Hercules Walk

Chapter 262 Negative News

Chapter 262 Negative News
After finishing off these robbers, Ganglishi rushed to the alley where he ran out just now without looking back according to the previous plan.The portal that Wang Dali opened did not close, allowing him to return to the underground laboratory of Stark House in the next second.

When the police caught the robbers and ran over, the alley was empty.


The next day, the matter was on the top three pages of almost all newspapers in New York.If it is not without photos, it is not impossible to make headlines on the front page.

New York Post: Shocked!When Robber meets Iron Man!

New York Economic Times: Lakeman-Polis, owner of Polis Gold Store: "Please contact me, Mr. Iron Man, and I will give him $20 as a thank you!"

New York Daily: A man with superpowers made another contribution. What are our police doing? !

Daily Bugle: Where did Spider-Man go when new superpowers appeared frequently?
Three feet of cold is not a day's work, and Rome was not built in a day.It takes time for these reports to ferment in the hearts of ordinary people, and it needs uninterrupted news enthusiasm.

So in the past few days, Wang Dali asked John, Bobby and Pete to go to areas with a high crime rate in New York, such as Brooklyn, Hell's Kitchen and other places where low- and middle-income people gather, or some other "slums" in New York

Whether it was John, Bobby or Pete, they were all children of the upper middle class in the United States before they were found out to be mutants and were expelled by their families. They never thought about what these slums were like.So when a cold pistol was quietly pressed against Pete's body from behind, he turned around in surprise.

"Twenty dollars, I only want twenty dollars."

In front of him was a man with an abnormally flushed face, wearing a tattered gray windbreaker and a hood.

He lowered his head, holding the gun against Pete's waist with one hand, and rummaging in his body pocket with the other.Judging from his proficient movements and the gesture of deliberately avoiding the camera, it is obviously not the first time.

But this man, who seemed to have just taken drugs, searched several pockets in a row but failed to find any money from Pete, and finally punched Pete hard impatiently.

"Money, give me quickly... Shit, did you install steel plates on yourself?!"

He raised his head, and when he saw Pete's metalized body, his originally slack eyes suddenly focused.

"My God, you're a mutant!"

There was an exclamation from the addict's mouth.At the same time, I don't know if he was too nervous, and the trigger of the gun in his hand was suddenly pressed.

A crisp gunshot sounded in the alley, and the shot pierced Pete's T-shirt.The oval buckshot accelerated by the gunpowder slammed into Pete's tempered skin, deformed and bounced off under the powerful impact.

Pete turned his body around, his iron face was naturally ruthless.The drug addict mugger, who was emotionally fluctuating, was obviously frightened and started shooting him one after another.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang, the continuous gunshots scared away other gangsters and pedestrians nearby.The bullets hit Pete and turned into ricochets, and one of them hit the shooter himself quite coincidentally.

"Ah! Potter, Ron, come and save me!"

The addict who was shot had snot and tears streaming out of his nose. He dropped the gun and dragged his injured leg while struggling to run backwards, while shouting the names of friends who lived nearby.

As a result, Ganglishi looked up and glanced at the surrounding tube buildings, no one dared to speak out, let alone offered to help him.

"Ah, it hurts! You bastards, I used to find a girlfriend and let you sleep together! I'm going to die! Oh!"

In a panic, the addict accidentally bumped into a trash can and fell into it.As a result, his wound was touched, and he let out an even more tragic cry.

He touched his head, looking at the other party was miserable enough, and Pete didn't intend to go up and give him two punches, but turned and left.

It's just that he didn't expect that all this was completely recorded by a nearby camera.

The next day, Colossus Pete got up late.He felt that he slept very comfortably yesterday, and he felt refreshed when he woke up.

He got up early every day and exercised for half an hour. After breakfast, he came to Professor X's office, passed through the portal built here, and arrived at the underground laboratory in Stark House.

Normally, Tony would be doing experiments beside him, continuing to improve and strengthen his Mark suit, while the three mutants followed Wang Dali's orders.

However, when he arrived, he found that neither John nor Bobby had a good look on their faces.

"What's the matter, didn't you sleep well last night?"

At this time, Pete still has the heart to please make a joke.Poppy gave him a forced smile, and John shook his head, throwing some newspapers in front of Pete.

"You'd better look at this first."

Pete took the newspaper with some doubts, looked at it, and his face darkened.

New York Post: He's a mutant!He wants to kill me!My legs were broken by him!Alongside it was a picture of a drug addict in a hospital ward with a plaster cast.

New York Daily: Terrible!The Iron Monster is coming!

It was a frontal photo of Pete after being tempered, taken by a surveillance camera.A silver light flashed on the completely metalized cold face, looking like a cold-blooded killer.

New York Lace: Bullets are useless!How to deal with a steel monster breaking into your house?Please watch at [-] o'clock tonight, Lucy will teach you how to fight mutants!

Daily Bugle: The Iron Monster has appeared!Did you see Spider-Man? !

"They're making it up!"

These news made Ganglishi more and more angry, and he tore all the newspapers into pieces.

"It's that guy who wants to rob me!"

After returning yesterday, Wang Dali asked the three of them to talk to each other about their achievements.Of course Colossus also said this somewhat funny thing.

"But obviously, in the eyes of these media, the facts are not important, the news is."

John has already realized something, no wonder whether it is Spiderman, Wang Dali or Iron Man, they are not very optimistic about their ability to become superheroes.

Words are scary.

"Yo, everyone came early."

Just when the three were angry, Wang Dali's figure appeared from the void.He looked down at the scattered newspaper fragments, and asked Pete, who couldn't control himself and his hands were tempered.

"How is this going?"

"Sorry, Mr. Wang. It was some remarks against Pete in the newspaper that made him unable to control his emotions."

Bobby opened the homepages of the major news media on the computer.Although the newspaper was torn up by Pete, he had nothing to do with the content on the Internet.

"what is this?"

After looking at the comments on various websites, Wang Dali shook his head at Ganglishi.

"Is this angry? This is unbearable? Let me tell you Pete, it's too early for the media to criticize you!"

(End of this chapter)

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