Hercules Walk

Chapter 49 Choice

Chapter 49 Choice
After Doctor Strange finished speaking, Doctor Doom continued in the tone of a scientist with a little fanaticism and exploration.

"Mr. Dali, even though I am very impressed by your power, I can't even find the direction of research. What's even more rare is that it is still growing. One day, we believe that it will be like us in the long river of time. As seen in the book, it takes us to break through the confinement of this universe, and see many other worlds that are completely different from this world in terms of laws, physical constants, and even concepts."

"I hereby promise under the real name of Victor von Doom that I will teach Miss Catherine all the knowledge I have learned without reservation. I only hope that when Mr. Dali is about to transcend this world, he can take me with him. "

Wang Dali could feel that Dr. Doom was sincere when he said this.He didn't have any other thoughts, but really thought so.

"And what's different from Strange is that I'm not only good at magic, I'm also very good at technology."

When he said this, Doctor Doom looked at Doctor Strange proudly.

"If I were to build a suit suitable for Ms. Catherine, it would definitely be no worse than Tony Stark's. Learning magic takes time, and my armor can ensure that Ms. Catherine will pass through this period safely. .”

Doctor Strange: Do you blame me for not being a mecha?
Regarding his weakness in this aspect, he said seriously.

"But most of your magic is too dangerous. I don't think it's a good thing for Ms. Catherine to follow you into the gate of the magical world."

"But you can't deny that my magic is indeed powerful and fast."

Doctor Doom doesn't deny that his magic is dangerous.It is impossible to gain power quickly and quickly without paying some price.

"But the power you pursue is so dangerous every time!"

Regarding the other party's accusation, Doctor Doom sneered, and said to Doctor Strange with disdain.

"Hmph, no matter how dangerous these forces are, is it still dangerous for you to directly interfere with time and space and form a space-time gap?"

"These compartments have been sealed by me!"

"Then I am sure to control the power I am looking for!"

During the dispute, the voices of the two grew louder.Wang Dali had no doubt that if he hadn't been here, these two people who looked at each other with distaste might have started fighting.

"Forget it, the concepts are different, there is nothing to talk about between the seeker and the protector."

In the end, Doctor Doom tossed off his sleeves, unwilling to have the argument with Doctor Strange that he had had many times.

"Also, it's true that I am keen on pursuing power, but I am not pursuing the power to destroy the world. What I yearn for is power and mystery, and has nothing to do with anything else. When I led Ms. Catherine into the magical world, I Naturally, you will be cautious."

In all fairness, the conditions given by Doctor Doom are very generous.If you don't look at the series of bloody methods he adopted to obtain knowledge, he can barely be regarded as a radical scientist.It is of course a good choice for Catherine to learn magic from him.

But the problem is that Doctor Doom is a super villain rather than a superhero, and some of his dark spells can even subtly change people's minds.Compared with the mage, it is more inclined to the dark wizard side.

Queen of Destruction Catherine?Although this title sounds very powerful, but Wang Dali is still very grateful.

So, he turned his attention to Steven Strange.

Contrary to Dr. Doom, Dr. Strange was a doctor of surgery and medicine who was well-known throughout the United States when he was an ordinary person. He has become a new generation of supreme mages and has been fighting against evil forces.Although Kama Taj's magic also has a seductive side, compared with Doctor Doom, the safety factor is undoubtedly much higher.

If Doctor Doom's camp is evil and chaos, then Doctor Strange is good order.

Therefore, when Wang Dali was thinking, the two doctors could see his decision from his eyes.

"That's a real pity."

Unlike Doctor Strange, who showed excitement and a little complacency, although the two of them couldn't see Doctor Doom's expression clearly because of the mask, it could be heard from his voice that Doctor Doom was still the same for Wang Dali's choice. Some are unwilling.

"Then, I will bid farewell to Mr. Dali here. If you change your mind, I will wait for you in Latvinia."

As soon as the words fell, Doctor Doom turned into a green mist and dissipated in the mirror world.He comes and goes freely, completely unrestricted by the creator of this temporary mirror world, Doctor Strange.

This undoubtedly made his face a little ugly.

However, since Catherine was about to enter Karma Taj to learn magic, Strange didn't bother to argue with Doctor Doom.

"Then Mr. Dali, look now..."

"Don't worry, I'll go back and ask Katie what she thinks."

Wang Dali waved his hand.

"Although I am her husband, it is still up to her to make her own decisions in this regard."

"of course."

Strange nodded to express his understanding, and took out a diamond-shaped crystal emitting silver-white light from his bosom and handed it to Wang Dali.

"When you need to contact me, please crush it. In the name of time, I promise to be on call."

Just like when he came, Strange's figure also disappeared into the mirror world through a spark-like portal.The next moment, the sound of car horns in the noisy city came to Wang Dali's ears again.


When Catherine came home in the evening, after dinner, Wang Dali and Wang Dali were lying on the sofa and watching TV. Wang Dali told her about the two doctors he met today and a series of things after that.


Catherine opened her mouth, her astonishment was almost used up in the past few days, and in the end she just rolled her eyes helplessly, expressing that she knew.

"Well, even the gods and demons have appeared, so a few more magicians are no big deal."

"So what's your choice, Catherine?"

Hugging Catherine with a lovely expression of "no matter what you say, the baby will listen to it", Wang Dali whispered in her ear.

"Personally, I prefer Doctor Strange, not only because of his character, but also because Kama Taj itself is an ancient magic sect. It has a long history, complete inheritance, and rich teaching experience. In There, you can meet some friends who study magic together."

"While Doctor Doom's magic is powerful and effective, it is also very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will get lost in the desire for power. It is not a wise choice for ordinary people."

(End of this chapter)

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