Hercules Walk

Chapter 320

Chapter 320
"Now Da Dao finds out that this should be a misunderstanding, so please go and talk."

Huang took back all the blessings and treasures on his body and stood at the bow of the boat, the bustling look in his eyes disappeared.Pure and clear, like a simple young man who has just walked out of the wilderness.

After the boat sailed for less than a moment, it stopped at the edge of the world.Huang used magic to put away the boat, handed a piece of bronze as big as the nail of his little finger to Wang Dali, and said with a smile.

"This is the coordinates of my hometown. You are welcome to go and play. I want to judge the eternity here. The time has not come, and now is not the time to go back."

After fastening the fairy sword behind him, Huang's figure stepped forward step by step, gradually disappearing into the sea of ​​chaos.As far as Wang Dali could see, there was a palace in the world ahead.He could feel that there was an ethereal, disorderly, tangible aura waiting for him there.

The moment Wang Dali stepped into the palace gate, Da Dao sitting cross-legged on the futon poured tea while speaking.

"The universe is divided into four types. There is a star field called Xiaoqian universe, there is a star field called Zhongqian universe, there are two worlds called Daqian universe, and there is a hundred worlds called Daqian universe. infinite universe."

A group of flames burned alone in mid-air, and there was nothing combustible below.After a while, the curling water vapor transpired upwards, circling and lingering, just like the changing clouds in the sky.

"I am Dao, and I am in charge of managing the infinite universe of three thousand worlds created by Dao. I don't know where you come from and where do you want to go?"

"Wang Dali."

Walking to the futon on the opposite side of the avenue, Wang Dali sat down in the same posture as the other party.He rinsed his mouth with the divine spring on the side first, and then picked up the congenital avenue tea brewed by the other party with Sanguang divine water.

"I'm looking for my hometown."

"It turned out to be a lost traveler."

Da Dao held a teapot carved from the branches of the enlightened Bodhi tree to refill Wang Dali's cup,

"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint Fellow Daoist. Fellow Daoist didn't come from this side of the Three Thousand Boundless Worlds. Dare to ask if you have a beacon from your hometown."


Wang Dali shook his head lightly.


Avenue let out a sigh.

The two stopped talking, but Wang Dali drank one cup after another of the Xiantian Dao tea, and Da Dao just continued drinking one cup after another with a smile on his face.

After about a stick of incense, Wang Dali got up from the futon.

"Thank you fellow daoist for your hospitality, and I will take my leave."

"Fellow Taoist, walk slowly, if you have spare time, welcome to come and visit us."


"Why didn't you tell him the truth?"

After Wang Dali left, the Dao that permeated the entire infinite universe manifested in the palace, and his eyes were set in the direction of his departure.

"The Nirvana Dao Seed in his body is obviously formed from the Nirvana of his original universe, and he puts all his hopes on him alone. In time, it may not be impossible to reopen the universe, and open up a three thousand infinite universe like me."

"No, it's not the time yet."

Dao waved his hand, and the tea set, futon, and even the palace dissipated into nothingness, standing side by side with Dao in the void.

"At this time, he still has a mortal heart. Although he has enough strength, his heart cannot bear the unbearable weight of this infinite universe."

"I am the Dao, and I don't understand these things, so I need you, a Dao who can understand people's hearts and feelings, to be in charge of managing this matter."

During the conversation, the two did not open their mouths, and both exchanged ideas.Soon, a chaotic airflow came in and covered this place.


Leaving this Taoist palace, Wang Dali left the sea of ​​chaos and returned to the space of the main god.

The universe controlled by the Lord God does not have his hometown, but apart from the universes marked as extremely dangerous, there are also several universes that the Lord God has acquired but has not yet thoroughly investigated.

He returned to the Marvel world, where another few days passed.

"Darling, you... what's going on here?."

Hearing the movement, Catherine turned her head, but looked at Wang Dali, who was naked on the upper body and only wore a stone skirt on the lower body, with a strange expression.

"Did you just come back from some primitive tribe?"

Catherine said to Wang Dali amusedly.It was only at this moment that Wang Dali realized that he forgot to change his clothes because he was a little disappointed when he returned to the main god space.

He quickly put away the stone skirt in front of Catherine, and found a set of clothes to put on.

"Katie, where's Mary and Minty?"

"They went to a parallel universe."

Catherine lifted the blanket from her body, sat on the bed and stretched her wonderful body to the fullest.She was just taking a nap when she was awakened by Wang Dali's arrival.

"The mutants there were attacked by a group of robots called Sentinels, and they were about to become extinct. Professor Charles from the parallel universe came here to find help, so Mary called Mindy to help, and Jin Lingzi also went to join in the fun."

The two little girls are now divine bodies, even God King Odin may not be their opponents.With the two of them taking action, there is no safety problem at all.

"That's it."

Changing into a suit of trousers and shirt, Wang Dali bowed to Catherine, and stretched out his right hand towards her.

"Beautiful lady, would you like me and you to take a trip to another world just for two?"

"Of course, sir."

Catherine took Wang Dali's hand and got off the bed, and walked into the cloakroom beside her.

"Wait for me to change my clothes first and dress up."


Stepping out of the portal, Wang Dali and Catherine came to a modern city.But when the two looked around, they saw a huge space wormhole in the sky at first glance.

"Why do aliens always stare at the earth? Is the earth so attractive?"

Wang Dali reached into his arms, and took out a stack of banknotes, credit cards and identity certificates from this world.

In this world that has already been eaten into the mouth of the main god and is only digested, such a trivial matter is still very simple.

I don't know who said it, but if you want to collect some simple information, the best places are inns, taverns and the like.Wang Dali looked left and right, found a small bar, and walked in with Catherine in his arms.

Ordinary bars are not open during the day, and night is the high-energy period of this kind of consumption place.But this bar is very strange. The business hours written at the door are from [-] am to [-] pm, which is quite different from other bars.


Seeing Wang Dali and Catherine enter the door, a waiter with short silver hair stepped forward with a somewhat stiff smile.

Wang Dali was a little surprised, because she actually knew this waitress.


"Well, do you know me?"

But the strange thing was that this waiter who looked exactly like Ruiwen showed a surprised look at Wang Dali, and didn't know him at all.

Riven's allotrope?I didn't expect such a coincidence
Wang Dali quickly realized that he was about to speak when two cold-faced men in black suits and sunglasses walked up behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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