Hercules Walk

Chapter 75 Space-Time Magic Plastic Surgery

Chapter 75 Space-Time Magic Plastic Surgery
After hearing that someone could heal his face, Harry immediately turned down the lunch with the client at noon in surprise, let his beautiful blonde secretary book a hotel, and called the driver to go with him.

On the other hand, because of the need for Doctor Strange to help, Wang Dali also called him for lunch this time.Including Catherine and Minty who couldn't not come, there were six people having dinner together.

"Peter, why didn't you call Jennifer?"

After calling a taxi, Wang Dali sat in the back seat with Catherine, Minty and Strange, and asked Peter in the passenger seat.

"Jennifer has a large-scale opera performance at noon today. In order to keep her figure in shape, she can only drink some water today."

Peter still supports and approves of his girlfriend's pursuit of acting.After the ups and downs of the past few years, the relationship between him and Jennifer has also stabilized.

"Then she needs to be hungry every time she prepares to perform?"

Wang Dali, who didn't know much about it, asked Peter.

"It's not just opera actors. In fact, many actors can't eat when they perform certain plays."

As a former news editor-in-chief with a lot of experience, Catherine, who was also in charge of the entertainment section for more than a year, explained to Wang Dali.

"In some scenes that need to highlight the actor's figure, the director generally requires the actor not to eat until the end, regardless of gender. Therefore, many Hollywood actors have various gastrointestinal problems due to irregular diet."

"That's it."

After Catherine finished speaking, Peter nodded in agreement.

"Sometimes I also think that it doesn't matter when Jennifer is young, but if she gets older, there will definitely be problems with her body. Between dreams and future health, this is a difficult point to grasp."

Doesn't Jennifer know that this is bad for her health? She definitely does.But for the sake of my own dreams, the problems that may arise in the future will not be taken seriously.

In this regard, Peter can only helplessly smile.

The yellow taxi walked through the streets and alleys of New York, and soon arrived at the hotel that Harry had booked.Following the waiter with a sweet smile in the hotel upstairs, Harry wearing a half silver mask soon appeared in front of several people.

"Strange, help Harry take a look."

Without making him wait any longer, Wang Dali nodded to Strange, motioning him to study and see if Harry's face could be healed by magic.

"I'm Steve Vincent Strange, Doctor of Surgery and Medicine, and I'm currently serving as Supreme Sorcerer at Karma Taj."

"I'm Harry Osborne, Chairman of Osborne."

Shaking hands with a smiling Harry, Doctor Strange pointed to the custom silver mask on Harry's face.

"Can you please take off your mask? Although I have heard Mr. Dali talk about your problem before, I still need to check it."

"no problem."

Harry still believed in the people Wang Dali brought.Although he didn't know what the Supreme Master was, he felt that Wang Dali would not joke about his disfigurement.

So he took off the silver mask on his face, revealing the half of his face that was destroyed by the flames and glass shards.

Before his disfigurement, Harry was still very handsome, he could be called the handsome son of a consortium.But after the death of his father, all kinds of pressure came one after another.

The best friend actually killed his father and enemy, and he was disfigured by the other party.If it weren't for the super-playful friendship between him and Peter over the years, maybe there would be no Spider-Man in this world.

After looking around and touching the scars on Harry's face with his hands a few times, Strange nodded and said with a relaxed expression.

"It's not a big problem if it's only partial. Then, when did your injury occur?"

Hearing what Strange said, Harry suppressed the excitement in his heart, tried his best to speak calmly, but couldn't hide the joy in it.

"This was more than two months ago."

"Just over two months?"

This time span was not too long, which made Strange heave a sigh of relief.Although he can skillfully use the Eye of Agamotto, which is the time stone, he is not yet a commanding hand.If the time span is somewhat large, there will inevitably be some errors.

If it's just over two months, it's still within his control.

Thinking clearly, he took a few steps back, stretched out his hands and noticed Harry.

"Please stand here and don't move, this little thing will be fine soon."

Seeing this situation, Harry's secretary stood outside the door with great insight to prevent the waiter from breaking in.There was finally hope for his face to heal, and Harry nervously adjusted his already decent clothes.

"Is that enough?"

"That's all right, Mr. Osborne. But whatever happens next, I want you to remain calm."

Giving Harry a few seconds to prepare, Strange spread out his hands and placed them in a circle on his chest.

Then, the Eye of Agamotto, which he specially wore around his neck today, began to glow and floated in front of him out of thin air.

The light green light directly shone on Harry's injured face, which was trying to keep himself still, making him feel itchy and even tingling.

Although he couldn't see it himself, in the eyes of Peter and the others, Harry's injured half of his face seemed to be mosaiced, moving and reorganizing at high speed with a grain-by-grain resolution.

A little over a minute, less than 1 minutes later, Strange stopped activating the Eye of Agamotto in his hand, causing the green light to slowly dissipate, and gently wiped off the sweat on his head with the napkin next to him.

"Okay, Mr. Harry, you can go to the bathroom to see if there is anything that needs to be changed."

This kind of micro-precision operation requires him to concentrate a lot of attention. It is said that when some surgeons perform major operations, they will sweat several pounds.

This luxury hotel is of course equipped with a toilet in the box.Looking at himself in the mirror, Harry raised his hand and gently stroked the disfigured place.At this point, it is no different from when it was still intact more than two months ago.

The touch of his skin to the hand is very smooth, not at all like before, with a very obvious sense of bumps and layers.

With a big smile on his face, Harry came out of the bathroom to meet Peter's reddish eyes and a tight hug.

"Sorry Harry, I'm so sorry for what I did to you before! But it's great that you're back now!"

"Peter, let this matter pass."

Patting his best friend on the shoulder comfortingly, Harry said to him sincerely.

"We're best friends!"

 PS: I owe you five shifts, at least four shifts tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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