam and Mikaela in surprise.

"You know him?"

"Don't you know him? Mr. Wang is also a government employee, and he is in charge of aliens! He seemed to call your name just now!"

Without answering his question, Sam turned to Seymour.

"Aren't you colleagues?"

"There are so many people in your school, do you still know everyone in it?"

Seymour refuted Sam with a simple example.Then, he still showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Also, I have never heard of any of my colleagues who can run up to 110 kilometers per hour on their legs!"

However, considering the speed shown by the other party and the fact that he called out his name just now, Seymour, who is also considered an upper-middle-level manager in District [-], took a deep breath and said to the driver beside him.


"Sir, is what you said true?"

The driver said to Sam with some horror, he obviously didn't want to do this.

"Ha, what kind of secret agent of the seventh district, even his own driver is disobedient!"

Mikaela, who had just been mentioned by Seymour to have a sore foot, said to him sarcastically, which made him unhappy, and looked at his driver fiercely and said angrily.

"I order you to stop!"

Under Seymour's eyes that seemed to be eating people, the driver finally did not dare to disobey his orders.As the leader of the group slowed, the entire Seventh Sector team came to a stop with it.

Seeing this, Wang Dali also slowly stopped his steps, tidying up the clothes that had just been blown a little messy by the strong wind.

By the way, the clothes were lent to him by Sam, and they were a little small.

As soon as he got out of the car, several District [-] agents in black suits pulled out their pistols and surrounded Wang Dali with their black muzzles.Under the gaze of a group of black-clothed agents with suspicious expressions, Seymour approached Wang Dali with an isotope tester.

Sure enough, after a short test, the instrument in Seymour's hand issued a red alarm.

"Fourteen Lade, I had direct contact!"

"For friends from the parallel world who came to this world for a friendly visit, isn't your behavior too rude?"

Regarding Seymour's behavior, Wang Dali frowned slightly,
"parallel world?"

As a small supervisor in District [-], Seymour has of course heard this term before.

"You mean, you come from another parallel world?"

Seymour wanted to laugh when the other party brought up this theory that was just a conjecture without even a little evidence.But thinking of the speed Wang Dali showed just now, the corners of his mouth twitched, but he found that he couldn't laugh no matter what.

It's as if someone said that a gun without a tip can stab someone to death, but others laughed and didn't believe it, and they were stabbed to death immediately.


Wang Dali nodded, not feeling nervous at all because of being pointed at by several guns.In other words, it was the agents of the seventh district who surrounded him who were nervous at this time.

"At the beginning, I was still here in the world I was in, but I found that I couldn't contact the UN special agency in my world. After making a few wrong calls, I realized that I had traveled to another universe."

"A special agency of the United Nations?"

Handing the instrument in his hand to his subordinates, Seymour took a few steps back and asked Wang Dali standing in the crowd.

"What institution?"

"Don't inquire about any institution, anyway, there is no such thing in this world, and you won't know even if I tell you."

Wang Dali shook his head, apparently he didn't intend to spread the 'prestige' of S.H.I.E.L.D. to other worlds for free.

"I thought I could live a peaceful life, only to find out that your world is as dangerous as mine."


Seymour smiled at the word.The other party's procedure seems to be the same as his own. After some intimidation to frighten the target, he will naturally answer all the questions.

His expression gradually became relaxed, thinking that the other party was completely bluffing.Apart from the scary speed just now, it shouldn't be a big deal.

"Where is the danger? Can you point it out to me?"

He laughed at Wang Dali, not believing what he said at all.

Then, Wang Dali pointed it out to him.


I don't know when, the Autobots headed by Optimus Prime have silently surrounded this group of District [-] convoy.Huge shadows shrouded the area, and there was only a thin circle of light under the street lamp where Wang Dali was.

They turned into human shapes, covered their faces with combat visors, pulled out huge gun holes that could even stuff people directly in, and aimed at the convoy.Energy slowly poured from their sparks into the weapons, glowing blue, yellow and white.

The black-clothed agents in the Seventh District looked at the terrifying figure of Optimus Prime and the others and the giant cannon in their hands, then looked at the small pistol in their hands, threw it away tactfully and raised their hands.


One by one, left handcuffed and right handcuffed, the agents of the Seventh District formed a circle and were handcuffed to a telephone pole by the side of the road.

The worst of them was Seymour, because he was not only handcuffed, but even his suit jacket was stripped off, leaving only a pair of shorts with red and white stripes.

At this time, the autumn wind is bleak, I hope he will not catch a cold tomorrow.

Sam's glasses, along with his parents, were escorted by another convoy belonging to researchers.Before Optimus Prime could ask about the glasses, a group of black convoys that were the same model as the agents of the seventh district appeared in the middle of the road not far away.

"Autobots, transform and retreat!"

Following Optimus Prime's order, Ironhide punched the ground, releasing a small-scale EMP electromagnetic shock wave, which paralyzed the team's electronic system and caused the black cars to crash into a ball by themselves.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Autobots were preparing to evacuate, but in the sky, two helicopters turned on their bright lights, exposing their huge figures to the night sky.

At this time, Wang Dali felt that it was time for him to make a move.

He swung a punch violently, drawing a huge space passage tens of meters high, calling for the Autobots to retreat.Optimus Prime, who also mastered the space portal technology, had no time to sigh, and walked in with the Autobots.

(End of this chapter)

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