Hercules Walk

Chapter 72 Gathering

Chapter 72 Gathering
While Wang Dali and Tony Stark were drinking coffee and chatting while waiting for everyone to arrive, Pepper walked in.

Behind her were four other well-known figures in the United States.

"Tony, Dali, Dr. Reed and his partners have arrived."

"Hi, Mr. Stark, I'm Reed Richards."

"Ah, Mister Fantastic! Welcome, welcome."

Standing up from his seat, Stark took the initiative to walk in front of Dr. Reed, and shook hands with him with a smile.

"This is my wife Sue Storm, this is Sue's brother Jonny Storm, and this is Ben Grimm."

Although he is not very good at communicating with people, but facing the enthusiastic Tony Stark, Reid also put a smile on his face.

"That's Invisible Woman, Human Torch, and Golem."

While talking, Tony led several people to sit down on the sofa opposite Wang Dali.Fortunately, Stark's office is big enough, and the quality of the sofa in the office is also good. After the stone man Ben, who is not small in size and quality, sat down, although it made a creaking sound, it did not collapse.

Still, an obvious indentation is inevitable.

"sorry, I……"

The stone man apologized to Tony, but he waved his hand, indicating that he didn't have to take it to heart.

"Don't worry, it's just a sofa."

This move made the Fantastic Four feel good about him, and the flamboyant Human Torch said it directly.

"Hey man, I thought you would be as difficult to contact as the TV news said, now it seems that those media reporters are just talking nonsense!"

"Of course, as a public figure who is concerned, I am also very distressed by the random fabrications made by reporters."

Tony Stark nodded shamelessly in agreement with Thunderbolt's words.

"Yes, sometimes we also encounter such problems."

Thunderbolt nodded in agreement, and then asked curiously and gossipingly.

"By the way, I want to ask a question. I heard that you slept with Playboy's cover girl for twelve months last year?"


Regarding Thunderbolt asking such an 'extraordinary' question, his elder sister Su frowned and gave a light drink to her younger brother, then turned her head and said to Tony apologetically.

"Sorry, my brother is just like that."

"No, it's nothing."

This is his own 'great achievement', and it's too late for Tony Stark to be proud.

"Actually, there's something wrong with that sentence. The March girl and my schedule conflict, and luckily the December girl is twins."

At this moment, Pepper, who was holding two cups of coffee, walked over with a cold face, and threw a coffee cup in front of Tony forcefully.

"Mr. Stark, here's your coffee refill."

Switching to Wang Dali, Pepper not only handled it gently, but also gave him a sweet smile.

"Dali, here is your coffee."

Facing such ruthless differential treatment, Tony remained silent.Why did he just get carried away and make Pepper angry?

After serving coffee to all six people in the office, Pepper, who knew they were going to discuss something important, closed the door.Looking at Reed, who was somewhat reserved, Wang Dali asked Tony curiously.

"Tony, how did you invite the Fantastic Four? As far as I know, your Stark Company seems to have nothing to do with them?"

A big trench that is not bad for money, Tony Stark said that it is very simple.

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that I'm very interested in Dr. Reed's research, and I can't personally participate in it due to time constraints, so I kindly invested 1000 to [-] million U.S. dollars as their team's research funding."

"Yes, in fact, our economic situation has been somewhat problematic recently, and I am very grateful to Mr. Stark for his help."

"Reed, just call me Tony."

Smiling at Mr. Fantastic, who finally got rid of the embarrassing situation where he was short of money recently, Tony and the Fantastic Four chatted a few words, and the atmosphere in the office gradually became harmonious.

Then, Pepper walked in with another person.

"Ah, look who's coming!"

The first time he saw the other party, Tony Stark stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder. The other party held Stark's hand with a little excitement, and then shook it hard.

"Mr. Stark, I'm Peter Parker. It's a great honor to be invited by you to visit Stark Tower!"

After greeting Tony, Peter noticed the other people in the office.

"Fantastic Four?! And Mister Strong."

"Hi Mr. Parker. Nice to meet you."

As the team's diplomatic commissioner, the invisible woman reached out and shook his hand.Tony introduces the Fantastic Four.

"Don't underestimate him, this kid is a good neighbor of New Yorkers, Spider-Man!"


"Is he Spider-Man?"

Comparing Sue, who just had a slightly surprised expression on his face, and Ben who was silent, Human Torch and Reed exclaimed at the same time, obviously unable to communicate with Peter Parker, who was a bit shy, and who was flirting every day among the skyscrapers in New York City. Shake-shake's Spider-Man connects.

At the same time, Wang Dali's phone rang.

"Dali, I have already arrived at the place last time, please open the door!"

"Ok, no problem."

Stretching out his right hand and then swiping, after these days of experiments, Wang Dali opened the portal more and more easily, and the opened space channel gradually approached a circle from the irregular shape at the beginning.

(World: Then do I still have to thank you?!!!!!!)
Then, Johnny pushed the motorcycle out of it.

It seemed that Tony's office was destined to be very lively today. A few seconds later, Deadpool, wearing a black and red tights and carrying two swords behind his back, also arrived.

"Little spider?"

The first time he saw Peter Parker, Deadpool recognized Peter Parker's identity, showing vigilance on his face.

"What, are you here to compete with me for business? I haven't heard that Little Spider has recently changed careers and become a mercenary?"

"you are?"

Of course Peter didn't know this guy in tights.But the other party seemed to know him very well, and a series of words quickly burst out of his mouth.

"I'm Deadpool, Little Spider, remember this name. Although my number of fans is not as good as yours now, it is growing rapidly. It won't be long before I surpass your position in the 'Most Popular Marvel Heroes' Ranked in the top ten on the leaderboard!"


Peter was stunned, completely unable to understand what Deadpool said.Instead, Mister Fantastic's ears moved, watching Deadpool's eyes slowly light up.


At this moment, the owner here, Tony Stark, clapped his hands and attracted everyone's attention.

"Okay, let's talk about these things later, all the people I invited are here, now, let's talk about the business."

(End of this chapter)

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