Hercules Walk

Chapter 24 Hammer

Chapter 24 Hammer
Coulson, who rushed here, spent three hours turning the original desert into a temporary testing ground.In a temporary building with a high sense of technology, scientific researchers affiliated with SHIELD are using sophisticated instruments to conduct various tests on Thor's Hammer that fell from the sky.

In the end, he found nothing except knowing that the hammer was mysterious.

"Let Wang Dali come. Doesn't he have a sixth sense that is said to be very powerful? Let him try it."

Nick Fury, who received Coulson's report, somehow thought of Wang Dali, although he didn't know the relationship between Wang Dali's magical sixth sense and the hammer.

"Okay, director, how much do we pay?"

"Well... just give him [-] dollars. [-] dollars plus reimbursement for round-trip air tickets, plus board and lodging, that's it."

The boss of S.H.I.E.L.D., one-eyed Nick Fury once again showed his stingy qualities.Coulson looked helplessly at the satellite phone that had been hung up in his hand, wondering if he would have to pay for the mission this time, right?

"Catherine, I have an entrustment to go to New Mexico, free travel plus board and lodging, will you go?"

After two o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Dali, who was on the phone, shouted to Catherine in the room, and Coulson on the other side of the phone said that the stingy director only reimbursed you for board and lodging, and he was responsible for the rest mouth teeth.

"I'm not going."

Catherine, who was sorting out the materials in the storage room, said to Wang Dali in the living room.

"Facebook sent me an invitation letter, asking me to take up the post of editor-in-chief of their online news. I will go and have a look tomorrow, maybe I will take up the post soon, and I don't have time to accompany you."

"Really, that would be such a pity."

After listening to Catherine's answer, Wang Dali sighed and said into the phone.

"Okay then, Phil. The agreed [-] dollars, plus airfare and board and lodging, I will go there, but I don't promise to solve the problem."

"No problem, I will send someone to pick you up when you get to the airport."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Dali first used his mobile phone to book a flight ticket after [-]:[-] pm, and then took out a travel bag to organize his luggage.

Catherine also came out of the storage room, and helped Wang Dali prepare socks and underwear, and after making sure that there were no omissions, she stepped forward and kissed him on the mouth.

"Be careful, Dali. I'll wait for you at home."


Gently stroking the long brown-blond hair of his wife in his arms, Wang Dali put on his travel bag and went out.


At around ten o'clock in the evening, Wang Dali met Coulson.At the same time, he saw a silver hammer embedded in the rock.

The hammer was boxy, like the sledgehammers he'd seen around the construction site, only with a shorter handle.At the corner of the hammer, there is also something like an inscription engraved.

"We have tried many methods but can't move the hammer, so we can only set up a cordon here, find the army to patrol and conduct research work."

Pointing at the hammer, Coulson said to Wang Dali

"Mr. Dali, has your sixth sense felt anything different about it?"

Hearing Coulson's question, the agent next to him who brought Wang Dali over couldn't help but look at the two of them strangely.

There are so many high-tech equipment around here, but Coulson found someone to study the hammer with some kind of sixth sense, to make sure he didn't go to the wrong set?
Walking around the hammer, Wang Dali didn't feel threatened by it.

Is it because Thor is no more, or because it really can't hurt me?
Thinking Wang Dali looked at Coulson beside him and asked.

"Can I get started?"


Coulson nodded, and stepped back a few steps to signal Wang Dali to do whatever he wanted.The agent standing behind him opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

At this moment, sirens suddenly sounded in the temporary military base.

"The agent was found injured, someone invaded!"

All patrolling personnel and fighters immediately took up their weapons, some of them protected the scientific research personnel, and the other started searching all over the base.

"I found the other party, and they are in the eastern passage!"

"Bring in the picture."

He took out an ipad, and after a while Coulson saw the man who was invading on it.

It was a tall, well-built man with wild, shoulder-length blond hair, who appeared to be in his late twenties.Along the way, he displayed a high degree of fighting proficiency, knocking down several agents and soldiers with sharp and obviously trained moves.

However, these people were only knocked down instead of killed, and none of them were seriously injured, so Coulson didn't let anyone shoot.

"Let him come over."

Looking at the ipad in Coulson's hand, Wang Dali said suddenly.

"My sixth sense tells me that this person has something to do with this hammer."

"Sir, this..."

"It's okay, let him come over."

Raising his hand to stop his subordinates behind him, Coulson picked up the walkie-talkie and ordered.

"Let him come here."

After more than a minute, the man who was basically soaked in mud and water came to the place where Thor's Hammer landed.Seeing Wang Dali and the others who had no intention of coming forward to fight with him, he walked up to Thor's Hammer, showing a happy smile that he could regain his strength.

Then, he put his right hand on the hammer and pulled it out, then pulled it out, and pulled it out three times...

After failing to pull out several times in a row, the other party's expression changed.He stretched out his hands in disbelief, stepped on the rock under the hammer with his right foot, exhausted all his strength, but the hammer remained motionless.

After several attempts, he was sure that he could not pull out his weapon, his eyes dimmed, and he knelt down in front of the hammer, as if he had lost hope in life, allowing the agents to come forward and handcuff him.

Coulson turned his head to look at Wang Dali, which undoubtedly meant: This is the person you mentioned who has something to do with Hammer?
Wang Dali shook his head, walked up to the hammer, and put his right hand on the red handle of the hammer just like the man did just now.

Seeing Wang Dali's actions, the blond man showed a bit of sarcasm, but when he saw Wang Dali lifting the hammer with ease, he shouted in shock.

"Why are you able to pick up Mjolnir!"

"Mjolnir, is that the hammer's name?"

Looking at the hammer in his hand, Wang Dali vaguely recalled the introduction he had read about it in his previous life.

"This is a spiritual weapon. It refuses to be picked up by people who don't recognize it. But a weapon is a weapon after all. When it meets someone it can't resist, will it still jump up and hit me?"

As soon as Wang Dali finished speaking, the hammer in his hand began to glow.Several silver thumb-thick lightning bolts shot out from it, hitting him like a silver snake.

Thunder radiated everywhere, and this dazzling light dazzled the unprepared people in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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