Hercules Walk

Chapter 28 Confession

Chapter 28 Confession
Today, Catherine was a little out of shape when she was working.

Last night was the first disagreement between her and Wang Dali after they got married.In the past, Wang Dali would listen to her in general matters, but this time he rejected her forcefully with a not-so-strong method.

This made Catherine feel unhappy, but also felt that she was going too far?
Dali is a Chinese-American among Asians. It is said that Chinese-Americans attach great importance to the concept of family, especially putting the family line first.It is even heard that in ancient times in a large oriental country, a woman would be 'xiu' if she was unable to give birth to a child.

Her saying that she wants to have a child a few years later, shouldn't it touch his bottom line?
Thinking of this, she left work in a hurry as she still had some things to deal with.You have to understand that when a 30-year-old woman gets along with her 20-year-old husband, she will naturally feel that she is lowered.

She drove home in her red BMW, took out the key and opened the door.

"You're back."

Sitting on the sofa, Wang Dali, who seemed to be waiting for her, raised his head and glanced at Catherine, with a calm expression that showed no emotion.

"Sit down, Catherine. I have something to tell you."

It was Catherine!

Hearing her own name, Catherine felt dizzy in her head.

It’s over.

After getting married, Wang Dali has always called her Darling or Katie, but this time he actually called her Catherine directly!

The cranky Catherine thought that she was facing the worst ending, so she held on to the armrest of the sofa so that she didn't let her weak legs fall down.

She suppressed her tears from piling up in her eyes, and had already prepared for the worst.But she would never have said those things the night before, had she had the chance.

"Catherine, actually, actually I..."

Ever since Catherine entered the room, Wang Dali, who had kept his head down, opened his mouth.

"Speak, I'm listening."

It took a lot of effort before Catherine said this in a normal tone.

Say it early and say it later, anyway, you have to say it in the end.Wang Dali simply closed his eyes and clenched his fists, showing the aura of fighting the Destroyer.

"Actually, I'm not from this world."

"I see, I will agree."

Catherine burst into tears immediately.

Sure enough, Dali is still...

Wait, it seems a little different from what I imagined?
The crystal clear tears that just flowed were still rolling on Catherine's smooth and tender face, but her extremely sad face suddenly stopped, as if time had stopped.

"Agree to what? Katie? Why are you crying?!"

Hearing the choking in her words, Wang Dali raised his head, was surprised and a little distressed, and hurried forward a few steps, holding Catherine in his arms.

"Sure enough, you can't accept it?"

Looking at his wife in his arms, Wang Dali lowered his head sadly.Even in the accident-prone Marvel world, is the identity of a different world person too exaggerated for ordinary people?

"No, no, no, no... I mean, I mean it's okay, it's okay."

Weeping with joy, Catherine, who found out that Wang Dali did not want to divorce her, waved her hands quickly, and couldn't even speak clearly.

"I thought, I thought..."

"Katie, don't you think it's strange?"

Regarding Catherine's strange behavior, it was Wang Dali's turn to be puzzled this time.

"What's so strange about that?"

Regarding Wang Dali's question, Catherine wiped away the tears on her face, as if she had expected it.

"From the day you saved me, you already knew that you were not an ordinary person. In this case, whether you are a superpower, an alien or a person from another world, what difference does it make?"

She stretched out her hands to embrace Wang Dali, put her head into his embrace, and gave a muffled answer.

"For me, Dali is Dali, and status is not a problem."

"No. My identity may be a big problem."

Where Catherine could not see, Wang Dali smiled wryly.


He dragged Catherine out of his arms and looked straight into her eyes.

"Maybe because my soul is not from this world, there is reproductive isolation between me and you."

Looking at the calm Catherine, Wang Dali sighed.Why didn't I know before that Catherine, who looks like a lady, has such a cute side.

"In other words, we may not have children of our own in this life."

"That would be wonderful... oh, no, I mean, what a pity!"

Catherine, who suddenly spoke her mind, covered her mouth and quickly changed her words, changing from a smiling face to a crying face in an instant.But anyone can see the surprise in his eyes.

Does not having kids make you so happy?

Wang Dali, who has been a man for two generations and really wants a continuation of his own bloodline, looked at a pair of big watery eyes that were rolling around, and Catherine, who was forced to be sad and began to wipe her tears, felt the heaviness of not being able to have children for a while. go a lot.

"Okay, we won't have any children and you're still so happy, let's see how I deal with you!"

Acting like a hungry tiger pouncing on food, Wang Dali suddenly turned around and pressed down on Catherine who was lying on the sofa. His hands were like thunder, pointing directly at the two itchy flesh on the left and right sides of her waist.

"Ah, it's so itchy! Ha, huh, huh, huh~~, huh! Dali, it's not good there!"

(Ahem, it’s really a downturn in the world, what’s the matter in the daytime, people’s hearts are not old)
The blushing new cameraman silently turned off the camera in his hand.


By the time Wang Dali and Catherine finished their 'battle' and went to take a shower, an hour and a half had passed.He called the pizzeria, Wang Dali didn't bother to cook tonight.

Lying together with Wang Dali in the bathtub with just the right water temperature, Catherine raised her head and asked Wang Dali curiously.

"Dali, you said that you are from another world, but I can find all your past information since birth?"

"Of course it is."

Wang Dali gently applied the shower gel for his wife, and watched small white bubbles appear one by one on her flawless arms that exposed the bathtub.

"I came to this world after I died in an accident in my previous life, and was born as a baby."


Catherine fell into Wang Dali's arms and raised her head, a pair of emerald green eyes sparkled with curiosity.

"Can you tell me about your original world?"

"My world..."

Wang Dali stopped his movements and fell into a long memory.

"My world is very similar to this world. The country and system are the same. But unlike the superheroes and super villains that emerge in endlessly in this world, the people in our world are very ordinary, and there are no superpowers. .”

(End of this chapter)

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