Hercules Walk

Chapter 44 Night Tour (1)

Chapter 44 Night Tour ([-])

"Your father didn't die in a car accident, but in a planned murder by the name of The Winter Soldier."

Through the mobile phone, Wang Dali could clearly hear the crisp sound of glass breaking from Tony Stark's side, and at the same time, Tony Stark's obviously heavy breathing.

"Is the news reliable?"

"Absolutely reliable. Although I have no proof, I know that there is a video in this world that fully records the scene at that time."

Without hesitation at all, Tony's extremely serious voice came from the phone.

"Where is the video?"

"I forgot."

Tony Stark: "..."

With the veins popping out on his forehead, he took a deep breath, suppressed the urge to rush to Wang Dali and beat him up (mainly because he couldn't), and said.


"It's not about the money, it's because I really forgot. I just remember what seems to be the Hydra base in Siberia."

Wang Dali on the phone said helplessly, this time it really wasn't that he wanted to raise the price maliciously.


Hearing this somewhat familiar name, Tony Stark was shocked and exclaimed in disbelief.

"Aren't they wiped out with **?!"

"The actual Hydra, however, was not wiped out, but dispersed and hid."

This time, Wang Dali did not avoid Catherine next to him.

"The Winter Soldier, whose true identity is Bucky Barnes, a friend of Captain America Steve Rogers, was captured by Hydra and turned into a transformed man. After that mission, he was regarded as a precious treasure by Hydra. The test product was put into the refrigerated ecological cabin and has survived until now."

"Also, there is bad news."

Tony on the other side of the phone listened carefully, not letting go of any word Wang Dali said.

"Although the hydra turned him into a cyborg, after all, it was a technology decades ago, and now he still has the possibility to restore his will."

"Finally, a friendly reminder that an old guy who has been sleeping for more than 60 years and likes to play with shields has been dug out of the glacier by S.H.I.E.L.D. If you want to do something, Tony, you'd better hide it."

This time, Tony was silent for a long time before responding with a slightly hoarse voice

"I see."

Obviously not in a high mood, he hung up the phone, but Wang Dali didn't care.He threw the phone aside, and turned to face Catherine's very surprised and puzzled face.

"Dali, you just mentioned Captain America?"

"Ah, he was right."

As a native American, it is impossible for Catherine not to know the star-striped shield warrior, who is the pride of the entire United States.

"In the final battle with the Hydra leader, Captain America disappeared in a severely damaged plane. Fortunately, he was found and dug out not long ago."

"Because of his special physique and being well preserved by the arctic glaciers, coupled with the assistance of high-tech equipment, he has woken up from a deep sleep. Now he is undergoing recovery training in SHIELD, and the adapting to the world decades from now."

Hugging Catherine with a confused face, feeling that there are many things she wants to complain about, but she doesn't know where to complain for a while, Wang Dali chuckled lightly.

"Why, dear, do you think this sounds like a fairy tale. But sometimes, the reality is often stranger than the story."

He stood up from the sofa and stretched out his hand to Catherine, who hadn't recovered from the shock.

"Let's go, Katie. Now that I have decided to confess to you, let me show you the world of superhumans."

"The world of the extraordinary?"

Repeating Wang Dali's words softly, Catherine held his hand with some excitement in her expression.


New York City is one of the few big cities in the world, and the nightlife here is also very rich.When night falls, countless lights will illuminate New York as if it were daytime. It is a city that never sleeps 24 hours a day.

Bringing Catherine, who had changed into a set of clothes that were easy to move and wore white sneakers, Wang Dali didn't ride his little electric bike, but held Catherine's hand and pressed the road while thinking about who would be better to go to tonight.

"Let's think about it... When it comes to extraordinary people in New York, the first thing that people think of is Spider-Man. Although I don't have his direct contact number, Harry must have one."

Taking out his mobile phone, Wang Dali dialed Harry Osborn's private number, and the other party was connected within a short while. .

"Mr. Dali? Is there anything you can do to find me so late?"

"Put on the green goblin armor tonight, and call out Peter who is in uniform, and I will take you to see the world."

"Meet the world?"

Harry asked curiously, and Wang Dali smiled mysteriously.

"I'll take you guys to play with vampires, are you interested?"


For such a race, Harry undoubtedly knew about it.His father also thought about transforming himself into a vampire when he was suffering from a family genetic disease and was about to despair.

However, Norman Osborn was not sure whether he would be controlled by them in some way after accepting the first embrace of vampires, so he finally gave up the idea.

"Of course I'm interested. I'll go find Parker right now."

"Well. Later, you go directly to Hell's Kitchen, and I have to call some people."

"no problem."

After the talk, Wang Dali hung up Harry's phone, pulled out Matt's number from it, and also invited him and Erica.


Compared with Harry, who had heard a little about it, Matt was not so calm.

"Is this race actually real?!"

"Of course there is."

Wang Dali raised the corner of his mouth, and smiled at Catherine who was shocked just after getting up.

"Matt, the world is not as simple as it seems."

"I see, Dali. Then Erica and I will wait for you at home."

"No problem, but remember to wear your uniforms beforehand, so as not to reveal your identities."

Then, Matt called the Blade Warrior and said that he wanted to find a vampire stronghold.

Dao Feng didn't ask Wang Dali why, but said directly.

"So, which vampire clan do you want to go to? Let me state in advance that some clans are very unfriendly to humans."

"Which one?"

Wang Dali, who didn't know much about this aspect, said in surprise.

"Are there still many vampire groups in New York?"

"of course."

The blade over there was popularized by Wang Dali.

"Vampires are also divided into clans. Although they are not hostile, some clans will not contact other clans at all."

 PS: In the past two days, I have had a fever + heat stroke + sore throat + sprained my feet, hanging on the bottle.There is still only one update today, and two updates will resume tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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