Hercules Walk

Chapter 51 Simple and easy-to-understand vigorous teleportation

Chapter 51 Simple and easy-to-understand vigorous teleportation

"The metal ring in your hand is called the Hanging Ring. It is the most commonly used and most useful magic equipment during your apprenticeship. It can guide your spirit and allow you to travel between universes more conveniently and quickly."

"Does that mean that with this ring, I can 'swoosh' around the world like I did just now?"

Playing with the bright yellow ring in her hand, Minty asked excitedly.

"That's just the premise. If you want to do this, you still need to study and train."

After answering, Modu led a few people to a corner of the training ground.He stretched out his right hand with the hanging ring, and gently drew a circle with the other hand at a fixed frequency.

Following Master Modu's movements, a circle of crimson sparks appeared out of thin air, spinning and shining continuously.

"You haven't done the relevant training yet, let me demonstrate it first. When using the suspension ring, you need to be highly focused and visualize the place you want to go..."

Gradually, the scene within the crimson fire circle began to become blurred, and finally turned into the appearance of a snow mountain not far away.

At the same time, there were waves of wind and snow blowing down from the circle of fire, making several people standing behind Master Modu feel a chill at the same time.Minty stretched out her right hand, watching a white snowflake melt in the center of her little hand.

Afterwards, Modu put away his hands, turned around and smiled at everyone.

"Okay, let's try it too. But don't be discouraged, it's normal that nothing happens when you use the suspension ring for the first time."

After hearing what he said, Minty, who had already been impatient for this, stood aside, and imitated Modu's way and put herself on her left hand. She raised the hanging ring, which was a bit too big for her, while the other hand slowly drew lock up.

Catherine, who was standing beside Minty, couldn't wait to try out the first magic in her life.

Think carefully about where you want to go...

Wang Dali's expression was in a trance.

I know it's hopeless, but I'll give it a try.

He gently raised his right hand wearing the hanging ring, which immediately attracted the attention of Doctor Strange who was observing here through magic.

After 20 years of changes, many memories of Wang Dali's previous life have become fragmented.He could only try to recall the small bedroom he had lived in for several years, starting from the desk and wardrobe, to the bed, to the chair, to the decoration, and completed it bit by bit.

His two fingers wearing the hanging ring are close together, stretched forward and level with the center of the eyebrows, and the other hand slowly turns, drawing one circular trajectory after another, making Doctor Strange hold his breath, looking forward to the next thing happened.

Three seconds passed.

Ten seconds passed.

Half a minute passed.

Like Minty and Catherine, nothing happened to Wang Dali after a few minutes passed.

Sure enough, can't you...

He sighed softly, with an unconcealable look of disappointment on his face.On the other side, the same is true for Strange in the library.


The training of mage apprentices in Karma Taj is more than just wearing rings and talking circles, there are many other things to learn.

First of all, every morning, Catherine and Minty will come to the training square with other mage apprentices to draw circles; after breakfast, they need to learn various ancient languages ​​and the essence of spells; in the afternoon, they will conduct combat training; An essential daily practice for mages - meditation.

Compared to Minty, who has a lot of combat experience and is terrifying, Catherine is not very good at this aspect.Fortunately, Wang Dali doesn't need her to become stronger to help him, he just hopes that Catherine can have the ability to protect herself.

As for Wang Dali, he gave up using traditional methods to learn magic on the second day.

Although he failed to use the suspension ring for the first time, this way of traveling through the universe gave him a good inspiration.

"The working principle of the Suspended Ring is to use myself as a point, and the destination in my mind as a point, and connect these two points to form a space channel, thereby opening the portal; and my method and It is similar, it also finds the teleportation node first, and then opens the teleportation gate."

Then, Wang Dali swung his fist, and the space node located on the Himalayan Snow Mountain was directly shattered and revealed, slowly appearing in front of him and Strange reluctantly.

This is really 'opening' a portal.

"That's okay too?"

Doctor Strange, who was called by Wang Dali to watch, opened his mouth, and found that Wang Dali really opened the portal with his completely unscientific and non-magic method.

Leaving aside whether his theory is correct or not, first of all, the working principle of suspension ring is not as good as he said at all!
If the hanging ring is a master key, using its own characteristics to cleverly open the lock that seals the space; then Wang Dali is holding a sledgehammer, regardless of whether the lock is willing or not, he will hammer it opened.

And unlike using magic to open the door, the portal opened by Wang Dali is slowly shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.This is the world's space correction ability activated on its own, filling the space cracks that Wang Dali directly punched out with his fists.

"Although the duration is not long, my method can continuously generate multiple portals in a short period of time, which is very convenient."

As he said that, Wang Dali, who looked relaxed, punched the air a few more times.The desert of New Mexico; Wang Dali's small villa in New York; the scene of the very famous Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles; and the towns near the border between the United States and Canada that Wang Dali once visited with Catherine all appeared in front of them .

Space: If you do this again, I will call the police!

Although he was surprised by Wang Dali's unscientific teleportation, at the same time, Strange felt somewhat uncontrollable excitement because of it.

Now that Wang Dali can travel through the universe by breaking the space, if this continues, maybe it won't take long for him to break the world barrier and take him to see other worlds in non-parallel universes.

For any mage, the search for the unknown is never-ending.Even in other worlds, his magic power might be weakened, or even unable to work.

At this moment, a hand that should be a woman suddenly protruded from one of the portals that Wang Dali opened.This hand seemed to be groping around as if looking for something. Wang Dali put his hand on it curiously and interestingly, and was pulled over by the opponent.

Seeing this, Strange smiled helplessly, and left here too.

When Wang Dali wants to come back, he will naturally use his own 'Dali Portal' to come back, so he doesn't have to worry about it.

(End of this chapter)

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