Hercules Walk

Chapter 445

Chapter 445

The thick and hard black steel bars collided with the pure white primordial fire, drawing out a string of crimson sparks, and terrifying power surged in the hands of the two heroic spirits.

"You actually blocked my original fire with ordinary steel?"

Nero was surprised.

Although the Primordial Flame is not the sharpest Noble Phantasm, it cannot be resisted by modern mass-produced ordinary steel bars.This berserker can actually turn this kind of thing produced under the assembly line into a weapon of the level of a treasure, so he must have the martial arts to match this kind of skill.


After missing a hit, the berserker roared louder and louder.He raised his hands, propped the steel bar over his head and spun, accelerated with the centripetal force of the rotation, and slammed it down on Nero again.

The Roman emperor raised the original fire, and took the blow firmly again.

As a saber, Nero's strength is only B, and he should lose to the berserker A.

But the terrifying power in the four of Wang Dali's bodies made all the heroic spirits who came into the world enter the full state. If you don't look at the treasures and skills fixed by the job agency, they are not even worse than the main body in the Seat of Heroic Spirits.

"First let you attack twice, now it's Yu's turn to perform!"

The primordial fire in Nero's hand ran across the steel bar, forcing the berserker to let go of one hand.Taking advantage of this opportunity, Nero made a diagonal cut from the lower left to the upper right, forcing him back.

Then Nero turned around.The silver-white high-heeled shoes made a clear shoe print on the concrete slab, and he slashed at the berserker with the power of his waist.

The berserker erected the steel bar to defend against the blow, but was unexpectedly held back by Nero with the strange shape of the primordial fire.


The Roman emperor showed a smirk, twisted and stabbed.The sharp point of the sword was about to pierce the berserker's chest, causing him to give up the weapon in his hand and retreat violently.

"Cut, have you escaped?"

Nero frowned, the original fire didn't really hurt the opponent just now.When the sword body touched the steel armor, the berserker was already retreating.

Lost the weapon, but that's okay.The berserker grabbed a steel bar from the side again, and continued to look at Nero with malicious aggression, giving her a chill.

Re-armed, Nero said to the berserker with his right leg bent forward and his left leg slightly behind.

"Although Yu knows that no one can resist Yu's charm, it is impossible for Yu to accept a guy like you!"


Seemingly enraged by Nero's words, the berserker roared and ran wildly.But he was only halfway there when he was interrupted by a furious Elizabeth.

"For interrupting my concert, you deserve to die! Seyit!"

The ancient European castle named Seyit was the residence of Elizabeth.It was the prison city, a legendary magic city where hundreds of girls were tortured and eventually killed.

With Elizabeth's roar, the steel building began to change.The vivid demon sculpture is accompanied by huge black decorative columns rising from the ground, and the modern reinforced concrete structure is replaced by blue bricks and marble.

A huge stone pillar rose from the Berserker's feet, separating him from Nero.

But what is strange is that there are actually two huge speakers several meters high beside this ancient black castle.In terms of volume, once the speaker works, it can be heard in less than half of Fuyuki City.

Considering the consequences of this, Tohsaka Tokiomi was going crazy.

Tosaka Tokiomi, a famous magician in Fuyuki City, is also the manager of the spiritual vein here.In other words, he was the number one magician in Fuyuki City.

After the start of the Holy Grail War, he has to bear the iron rule that the magic world cannot be discovered by ordinary people.If an ordinary person sees a heroic spirit fighting a magician, if not killing him, at least modifying that person's memory.

Through the familiar, seeing Elizabeth was about to raise the microphone, Tohsaka Tokiomi immediately used the command spell on the heroic spirit he summoned, Gilgamesh.

"My lord, please stop her."

"Tokiomi, do you think you can dispel my anger by admonishing me as a subject?"

Archer Gilgamesh is synonymous with arrogance, narcissism and pride.

He is the King of Heroes, the original king in this world, a tyrant who can do whatever he wants, and an almost invincible heroic spirit.

But the trouble is that a character with this character has the highest level of mobility, which means that he can move freely without the magic power provided by the master.

It is conceivable that it is impossible for such Gilgamesh to act according to the master's order.

Originally, Tohsaka Tokiomi got along with him in the name of a subject, and temporarily appeased him, but now the use of Command Seals undoubtedly broke this situation.

Tohsaka Tokiomi had a headache, but compared to the Holy Grail War and the exposure of the mystery, he preferred to choose the use of a Command Spell and the deterioration of the relationship with the King of Heroes.

Under the compulsion of the command spell, Gilgamesh appeared on a decorative pillar of this castle.Several golden halos lit up above his head, and a total of eight Noble Phantasms shot towards Elizabeth's back.

As a tyrant, he didn't mind taking that rage on others first.

Jingle, jingle, jingle.

Eight red rays of light collided with golden rays of light in midair.Eight red dragonbone spears flew out of Scathach's hands, blocking the Noble Phantasm fired by Gilgamesh.

"It's not a hero's job to stab someone in the back."

Scathach holds a keelgun in each hand.For the Kingdom of Shadows, which has countless dragon corpses, this kind of gun is considered a very cheap weapon.

When he is free, Scathach will use the keel to sharpen the gun.According to her, if a warrior doesn't even know his weapon, how can he master it?

"Bastard, how dare you disturb the king's actions!"

Although the Noble Phantasm did not hit Elizabeth, the opponent's action was indeed interrupted, and Gilgamesh was able to escape from the mandatory order of the Command Seal.

At the same time, his hatred was also transferred to Scathach.


Looking up at Gilgamesh, Scathach raised his eyebrows contemptuously.

"I don't know any king who takes stabbing people in the back as his kingly way."

"Bastard, the disrespect to the king needs to be washed away with blood!"

Gilgamesh was furious, but his anger towards Tohsaka Tokiomi was even worse.

But his attitude caused Nero's dissatisfaction.

"One mouthful and one bastard, really uncultivated! Yu is the emperor of Rome, Nero-Claudius! Since you are also the king, then report your name!"


Gilgamesh looked at Nero mockingly, just looking at his expression was enough to make people angry.

"Hmph, a little girl wearing a wedding dress and dreaming of love is nothing more than a king?"

Gilgamesh crossed his arms and said proudly.

"Listen well. I am the only one who can be called the king in this world! The others are just some bastards who don't know the heights of the sky and the earth."

As soon as he finished speaking, a female voice full of righteousness sounded angrily.

"I deny this statement!"

(End of this chapter)

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