Hercules Walk

Chapter 78 Captain America

Chapter 78 Captain America
After being 'friendly' invited out of the office by Nick Fury, Wang Dali decided to go to the gym that Coulson took him to last time.Anyway, being idle is idle, just treat it as having fun.

When Wang Dali came to the gym along the road at that time, there were already people inside.He pushed open the glass door with a good mute effect, walked to the side of the white man who was punching a red sandbag at high speed, and the sandbag was crackling, and nodded friendly.

The other party also nodded in response, but did not stop what they were doing.

Wait, why do I feel like I've seen this person somewhere?

Rubbing his hairless chin, Wang Dali carefully sized up the man in front of him who was muscular, nimble in his steps, strong in his fists, and had short brown-blond hair.

The man is now wearing only a tight white T-shirt with black shorts.At this moment, sweat was flowing from his face and body, making the water-absorbent T-shirt close to his body, revealing his strong pectoralis major and the shape of the eight-pack of steel abs below.

"Sir, is there something wrong with my attire?"

The man was scrutinized by Wang Dali's gaze, and even stopped his own training.I heard that there are a lot of people in modern society who say 'how do you fall in love with different genders', so this guy must be right? !

"Ah, I'm sorry, it's just that you look alike to someone I know!"

After more than ten seconds of thinking, Wang Dali finally remembered that the man in front of him resembled the man he had just seen yesterday, the youngest Human Torch Johnny Storm among the Fantastic Four.

Apologetically, Wang Dali stretched out his right hand to the other party.

"Hello, I'm Dali-Wang, what's your name? Maybe the person I know is related to you!"


The white man grunted and shook his head sadly.

"I don't have any relatives in this world. The only relative I used to have was my distant cousin Maria, but after so many years, my cousin might have..."

"Ah, I'm so sorry to bring up your sadness."

Looking at the other party's eyes that suddenly dimmed, Wang Dali said hastily.

"It's okay, I made you laugh."

Stretching out his hand and shaking Wang Dali, the white man quickly collected his emotions and smiled again.

"Hi Dali-Mr. Wang, I'm Steve Rogers, nice to meet you."

"Steve Rogers? Are you Captain America?!"

Looking at Steve with some surprise, no wonder Wang Dali felt that his life magnetic field far exceeded that of ordinary people. It turned out that he was Captain America who had used the super soldier potion.

"I heard that you have been awakened from a deep sleep, but I didn't expect to see you today. How is it, are you still used to modern life?"

Seeing that Wang Dali didn't ask for a group photo because of his identity, Steve heaved a sigh of relief.Rather than holding a pen and taking pictures with others, he still wants to exist as a soldier with a weapon.

And the autograph and so on always reminded him of the embarrassing time when he was touring the battlefield with the military art troupe after he had just been injected with the super soldier potion.

"Fortunately, although life now is different from my time at that time, it is much more convenient. Back then, my comrades in the Roaring Commando and I worked hard for the sake of the people living and working in peace and contentment."

As he spoke, Steve showed a dazzling smile on his face, like a small sun slowly rising.

This smile is so dazzling! ! !

Wang Dali felt that Steve's smile was more lethal than meeting Thanos in the eye, and he didn't know how to answer the conversation for a while—the other party was a good-natured man who had fought bloody battles for the country several times under the Stars and Stripes of America. heroic warrior.Strictly speaking, the other party was more than twice his age.

How could such a guy be from Hydra?
In Wang Dali's induction, Steve who said these words was completely sincere, without even a little selfishness, which made him feel strange for the owner of the Wanshiwu who only pays for money and does as much as he can. Ashamed, even my conscience is aching.

Three, two, one.

Well, the shame is over.

In order to prevent Steve from showing his holy light smile again.Wang Dali began to change the subject.

"By the way, since you've woken up, you should have met Agent Coulson? How about it, how does it feel to face your fanatical fans?"

Hearing Coulson's name, Captain America subconsciously turned his head to look at the gym's gate—fortunately, Coulson wasn't there.

"Hmm...very subtle."

Captain America smiled bitterly, the expression on his face was definitely not happy.

"After all, as a possible comrade-in-arms in the future, it is really difficult for me to accept worship."


Although he knew what would happen in the future, Wang Dali still pretended to be curious and asked.

"Steve, are you 90 years old? You should have retired a long time ago according to your age. If Nick Fury forced you, you can go to court and sue him for elder abuse!"

Steve smiled at Wang Dali's joke and didn't take it seriously.But from Wang Dali's tone, Steve felt that he was not an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

At least, when he was a soldier, he didn't dare to call his immediate superior by his name.

The two chatted for a few more words, and after declining Captain America's lunch invitation, Wang Dali left S.H.I.E.L.D. through the main entrance.

Outside the S.H.I.E.L.D. building, Wang Dali opened a portal to Catherine's apartment in Manhattan.He took a look in the room, at this point, the little naughty seemed to have gone out to eat.

After opening the door and going downstairs, Wang Dali took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Hello, this is Tony Stark."

"Tony, we need to move faster."

On the phone side, Wang Dali's voice was a little low.

"Captain America has woken up, and it seems that the situation is recovering well. If he participates in our plan, he will definitely want to save the life of his good friend Bucky."

"I see."

After a moment of silence, Tony's voice came from the other side somewhat vaguely.

"Dali, are you sure it was Bucky Barnes who attacked my father?"

"It's impossible to be 100% sure. I didn't stand by and watch at that time."

Wang Dali shook his head.

"Didn't I say it before, the photos that can be used as evidence are in an underground base of Hydra in Siberia."

"But Siberia is so big, do you want me to turn it over?"

Tony Stark said angrily on the phone.Then, there was another silence, and then, Tony Stark whispered 'to himself' on the phone.

"If there is really no way, even if the opponent is Captain America, I have no choice but to..."

(End of this chapter)

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