Hercules Walk

Chapter 322 Lesson 1

Chapter 322 The First Lesson
Although Big D felt that Wang Dali's words were aimed at him, but for the word 'coward', he would not admit it anyway if he wanted to save face, so he just sat in his seat and refused to leave.

"This teacher is not bad."

As the daughter of General Ducao, the killer, Carter, who was carrying a flying knife to class, admired Wang Dali's attitude of drawing his gun at the slightest disagreement.

In this way, it is very simple and convenient to exclude some people who are not suitable for joining the Super Seminary, and at the same time to screen out truly useful fighters.

After the first student who was the first to leave the classroom tremblingly did not make a "heroic sacrifice", more than half of the people in the classroom chose to flee.

Most of them are super seminaries tricked by the men in black in various ways, and they are not ready to face danger.Seeing that Wang Dali even took out his gun now, it seemed that he wanted to play for real, so he quit immediately.

"This person seems familiar."

Ruiwen also sat in the seat and did not intend to leave.It was agreed to save the world, but now what is the point of a gun?
She's ready for hell-level training.

Five minutes later, there were only a few people left in the classroom.Wang Dali scanned them one by one, and found that they were all familiar faces.

"Very good, congratulations on passing my first round of tests. Those who do not have the courage to face death will not be able to survive the next cruel battle. For this, I hope you can give yourself some applause."

Wang Dali took the lead in applauding, and Ruiwen immediately followed. Big D and several other students hesitated for a while and then began to applaud slowly.

Only Carter thought it was so stupid and refused to do it.

"But Darling, there are too many students leaving, right?"

Catherine on the side put her hand on her forehead, never expecting that Wang Dali's impromptu operation would scare away so many students.

But that's right, after all, this is not the country across the sea where shootings occur almost every day, and even some places can directly bring guns to the streets.

Afterwards, Wang Dali briefly explained the situation to the students who were still seated based on the materials obtained yesterday.

"Have you all seen the black hole in the sky? It is a passage used by a guy named Karthus to invade the earth. From now on, your mission is to train hard and fight all kinds of demons and ghosts that pop out from that passage to protect the earth. Safety."

"Demons and ghosts? My dear."

Big D subconsciously exclaimed, but immediately covered his mouth and looked up at Wang Dali nervously.

But this time, Wang Dali did not draw his gun again.It is enough to dismount once.

"Do you know what alien creatures look like? Are they fat or thin, tall or strong? The only thing we know is that they must be much stronger than the earth! So what you need is to work hard and work hard until you die. Until the harsh training that surpasses the limit countless times."

"Feel lucky, rookies. Your main practical teaching teacher is not me. Otherwise, I will definitely let you have a taste of hell first."

"Cut, what's so amazing."

Although he didn't know Wang Dali's identity, Carter guessed that the other party should be a special soldier, maybe the so-called King of Soldiers.

But the problem is, she has defeated many soldier kings by relying on the micro-wormhole transportation technology.

"I really don't know why Laodou wants me to go to such a strange academy to study. Can I really improve my strength here?"

She whispered a little confused.On the podium, Wang Dali continued.

"Today is mainly to let the students get to know each other. Tomorrow, a goddess will come to answer the call of Teacher Liu. She will be your captain and lead you to fight against aliens."

"Goddess? Lead us to fight?"

Raven was a little scared.

"I've been clumsy all the time, she won't bully me, will she?"


Big D lowered his head, thinking secretly.

"I don't dare to mess with this teacher who has a gun. It shouldn't be a problem to deal with a so-called goddess, right?"

"That's the same real goddess as Teacher Potts, not some internet goddess or live broadcast goddess. Although her strength is still very weak in my opinion, she is still in the infancy of a god body, but it is still enough to deal with you. The specific situation you We'll find out tomorrow."

"Ms. Potts is a goddess?"

Catherine is a standard European and American race, with brown hair, blue eyes, and attractive curves. She is an absolute beauty in the eyes of both Easterners and Westerners.

However, just from the appearance, a few people can't tell that Catherine is a powerful goddess.

Facing the eyes of the students, Catherine smiled slightly, stretched out her white right arm, condensed a red spear with magic elements, and controlled it to fly up and down in the air with her thoughts.

Damn, I really have superpowers!

The big D in the seat was completely shocked.Wang Dali's gun was okay before, but magic is too unscientific, right?
He is deeply worried about his status in this school - if everyone here has superpowers, then he can still dominate the ball!
At this moment, the bell for the end of get out of class rang, and the first class since the beginning of the Super Seminary ended here.Wang Dali and Catherine met the wandering mage who also walked out of the Durban classroom, and walked upstairs to the teacher's office.

"Ms. Wang, Mr. Potts, how do you feel about the first class?"

Although the class is in the next door, the brain of the wandering mage is connected to the military satellite on the earth, and he clearly knows that there are only three people left in Nuoban next door.

However, he did not intend to comment on this, because those who left were not the focus of the academy, and recruiting them was nothing more than nothing.

"It's okay, there are still a few good seedlings in Nuoban. Where is Teacher Liu?"

"The students in Durban are pretty good, but when Reina comes tomorrow, a group of unsuitable students should be eliminated."

The wandering mage's attitude towards students is much more kind than Wang Dali's, but in the end, the number of students who can stay in Durban is not much more than that of Nuoban.


At eight o'clock in the morning the next day, a large group of students and teachers gathered around a simple altar emitting an illusory blue light in the square.The wandering mage kept adding runes on the edge of the altar, making the blue light on the altar more and more intense.

More and more people gathered here, Wang Dali stood on the edge of the altar like Catherine and the wandering mage.

"Okay, students. This is a summoning class between Durban and Nuoban."

Because I ate a bowl of chili bibimbap this morning for a few days, the wandering mage changed his tone and movements from yesterday's mild wind, and became iron-blooded.

"Students should know that after a class yesterday, there are only three people left in Nuoban. Here, I will summon a goddess to be your squad leader, and weed out the trash in Durban who can't be heroes! "

(End of this chapter)

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