Hercules Walk

Chapter 47 Battle Armor

Chapter 47 Battle Armor
After seeing Johnny's transformation, on the way back, Catherine was always out of her mind.

If it wasn't for being pulled by Wang Dali, this shrewd and capable young lady would have bumped into at least two electric poles and three trash cans tonight.

It was rare to see Catherine's reckless appearance, and Wang Dali, who was wearing a malicious smile, did not remind her. Instead, he followed her with his mobile phone to take pictures, and only supported her when Catherine was about to fall.

A few minutes later, Catherine finally woke up from the shock of breaking her three views.Wang Dali immediately put away the phone with lightning speed, and followed her as if nothing had happened.

"How about Katie? Before dawn, do you want me to take you to see it again?"

"Forget it, let me wait for a few days."

At this time, Catherine had a complex look on her face. She never thought that there were so many things hidden under the night in New York.This made her wonder if she was living in a fake America?

She turned her head to look at Wang Dali beside her, and asked him with some worries.

"Darling, do you always face something like this in every mission?

"Well... almost."

Wang Dali thought about it.

"What was the last time I went to New Mexico to deal with the Thor of Asgard, Loki, and the Destroyer; and after watching Johnny's motorcycle stunt with you, he faced Mephitos, the Lord of Hell, and Killed his son Witch Heart Demon; during the period, he also cooperated with vampires and helped them catch a very infectious mutant; some time ago, he killed the big drug lord Frank with Matt and Damon... probably That's all."

As Wang Dali narrated, the distance between Catherine and him became closer and closer, and finally almost her whole body was attached to his body, feeling Wang Dali's body temperature with zero distance.

This caused a gentle smile to rise from the corner of his mouth, and he patted Catherine's hand.

"Don't worry, Katie. I'm strong. And for you, I won't take any dangerous jobs."

Regarding her husband's answer, although Catherine was still worried, she did not say it out.With no power, she couldn't judge whether Wang Dali's words were true, or he was just trying to comfort her.

She looked up at her husband, with silent warmth and love in her eyes.

"It's getting late, let's go home"



The next day, Catherine submitted her resignation as the editor-in-chief of the Facebook Network News Channel.

"Katie, are you serious?"

"of course."

Because of this decision, Catherine lay in bed last night without sleep, tossing and turning all night, and there were faint dark circles around her eyes at this time.

"Darling, after what happened last night, I realized that I didn't seem to know you at all before. So, I decided to put work aside and give priority to my family."

To put it lightly, Catherine gave up her editor-in-chief position after two months of hard work.

"Also, isn't Minty coming to our place soon? Regarding the children's education she has experienced, I think more time should be devoted to Minty."

"Okay, now that you've made up your mind, Katie."

Sitting in Catherine's office, Wang Dali nodded helplessly.

"These days, I will complete the handover of work as soon as possible. It will take about a week. When the matter is over, Dali will show me what the real New York is."

"no problem."

Walking out of Facebook's office building, Wang Dali was thinking while wandering on the street.

It's time to find a way to let Catherine also gain extraordinary power.

Wang Dali himself was not afraid of challenges of any nature, whether it was a single duel, a group fight or a sneak attack.But his wife, Catherine, the biggest bondage in the world, is just an ordinary person.

He is the kind of ordinary person who will become the number of casualties in the background of superhero battles if he is not careful.

If it was before, Wang Dali would not be so anxious.But since she decided to set foot in the world of superhumans, the acquisition of power became imminent.

"However, although there are a large number of extraordinary people in this world, it seems that they lack some serious ways to gain power."

The Mark-type steel suit is not bad, but Wang Dali is unlikely to get it directly from Tony Stark; many companies, including SHIELD, are experimenting and producing super soldier potions, which are only semi-finished products with huge side effects; There were some more bizarre reagents, but Wang Dali did not dare to use them on Catherine.

"Perhaps I can ask Harry for help?"

Osborne's Green Goblin suit is not a little bit worse than Iron Man's Mark suit, whether it is in speed, strength, defense or lethality, it is completely surpassed by the opponent.

But compared to the Iron Armor that is Tony Stark's darling, the Green Goblin Armor is a weapon that can be exported to the military.Since Harry is willing to buy it to the American government, Wang Dali wants to buy it, and he will naturally not refuse.

What's more, with Tony Stark's suspicious character after being kidnapped, Wang Dali very much suspected that he would add a backdoor program to Catherine's armor.

"Let Katie use this stuff for a while, for a while, I can't think of any good way for her to gain strength."

Hailing a taxi casually, Wang Dali came to Osborne, and walked to the front desk under the watchful eyes of two security guards in black at the door.

"Hi ma'am, I'm looking for Harry Osborne."

"Hi sir, do you have an appointment?"


Wang Dali slapped his forehead, smiled at the receptionist, and took out his cell phone from his pocket.

"Sorry, wait for me to make a call...Harry, I'm downstairs from your company, send someone down to pick me up."


Although he was a little surprised why Wang Dali came here, Harry still asked his secretary to go downstairs and pick him up.

"Wait a while, I'll finish reading this document. Guerra, make a cup of coffee for Mr. Dali."

"Yes, Mr. Osborne."

Harry, who was holding a document in his hand, nodded to his secretary, the sweet-looking Miss Guerra, who unfortunately was a washboard, and signaled Wang Dali to take care of himself.After a while, he finished annotating the document and put it aside.

"I really opened my eyes last night. What do you want to see me today, Mr. Dali?"

Standing up from the office chair, Harry sat in front of Wang Dali.He wore half a silver mask on his face, covering his half-destroyed face.

"I want a set of Green Goblin armor for Katie."

"Miss Catherine?"

Harry was not surprised that Wang Dali asked him for the Green Goblin armor.He was surprised that this set of battle armor was actually prepared for Catherine, he frowned and asked Wang Dali,
"It's just a set of battle armor, of course, I can have someone tailor-made a set for Ms. Catherine like me. It's just why it's so sudden. Has anyone been eyeing you recently? Do you want me to help?"

(End of this chapter)

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