Hercules Walk

Chapter 56

Chapter 56
In front of Professor Charles, Wang Dali punched out a hole in the space.This time, he took a closer look and realized that it was right outside Stark's house, before stepping through this unstable portal with confidence.

As soon as Wang Dali appeared, Jarvis, who was in charge of the monitoring system around Stark's house, immediately reported to Tony Stark, who was currently in the underground laboratory, researching the new Mark armor.

"Sir, Mr. Dali is outside the door."


After listening to Jarvis' report, Tony subconsciously touched the new small reactor on his chest.

According to the information given by Wang Dali, he soon discovered a new element from his father's legacy, and produced it with a particle collider.

This new element is not as radiation toxic as palladium, or the radiation is so small that it can be almost ignored.The new reactor made of it can be called pollution-free.

It's just that the next piece of information he gave left Tony Stark still clueless.

"Let him in, Jarvis."

Putting away the tools in his hand, Stark walked through the laboratory and walked upstairs to the elevator. Not long after, he saw Wang Dali sitting on the bar in his living room, drinking the precious champagne in his wine cabinet.

He rolled his eyes at the other party, picked up a cup and put it in front of Wang Dali, motioning for him to pour himself a cup too.

"Why are you free to come to my place today?"

Leaning on the bar and shaking the wine glass in his hand, taking a sip from time to time, Stark asked Wang Dali very comfortably.

"It's because I have nothing to do, so I came to visit you."

Wang Dali put down the champagne in his hand, took out a bottle of Sprite from Tony's wine cabinet again, and blended it according to the ratio he liked.

"How is it? Is there any clue to what I told you last time?"

"The whole of Siberia is so big, how do you tell me to find an underground research institute that is hidden inside?"

Tony narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard this, and shrugged pretending not to care.

"So, do you have any other clues or news?"

"If you want to talk about news, there is indeed one, but I'm afraid you won't need it."

It was almost half a glass of champagne and half a glass of Sprite. Wang Dali bowed his head and tasted it, nodding in satisfaction.

"Although it was decades ago, the base should still be in a semi-operational state, but I don't know exactly which Hydra member is in control."

"Which one?"

Extracting some information from Wang Dali's words, Tony Stark's eyes lit up.

"So, you know more than one Hydra man?"

"Of course. It's just Tony, there's no use telling you."

Looking at the eager Stark, Wang Dali shook his head.

"Although not as rich as you, the other party's status is no lower than yours. Unless you join Hydra or exchange it with the design of Mark's armor, it is impossible for you to get what you want from him."

"Who is it? Tell me Dali. You know, that matter is very important to me!"

Thinking of his father who might have been murdered rather than died in a car accident, Stark's eyes were a little red.He put down the wine glass in his hand, turned to hold Wang Dali's arm tightly, and stared into his eyes, with a rare expression of sincerity on his face.

In order not to be misunderstood as gay by others, Wang Dali hastily pulled Tony's hands away.

"It is the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and a member of the United Nations Security Council, Alexander Pierce."

"The last director of S.H.I.E.L.D.? Dali, are you right?!"

This name was obviously beyond Tony Stark's expectations, and even felt a little absurd.

The S.H.I.E.L.D., which eliminated Hydra in history, actually used a member of Hydra as the former director?
"of course not."

Wang Dali gave Stark an angry look. If you don't believe me, don't beg me to tell you just now!
"Hydra is not so simple to be wiped out. Now almost one-fifth of the S.H.I.E.L.D. is their people. The goal of Hydra is to rule the world rather than destroy the world. There will never be a shortage of ambitious people join in."

"Especially the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau has so much information, Hydra just needs to choose some suitable people to intimidate and lure, and it doesn't worry about not developing."

Looking at Tony Stark's still not convinced eyes, Wang Dali said emphatically.

"Think about it, when Alexander was the chief, how many Hydra people do you think changed and became agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.? And now, which department of S.H.I.E.L.D. has no Hydra people? ?”

"Hydra members cover each other, help each other, and then the high-level will send some agents who may be aware of something into a trap disguised as a mission. I don't think it will be long before Hydra will be reborn with the help of the S.H.I.E.L.D. , come to the stage again.”

After Wang Dali finished speaking, he found that Tony Stark had already tightly clenched his fist, with blue veins showing faintly on his forehead.

"Help me, Dali. Don't you still owe me a favor?"

Stark raised his head and looked directly into Wang Dali's eyes, with raging anger that couldn't be concealed.

"The S.H.I.E.L.D. created by Dad must not let it fall into the control of Hydra! If my father really died because of Hydra, then let me be Hercules once!"

"It's not impossible to ask me to help you."

Wang Dali drank the Sprite Champagne (or was it Champagne Sprite?) in one gulp.

"It's just Tony, now that your life is guaranteed, should you marry Pepper?"


Unexpectedly, Wang Dali's topic changed so suddenly that Tony froze in place immediately.It was only then that he remembered that Wang Dali was actually Pepper's uncle, and scratched his head in embarrassment, finally confiding his worries to her.

"While the reactor in my chest kept me alive, some of the shrapnel was too close to my heart. In fact, I was in constant danger of dying in the next second."

Tony Stark's complexion was complicated.Among them, there is loss, unwillingness, and regret at the same time.

"Pepper is a good woman, I haven't touched her, and I don't want to delay her."

"But in fact you have already done so."

Unexpectedly, Stark would be so naive on this point, or deliberately let himself be naive, Wang Dali sneered.

"Being a well-known playboy in the United States, Pepper, who has been an assistant to Mr. Tony Stark for several years, has no other relationship with him. Do you believe this?!"


After Wang Dali broke through the last line of defense, Tony Stark opened his mouth, but finally said nothing, making Wang Dali shake his head again and again.

"Pepper is not young this year, don't you want to wait for her to be 30 years old and get married when you are 40 years old, or just watch her fall into the arms of other men?"

 PS: The plot of Iron Man 2 in the movie took place six months after 1, and the reunion was even later.

(End of this chapter)

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