Hercules Walk

Chapter 267 Apocalypse's Despair

Chapter 267 Apocalypse's Despair

However, something embarrassing happened.Just when Tian Qi thought that Wang Dali and the others would shout their names and pay homage, he found that their faces were full of bewilderment. .

The ancient Egyptian language 5000 years ago was not included in the obsidian pendant with many functions by Thanos.

Tian Qi was also a little confused, but soon understood what was going on.He didn't know how long it had been since he fell into a deep sleep this time, not to mention the change of language, and he didn't even know whether his country still existed.

But what to do?
As the only god in Egypt, Tianqi had never encountered this problem, and Wang Dali and the others looked at each other in blank dismay.

As the saying goes, if there is a problem, find Thanos.Wang Dali opened a portal and pulled Thanos who was still studying the power of the void on Argus.

According to what Tianqi said before, Wang Dali repeated it, and then asked Thanos.

"What does it mean?"

"It's ancient Egyptian, and it means glad to meet you, my offspring."


Wang Dali twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Did he mistake the meaning of descendants and descendants?"

If the mutants are really descendants of Apocalypse, could it be that he alone gave birth to a mutant race?

On the other side, looking at Thanos' Tianqi feels very friendly - they have similar skin colors, wrinkled faces, bald heads, and similar styles of chaotic armor.

So, he stretched out his hand to Thanos, and said to Thanos in the tone of a superior like an emperor.

"Are you here to meet me too? To reward you, I can make you one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and your status is only below mine."

Thanos: "..."

Thanos didn't quite know what Wang Dali was doing to find Tianqi, so he couldn't kill him directly, so he first turned the ancient Egyptian language into a beam of light and threw it into the obsidian pendant he made.

Then, Wang Dali asked Tian Qi.


Wang Dali's tone was not respectful, so Tian Qi, who was called by his first name, was a little unhappy.He withdrew his hand, and the smile on his face disappeared.

"You shouldn't call me Tianqi, but call me God! From now on, I will lead you to rule this world!"


Wang Dali has no intention of respecting this old man who is 5000 years behind the times but still wants to rule the world.

"I think it's a neurosis."

"Kneel down! Even my four closest knights dare not speak to me like that!"

Hearing Wang Dali's disrespectful words, Tian Qi gave him a hard look.At the same time, the superpower in his hand erupted, turned into a shock wave and shot at Wang Dali, intending to teach him a lesson.

And for this kind of people who can't figure out their position, Wang Dali will use physical means to persuade them.

Facing the oncoming shock wave, Wang Dali swung his fist.The surge of fist power will not be able to compress the escaped air in the future, turning into a cannonball and colliding head-on with the shock wave released by Apocalypse.

The collision between the two whipped up a strong wind, blowing Wang Dali's clothes.

The majesty was offended, and there was already a killing intent in Tian Qi's eyes.

"How dare you resist me?!"

There are five people besides him in the field, while the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse only have four positions.If he kills one, the remaining quantity is just right.

At the same time, Apocalypse also realizes that maybe people nowadays have forgotten his power and the fear it brings.Now, he happened to kill Wang Dali and frighten the remaining few people.

But in the next moment, a huge blue fist magnified in front of him, punching him deep into the rock wall, buried by falling rubble.

Tian Qi, who had been punched by Thanos, felt dizzy and dizzy.


He mobilized his strength to wipe away the gravel from his body, climbed up from the pit, and was so angry that even the armor on his body was trembling.

But only Tian Qi himself knows that he has double images when he sees things now.

What a big punch!
Tian Qi, who just woke up from a deep sleep, has no physical activity, and doesn't know much about the world, is already planning to run away.

He began to understand that the purpose of Wang Dali and his party was probably not to come here to greet his return, but to let him live forever in history.

However, when he realized this, he couldn't run away.

Standing in the air, Wang Dali looked down at Tianqi whose real name was En-Sabah-Nur.There was no enmity between them and him, and there was no need to torture him.

"Give you a good time."

At the same time as he said these words, his figure disappeared into the sky instantly.

Tianqi burst out his power around him.Except where he was standing under his feet, the surrounding rocks were instantly molecularized, disappearing like pencil marks erased with a rubber eraser.

But the next moment, the nervous system told Tian Qi that his stomach had suffered an indescribable blow just now.The hardest armor on his abdomen was directly dented by Wang Dali's punch, and a fist mark with a depth of several centimeters appeared.

Because of the pain, Tianqi bent down involuntarily, and bumped into Wang Dali's suddenly raised knee.With a click, his chin was split into several pieces by Wang Dali's impact, and his eyes went black.

Then, Wang Dali leaned down and hit the armor on Tianqi's chest with one knee, he let out a deep breath from the blow, rolled his eyes and passed out.

The apocalypse that smashed ancient Egypt, completely did not expect such a result after waking up.

"Come on, Mary."

Little Naughty's ability is to absorb the power of other mutants, and the mutants who are absorbed will become ordinary people.After that, she can return the power she has absorbed to the other party.

Wang Dali jumped aside with Tianqi in his hands, put him on the ground and waved to Little Naughty.Then he took out a suit of clothes from the pendant around his neck and put them on.

Although the burst of Apocalypse's power just now had no effect on him, it destroyed his clothes, including the carefully crafted shorts that had gone through several battles with him.Seeing this scene, Little Naughty blushed and lowered his head, but couldn't help but sneak a few more glances.

Compared with her, Emma, ​​the White Queen, was much bolder.When Wang Dali was changing clothes, her eyes never left him.

Until Catherine stood in front of her.

"It doesn't seem very polite to stare at other people's husbands like this?"

Staring closely at Emma's eyes, Catherine had the first confrontation with this woman who made no secret of her covetousness towards Wang Dali.

"Of course. Just now, there is nothing else in this cave that attracts my attention more."

Seeing that Wang Dali had put on his clothes, Emma took two steps back and subdued.Currently, Catherine, who is already Wang Dali's wife, has an overwhelming advantage in this regard.If there is a conflict between the two, Wang Dali will definitely stand on the other side.

She, the White Queen, Emma, ​​never fights a fight that has no chance of winning.

(End of this chapter)

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