Hercules Walk

Chapter 278 Sweeping the Human Rights Council

Chapter 278 Sweeping the Human Rights Council

An invisible force bloomed from Wang Dali's fist.Including the degraded Cerberus in front of him, the black version of Washington, the remnant party who summoned the Cerberus, and the leader of the Italian mafia, they all kept their current postures still.

The next moment, their bodies, together with the wall behind them, turned into fly ash like gravel, not even their souls remained.

"What, what kind of power is this?!"

The Mandarin saw with his own eyes that the president and other high-level leaders who had to exert all his strength to deal with were so simply destroyed in front of him, and his hands that he was usually proud of trembled slightly.

Wang Dali approached him step by step, cold sweat dripping down his face.The Mandarin with a frightened face raised his right hand towards him and shouted loudly.

"Cutting Beam!"

In the end, nothing happened. The Mandarin looked down at his empty hands, his expression changed.

"Are you looking for these things?"

Wang Dali spread out his right hand, and he took off all the ten shining jewel rings of the Mandarin with absolute speed just now.

"My ring!"

Facing the mandarin's panicked eyes, Wang Dali shook it hard.

Accompanied by the sound of crunching and crushing, Wang Dali spread out his right hand again, and lightly sprinkled the pile of powder in the palm of his hand on the ground.

"Do not!!"

These ten rings, which he made with great painstaking efforts and decades of time, traveled all over the world to collect materials, made the Mandarin proud, and they were his most powerful strength.But this does not mean that without the ring, according to legend, he is a descendant of Genghis Khan, and the Mandarin who was born in the golden family will know nothing.

As a magic master from a certain oriental country, he pulled out two stacks of charms from the belt around his waist, and threw them at Wang Dali in a special way.

At the same time, Master Mandarin quickly formed seals with both hands, and shouted angrily.

"Thunder Dragon Roar!"

With the arousal of the mana power, lightning flashed on the runes full of talismans.The thunderbolts connected with each other section by section, and quickly formed a blue thunder dragon with furious beard, fierce eyes, and teeth and claws in midair.


This brontosaurus shook its head and tail in mid-air like a living creature, complete with scales and armor.Under the control of the Mandarin, it locked onto Wang Dali, bared its sharp teeth, and roared and circled down towards him.

Facing the astonishingly powerful Thunder Dragon, Wang Dali opened his mouth and took a deep breath.

In his 1.8-meter-long body, he possessed the lung capacity capable of sucking up the entire Pacific Ocean.This thunder dragon is simply a little loach brought to the door, it was swallowed by him like a clear spring.

As soon as Lei Guang entered Wang Dali's mouth, he was tamed by the powerful force contained in his body. It took less than a minute for the entire Thunder Dragon to appear and disappear.Facing the mandarin who was still struggling to die, Wang Dali stretched out an index finger.

"Back to you."

Beep, beep, beep!

The burst of lightning shattered several layers of protection on the mandarin.The mandarin who got hit by one hundred thousand volts made a plop.His whole body was scorched black and he fell to the ground, and he has been silent since then.

After all the senior officials of the Human Rights Council present were almost dead, Jin Bing put away the scepter in his hand and bowed respectfully to Wang Dali.


"Well, you did a great job."

Wang Dali patted 'Jin Bing' on the shoulder to show his approval.

He has a deep hatred with Matt and Spider-Man, and Jin, who is destined to have one of them fall, was found out and killed by Wang Dali long ago.Now Jin is not just a Kirita biochemical person with Jinbin's feelings and memories.

Wang Dali also found the headquarters of the Human Rights Committee by relying on the position on his scepter.However, Wang Dali did not expect that Jin Bing would be a member of the Human Rights Council before catching him, and he was also a high-ranking member of it.

Reaching out to open a portal, Wang Dali will definitely come over to make a soy sauce Catherine in the future, Little Naughty and Minty will be sent back to the manor first, then turned to Jin and said.

"According to what I told you before, I need to do some harm to you to ensure that you can continue to lurk in the Human Rights Council and work hard to climb up."

"It is my honor to serve the master."

Jin Bin raised his cane while talking, and swung it down vigorously at Wang with the sound of whistling wind.

Wang Dali punched this modified scepter that could not leave any traces even with ordinary pistols, reached out and grabbed Jin Bing's right arm, and pulled it out forcefully.



Jin Bing's screams were heard tens of meters away, and blood spattered all over the place.The Kirita cyborg didn't cut off the pain nerves for special reasons, this is a real person who was torn apart by his hands.

Then, Wang Dali kicked Jin Bing's heart with a high kick, broke two sternums, and twisted a large piece of muscle in his chest to pieces with a spiral force.Immediately, under his swollen left chest, a blue-black bruise appeared, and it was swollen high.

If it were an ordinary person, he would be dead by this time.But Jin was not exceptionally strong, and his body with a fat percentage of less than [-] percent saved his life.

Even so, Jin Bing's big heart, which was hit by a strong impact, stopped beating, fell into a state of suspended animation, and even stopped breathing.

After doing all this, Wang Dali left through the portal, leaving only a battlefield-like trace in the conference hall of the Human Rights Council.


"Dali, this is totally different from what we agreed upon!"

In his underground laboratory, Tony Stark's eyes were red, and he roared loudly at Wang Dali.

"That's the president of the United States! He said he would die?! You didn't tell me that there would be another president!"

"The one who died was not the president, but a substitute I prepared in advance."

Wang Dali turned his body sideways, avoiding Tony Stark's saliva from being too excited.

"Although it doesn't matter, I won't take someone's life based on my mood at will. Whether he is a beggar or the president."

"Before, I used a billion dollars as a price to let the real president leave the United States with his family incognito. The one killed by Deadpool was just a substitute."

Before Deadpool made his move, he contacted Wang Dali through his own channel, and Wang Dali took advantage of the opportunity to find Mr. President.

He originally thought it would take a lot of trouble, but as a result, between a billion dollars and the position of the president, the other party quickly chose the dollar and Wang Dali's contact information.

"Well, you haven't told me about this before."

Hearing Wang Dali's words, Tony Stark was taken aback.He did not doubt that Wang Dali would lie to him.

Because an American president, Wang Dali probably didn't take him seriously.

"You didn't ask."

Wang Dali rolled his eyes, and said to Tony Stark contemptuously.

"I have done so many things in secret, do I have to tell you before I do everything?"

(End of this chapter)

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