Hercules Walk

Chapter 407: A 3-Year Covenant

Chapter 407 The Three-Year Covenant
Returning to his manor in New York from the Douluo Continent, Wang Dali was stunned for a full day before returning to normal.

Although he didn't get good news this trip, it was better than no news.Although there is no news from the home world so far, life must go on.

This year, the earth is still very exciting.

Stark has made a big deal.He created an artificial intelligence, and as a result, the artificial intelligence got out of control and wanted to destroy mankind.He justly refused Wang Dali's help, saying that this time he would wipe his own ass.

He teamed up with Nick Fury to find a lot of superheroes, and with the help of several well-known mutants, he managed this artificial intelligence after causing a loss of about tens of billions of dollars.

Odin's Asgard had a fight with one of their old enemies, the Dark Elves, who wanted to drag the entire universe into darkness.Odin, who was already very old, was unfortunately killed. Thor, the god of thunder, defeated the dark elves in grief and became the new master of the gods.

Several supervillains appeared in New York, and they were jointly suppressed by Spider-Man and Pyro.One of the supervillains nearly unmasks Peter's identity, but it's not revealed until S.H.I.E.L.D. intervenes.

The Inhuman race who lived in seclusion on the moon reappeared and established contact with the earth; in the sea, the long-quiet Atlanteans also came out of a prince, and established diplomatic relations with SHIELD, which represents mankind.

In Europe, a Romanian clan of vampires sacrificed a small town by staking 2000 people in an attempt to resurrect their ancestor, the impaling Dracula, who was said to have been killed by the stake.

It turns out that the vampires of more than 600 years ago were no match for a serious modern army.

The United Kingdom, which received a request from the Romanian government for help, sent two fighter jets to blow up the town with no living people to the ground, and then sent a reinforced team to search the ruins and obtained some suspected Dracula wreckage.

After this battle, many hidden world forces that followed the ancient rules were surprised.A wizarding community in the UK took the initiative to show up, and under the leadership of Harry Potter, the chief executive of its law enforcement agency and the director of the Auror Office, it began to contact and blend with the world of ordinary people.

As if driven by the general trend, more and more mysterious forces came out of the water and entered the lives of ordinary people.For a while, the whole earth was extremely lively, and the Internet was full of news and videos about people with special abilities.

Maybe when you wake up, you will find that your neighbors, friends, and even relatives are not ordinary people.


The Yunlan Sect is the first sect in the Jiama Empire, established on Yunlan Mountain, which is only a few tens of miles away from the imperial capital.The suzerain Yun Yun is Douhuang cultivation level, and there are more than a dozen elders at the Douwang level under him.

Wearing a black robe to cover his body and carrying a heavy black ruler, Xiao Yan stood in front of the high steps of the Misty Cloud Sect, his eyes were neither sad nor happy, as if he was waiting for something.

Beside Xiao Yan, Xiao Xun'er, who was dressed in white, was as beautiful as a lotus emerging from water, with a blue rapier stuck in his waist.Behind the two of them was an old man in Ge color robes, it was Dou Huang Ling Ying.

A moment later, the space in front of him swelled like water waves, and suddenly made a sound like breaking glass.From the black space passage, Wang Dali walked out slowly with Catherine, Minty and Little Rascal.

"Little Yanzi, where is that fiancée who doesn't like you?"

As soon as Mingdy said the word 'Little Yanzi', Xiao Yan's icy expression broke instantly, and he greeted the three of them with a wry smile.Xun'er narrowed her eyes like a crescent and snickered behind him.

"Great God, Senior Catherine, Senior Rakshasa, Big Sister."

More than a year is enough for Mingdy to treat Xiao Yan as his own junior.Hearing that his engagement was broken off and that he made a three-year contract, he specially told Xiao Yan that he must inform her when the time came, and she immediately came over to cheer him on.

Pulling Ming Di who was aggrieved by Xiao Yan, Wang Dali smiled at him.

"Let's go."


Xiao Yan took a deep breath, his face turned cold again.A group of people stepped up the steps and walked up to the Yunlanzong step by step.


At this moment, not only the members of the Yunlan Sect gathered on Yunlan Mountain, but also Jiaxingtian, the patriarch of the Jiajia Empire, Haibodong the Ice Emperor, Furuhe the Pill King, Fa Ma, the president of the alchemist union, and Nalan, the patriarch of the Nalan family. Jie waited for the strong.

These old monsters who were at worst the Dou Wang had sharp eyes and ears, and they could hear Xiao Yan's footsteps from a long distance away.

But when everyone showed up, the highest levels of these overweight empires were surprised.

six people?
They clearly only heard one footstep just now, but there were actually six people in front of everyone?

But a few people didn't mean to explain their doubts.After arriving on the high platform, they retreated to the side and let Xiao Yan, the protagonist, play.

In the Yunlanzong square, a high platform was built for this matter, and sitting on the high platform were all the elders of the Yunlanzong.

Under the high platform, there was a woman in a moon gown with her eyes slightly closed.With the breeze blowing, the robe clings to her delicate body, revealing the perfect curvy figure underneath.

Looking at that calm and beautiful face, the other party is obviously one of the protagonists this time, Nalan Yanran!
"You are the Xiao Family Xiao Yan?" The white-robed old man in the center of the high lift raised his eyes to look at Xiao Yan, and then spoke slowly after a long while.

"I am the Great Elder of the Misty Cloud Sect, Yun Leng." Before Xiao Yan spoke, the old man said to himself: "The suzerain has not returned today, so this three-year agreement will be presided over by the old man. This competition is intended to learn from each other, so let's go to the end."

"it is good."

Xiao Yan nodded.He is not like he was three years ago.Now, he is fully sure that he can defeat Nalan Yanran, but he has no intention of killing her.

But others don't know this.They thought Xiao Yan nodded so simply, could it be that they were afraid?

Immediately, the eyes of the person who originally thought that Xiao Yan would be able to defeat Nalan Yanran and damage the prestige of the Misty Cloud Sect showed two points of disappointment.Among the disciples of the Misty Cloud Sect, some had expressions of sarcasm, while some felt that Xiao Yan was quite sensible.

No matter what other people thought, Nalan Yanran walked to the middle of the square.He stretched out his jade hand, an emerald-colored Naring on the jade finger flashed with light, and a slender light blue long sword flashed out.

The blade of the sword was tilted, and the sun shone down, but instead shot a gloomy coldness on the blade.

Nalan Yanran's beautiful eyes looked at the pair of pitch-black eyes, sighed with a little regret, and said lightly.

"My own marriage is my own decision. Even though it has been three years now, I don't think I did something wrong back then. I have the right to choose my own destiny. Maybe I behaved improperly when I made the choice, but if time goes back , I thought, I’m still going to be like this.”

Xiao Yan opened his mouth. There were countless words to refute, but in the end he just let out a chuckle.

His expression gradually returned to indifference, and Xiao Yan's palm holding the handle of the ruler became tighter and tighter.A moment later, surging golden battle energy surged from the surface of Xiao Yan's body.

"let's start!"

(End of this chapter)

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