Hercules Walk

Chapter 37 In the White House

Chapter 37 In the White House

Wang Dali returned to his and Catherine's small villa without disturbing Matt's next happy (crack) (crack) time.Because of what she had told her in advance, Catherine had already fallen asleep in the bedroom.

Wang Dali went to the guest room, opened the closet, took out his clothes and towels, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.When I was halfway through washing, I suddenly heard my mobile phone ringing.

He put on a towel and walked out of the bathroom. Looking at the name displayed on the phone, Wang Dali sneered and pressed the call button.

"Is there anything you can do to find me so late, Coulson."

"Mr. Dali, what you did made us very difficult."

The voice of Coulson, an agent whose hairline has been receding further and further due to more and more incidents, came from the phone.

"If it's just Mr. Matt and Ms. Erica, the matter is only under the control of the New York Police Department. But if you are also involved, Mr. Dali, we at S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot ignore it."

"So, in fact, your S.H.I.E.L.D. is the umbrella behind Jin Bin?"

The irony in Wang Dali's words was extremely strong, and he felt that the conversation seemed to be slipping to the other side of the conflict, so Coulson softened his tone.

"Mr. Dali, you know that's not what I mean."

After being silent for a while, Wang Dali took a deep breath, temporarily suppressing the anger that had arisen because of Matt's almost death tonight, and said to Coulson in a much calmer voice than before.

"Matt is my friend, my best friend in the world. If something happens to him, I don't promise I will do something about it."

"Please tell Jin Bin that if you don't want to die, you'd better turn a blind eye to Matt and Erica. I don't want to care about many things, but it doesn't mean I don't know. For me, the satellite It's not something far away."

On the other side of the phone, Coulson paused, as if waiting for someone's instructions, before replying to Wang Dali after a few seconds.

"I understand Mr. Dali, we will warn him over there. But please don't abuse your power. It's getting late, I wish you good night."

After hanging up the phone in his hand, Coulson exhaled softly, and turned his head to look at Nick Fury, who was sitting behind the desk with his hands crossed on the table.

"Let's leave it at that for now."

Nick Fury blinked his sour eyes, apparently he was the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. who gave Coulson instructions just now.

"Until we find a way to restrain King Hercules, we will focus on appeasing and winning over. Since he is willing to live a life that at least looks like an ordinary person, then satisfy him."

"We should be thankful that this Hulk with supersonic speed and rationality is not a super criminal who does whatever he wants. Is such a guy really human?"

Thinking of Thor who came to Earth some time ago, Nick Fury thought, this Dali-King is also from another planet, right?

As the office of successive American presidents, the White House is not fully enclosed.On the contrary, it welcomes a group of little loli and little Zhengtai as visitors every week.

Many American elementary schools will organize students to visit the White House for free when they are in the sixth grade, to see the places where successive American presidents fought.Today happens to be the day.

It's a pity that the weather is not beautiful, and it rains heavily. In the square in front of the White House, many of the little lolitas waiting to visit are holding umbrellas or bringing raincoats, but their shoes are inevitably wet by the rain. , very sticky and uncomfortable.

Mindy McCready is one of them.

Her cloth shoes were completely soaked due to today's heavy rain, and the white socks inside, which had become somewhat transparent due to the rain, were stuffy and wet, making her wiggle her toes quite uncomfortably.

Minty, who was wearing a raincoat, looked up at the pouring rain in the sky, muttering in his mouth that if he had known this, he might as well stay at home with the excuse of being sick and conduct more rounds of shooting training.

Bored, she shook her gaze around, and suddenly found an Asian not far away holding a big black umbrella, covering herself and a big brown-haired beauty, and behind them was a brother carrying a camera With a reporter holding a microphone.

These four people are naturally Wang Dali, Catherine, Roxanne, and the video camera brother who we have played several times but whose name we still don't know.

Originally, Wang Dali should rest in New York instead of coming to Washington to be busy.However, because the driver provided by Facebook for Catherine accidentally injured her toe while moving the piano for her daughter at home, Wang Dali was arrested by his wife who was about to go out to work, and drove all the way from New York to Washington.

The United States has been very quiet recently, and nothing major has happened, so Catherine decided to come to Washington in person to report on the views and feelings of the American flowers when they visited the White House.

Although the size of the White House is not small, there are many children who come to visit.Although Catherine rationally understands that it is impossible for the White House to allow so many active and lively children to flood in all at once, disturbing the work of government personnel, but when she sees so many children queuing up in the square to get wet in the rain, she cannot accept it emotionally. .

Therefore, she immediately asked the cameraman to turn on the camera and questioned the female White House staff who were the guides of herself and others.

"These children are standing here in the rain. Is our Mr. President planning to watch like this?"

"Of course not, Ms. Potts."

There was no inexplicable arrogance on the face of this female staff member in her thirties, nor did she think she was superior to others because of her status as a White House staff member, and she did not sneer at them.She just smiled peacefully at Catherine and responded appropriately.

"In fact, when we realized that it might rain heavily today, we sent people to prepare. Look, they're here right now."

Following her pointing, two trucks drove into the White House.The security guards of the White House unloaded many temporary canopies from above, and quickly built them on the square with the staff.

Seeing this scene, Catherine's cold face eased a lot.She nodded to the staff member, stepped back with Wang Dali, and let Roxanne, who is a reporter, continue to ask questions.

Wang Dali, who had nothing to do, looked around the place he had visited once a few years ago.Except for some vegetation updates, it doesn't feel like much has changed.

Until his eyes caught the little blonde girl.

This little guy looks like Matt...

Wang Dali didn't maliciously guess that the little guy he was annotating would be Matt's illegitimate daughter, and the similarity between the two was not in appearance, but in the aura of an 'anti-hero' walking in the dark.

It's just that this 'anti-hero' is too small, right?

(End of this chapter)

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