Hercules Walk

Chapter 423

Chapter 423

As the capital of Chu State, the city wall of Pingyang City is like a continuous Great Wall, majestic and majestic.The city towers dotted on it are large in scale and magnificent in image.

When Wang Dali rode the giant dragon close to the city wall, a long roar came from a distance, the sound was like rumbling thunder, stirring in the air for a long time.

"Friends, please stay behind!"

Hearing this, Wang Dali stepped lightly with his right foot, making this giant dragon that he met in the [-] Mountains, which was originally a sub-dragon, but was later adopted as foot power by him, and helped it advance to a stop.

After a while, a middle-aged man in loose clothes appeared in front of Wang Dali.

Seeing Wang Dali's black hair and black eyes, typical oriental appearance, the middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment, then cupped his hands.

"Old man Zhuge Chengfeng, the protector of the state of Chu, may I ask your Excellency what you want to do with us in the state of Chu?"

"My lord, Wang Dali, has nothing to do and travels around the world."

Wang Dali nodded to Zhuge Chengfeng.

"There is a decree in the capital of Chu that prohibits the entry of giant dragons?"


Hearing Wang Dali's ability full of local taste, Zhuge Chengfeng's expression didn't change.If this giant dragon knight fought here because he laughed at his name, causing countless injuries, he might not be able to cry.

"The giant dragon is huge, and it will be inconvenient in the capital. If you don't mind, you can temporarily foster the dragon in the Royal Dragon Garden of Chu State on the outskirts of Pingyang, and take it away when you leave."

Although the state of Chu did have such a decree, which was logically justified, Zhuge Chengfeng was already ready for Wang Dali to take action in anger.

For dragon knights, dragons are their weapons, even partners.It's like asking a swordsman to hand over his sword, a rather rude, even provocative request.

But in comparison, if a giant dragon swept across Pingyang City, the consequences would be even more terrifying.

"That's it."

Wang Dali lowered his head and thought for a moment.Just when Zhuge Chengfeng on the city wall thought he was about to explode, he shook his head slightly.

"Forget it. Where is Yulongyuan, can you come up and take me there?"

"Thank you for your understanding!"

Zhuge Chengfeng heaved a long sigh of relief, and bowed to Wang Da again.He stepped on the black dragon, but he didn't expect the other party to be so reasonable.

If this is a game, Zhuge Chengfeng's reputation with Wang Dali should have changed from neutral to friendly.

Although the dragon knight's mount is a dragon, it still belongs to the category of knights, and the weapons they use are also broadswords and lances.

The so-called one inch long is one inch strong, and one inch short is one inch dangerous.From a certain distance, several warriors of the same level would have headaches facing the Dragon Knight, not to mention that the Dragon Knight's dragon can fly, so it has a natural advantage.

But once you get close, the situation is completely reversed.

Eastern warriors are very good at close combat, and their moves are much more subtle than the western ones, which are open and closed, head-to-head and slashing.

In the eyes of some dragon knights, Eastern warriors are assassins.It can be hanged from a distance, but once it is close, it will become very dangerous.

Therefore, if you don't really trust each other, the dragon knight will not let others step on your dragon.

Under the guidance of Zhuge Chengfeng, Wang Dali let the giant dragon named Heilin fly westward.Zhuge Chengfeng looked at the dragon's back, and was suddenly taken aback.

"Brother Wang, where is your weapon?"

As a knight with a huge dragon as his mount, a super-long lance and broadsword are standard equipment, but he didn't see these two weapons on the back of the dragon.


Wang Dali smiled and raised his right hand.

"Usually, my fist is my weapon."

Zhuge Chengfeng. Confused.jpg
He has lived for decades, and he has never heard of a dragon knight using his fist as a weapon, so he couldn't help asking.

"Brother Wang, how can you fight others without riding a spear and a broadsword?"

"A lance and broadsword?"

Wang Dali glanced at Zhuge Chengfeng in surprise, and then understood.

"Brother Zhuge, you misunderstood. I am not a dragon knight, but I just met Black Scale on the road. At that time, I was short of strength, and I just saw it pleasing to the eye, so I subdued it by the way."

"Shun, by the way?"

Rao Zhuge Chengfeng was a fifth-tier grandmaster, so he was speechless when he heard Wang Dali say that.

It was the first time in his life that he had heard that someone could subdue a Tier [-] dragon 'by the way'.

Due to the sudden incident in Yulongyuan of Chu State, when Wang Dali descended on the square in Heilin, only a few servants and guards around came.

After Zhuge Chengfeng appeared, the manager of Yulongyuan came out in person, and quickly arranged the board and lodging for the giant dragon.

Although there are no dragon knights in Chu, this has nothing to do with Yulongyuan's ability to raise dragons.The king of Chu didn't want a dragon knight to come to Chu as a guest, but he didn't even have the ability to entertain the dragon.

No, I used it today.


After putting down the black scales, Wang Dali followed Zhuge Chengfeng to the palace.After all, he rode a giant dragon to the capital of Chu, and of course the king of Chu wanted to see him.

The imperial city of Chudu is majestic, majestic and exudes the air of an emperor.

The red walls and yellow tiles in the palace, carved beams and painted buildings, are resplendent.One after another, the palaces and platforms are scattered in height, magnificent and majestic.

The Emperor of Chu State was a tall old man. Ever since he saw Wang Dali, the smile on his face had never been put away.

The fourth-tier giant dragon knight, because of the particularity of the giant dragon, can already be regarded as the military power of the town-state level.When Wang Dali saw the emperor of Chu, he neither bowed nor knelt, and did not bow his head. He just bowed his hands slightly to show etiquette.

He and Wang Dali talked a lot, hoping to draw closer the relationship between the two, and there was no lack of words to draw them together.

Wang Dali was a little annoyed by what he said, and revealed a little bit of his aura to the strongest in the palace of Chu.Not long after, a skinny figure appeared in front of him.

The old man was extremely old, his eyes were cloudy and lifeless, his teeth had long since fallen out, his wrinkled skin was like crumpled paper balls, and there were dozens of sparse hairs on the top of his bald head.

But the moment he saw him, the emperor of Chu State was so shocked that he immediately got up from his seat and bowed down to him.

"Meet Xuanzu!"

Zhuge Chengfeng also saluted.

"Zhuge Chengfeng pays respects to senior."


The old man who looked like a mummy nodded towards them, walked into the imperial study, and said.

"You all go out."

The two looked at each other suspiciously, but neither of them violated his meaning.After the two left, the mummy-like old man saluted Wang Dali cautiously.

"Chu Xuan of the Chu Kingdom, I have met my seniors,"

Wang Dali said very straightforwardly to this sixth-order old man who was over 100 years old and whose lifespan was approaching.

"I traveled around the world and passed by Chudu. Please make arrangements to prepare me a clean courtyard and money from the mortal world."

As he spoke, Wang Dali threw a pill, which was quickly caught by the other party.

"This longevity pill can extend your lifespan for three years in exchange."

(End of this chapter)

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