Hercules Walk

Chapter 448

Chapter 448 One Out
At this moment, the figure of the berserker suddenly turned into a black wind and disappeared before everyone's eyes.

"Come back, berserker!"

In the dark alley, Matou Kariya spit out blood with insect corpses again.His face was grim because of the pain, and his whole body was convulsing.

The three command spells in his right hand emitted a faint red light, and one of them disappeared, summoning the berserker.

The magic power in Matou Kariya's body has bottomed out, and the Berserker will consume his little vitality next.Although he wasn't afraid of death, he didn't think that a berserker could win with one against four.

"Skaha, let's catch up."

However, Berserker escaped, but Wang Dali did not intend to let him go.He found out where the berserker and its master were, and took Scathach with him.

Moreover, if he chooses to stay, then according to the previous agreement, there must be a winner between the four of them.

"Nitocris, let's go too."

However, Little Naughty seemed to have identified Wang Dali, and followed him with his heroic spirit, as if he wanted to come to the last "snipe and clam fight, fisherman wins".


The heroic spirit and the master left one by one, and soon there were only four people left in the steel building.

Catherine and Minty looked at each other, and stood aside tacitly, allowing the heroic spirits to play freely.

At the end of the battle, the primordial fire in Nero's hand turned into magical power and disappeared, and Elizabeth also turned the spear back into the appearance of a microphone.

"I admit it," Nero raised his head and looked at Elizabeth standing on the top of the castle with piercing eyes.

"Your singing is on the same level as mine. But, that doesn't mean I'll give up!"

"It seems that you are very confident in your singing."

Elizabeth smiled amusedly, and took out a microphone that was often seen in KTV from under her skirt.

"Then let me listen to your singing voice."

Nero took the microphone and recalled in his mind the common sense that the Holy Grail injected into the minds of the Heroic Spirits when he was just summoned to this world, and he quickly understood how to use the microphone.

"Cough cough."

She performed the sound test in a decent manner, then took a light breath, opened those thin cherry lips, and made a terrifying sound that was not weaker than Elizabeth's.

It's like tearing on the steel bar with a hacksaw. All the notes are shredded and reassembled in Nero's mouth, and become an appearance that even the original author can't tell the difference.

Catherine and Minty on the side were shocked again.Although they had expected that Nero's singing voice was not very good, they did not expect that the lethality would reach the same level as Elizabeth's.

No wonder more than nine out of ten audience members run away when she sings operas.

(During Nero's reign in Rome, a building called the Golden Theater was built for her personal opera singing.)
(After the theater opened, many audience members left during the first performance. Outraged by this, she blocked all the entrances and exits during the second performance. Until the end of the performance, not even one person went out .)
Elizabeth was also shocked by Nero's singing, but unlike Catherine and Mindy, she actually praised Nero after the song.

"I didn't expect your strength to be so strong, not inferior to mine! I never expected that there would be a singer comparable to me in other time and space!"

The eyes of the two met in mid-air, and dazzling sparks bloomed.It was the excitement of meeting an opponent at chess, and the joy of sympathy.

But then, Nero let out a somewhat sad sigh.

"But it's a pity, just like Boya and Yu Ziqi in the ancient East. The encounter in the Holy Grail War is both our luck and our misfortune."

"It's also impossible."

Elizabeth is also infected by Nero's emotions and enters the Shakespearean state.

She gripped the microphone tightly, watching Nero excitedly and sadly.

"Why did two top singers meet in such a cruel battlefield? This is probably fate!"

Standing under the moonlight, Catherine and Minty watched the two dramatists performing without any fluctuations in their hearts, and even wanted to laugh a little.

Nero put down the microphone and held up his right hand.

"Yu and the musician made a promise to take the Holy Grail for her! When you leave, I will spread roses for you!"

Behind Nero, a golden-red light burst forth, and the golden unicorn that brought her and Catherine just now appeared from the light with hissing.

Like other unicorns, it has the white color that represents purity.But the mane on the neck and the horn on the top of the head are bright golden.

Behind the unicorn is pulling a chariot made of gold.The chariot is spliced ​​with rubies into the style of rose flowers, which is full of luxury.

"I am the driver comparable to Apollo, the sun god! The golden unicorn supporting my chariot will not be weaker than the Pegasus under Apollo!"

Nero stepped into the chariot, reins in hand.The unicorn's body was lowered, and the sun's dazzling flames converged on its golden unicorn.

"Let's shine together in the sky with Yu—the Chariot of Roses!"

A great performance is always accompanied by a grand finale, and Elizabeth's way of thinking, which is in tune with Nero, easily got her ideas.

"Exactly what I want!"

Bright red blood erupted on Elizabeth's body, and the castle beneath her shattered, and a bloody light burst out from the basement serving as a torture chamber, forming complex engravings in midair.

"That was my only dream when I was 14 years old. It was my wedding in full dress - the Blood Bride!"

The scarlet armor condensed with Elizabeth's call. It was a decoration like a hellish ghost, which condensed the resentment and hatred of countless tortured girls.

This evil and terrifying aura is almost perfectly compatible with Elizabeth's dragon attribute, and it is a weapon Elizabeth borrowed from the future.

The upright microphone in her hand turned into a spear again, and the remains of the broken castle condensed on the spear, making it extremely huge.


The stone gun, which could even shatter a mountain peak, rushed out with streaks of blood, and collided with the rose chariot driven by Nero in mid-air.The shock wave generated instantly sent the surrounding construction equipment and vehicles flying, and the violent explosion sound awakened countless ordinary people in Fuyuki City who were still asleep.

"Yeah yah yah!!"

Elizabeth was roaring, her feet crushed the ground, and she charged with her stone spear raised high in both hands.

But coming as a spearman, her strength is one level lower than Nero's.The Noble Phantasm rank is only C, so it is no match for Nero, who is Noble Phantasm rank B.

In the scorching sun, even Elizabeth could not resist the fire-resistant dragon attribute.Her stone gun was melted into magma and fell in pieces, and finally disappeared under Nero's chariot.

(End of this chapter)

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