Hercules Walk

Chapter 234 Yogg-Saron Without Dignity

Chapter 234 Yogg-Saron Without Dignity

"You are the Demon of Thousand Throats, Yogg-Saron?"

It was only when he really stood on the opposite side that Wang Dali felt that he still overestimated the appearance of the ancient god.

"It looks so ugly."

Hearing Wang Dali's evaluation, Yogg-Saron felt that his thoughts stopped for two seconds.

In his tens of thousands of years of career, among the creatures that saw him, there were fearful ones, calm ones, crazy ones, and even joyful ones.But dare to say that he is really ugly, Wang Dali is still the first one.

"Ha ha."

Yogg-Saron laughed angrily.He has already decided in his heart that no matter who the opponent is, he will pull out his soul and torture him for at least 100 years!

But immediately after, Yogg-Saron's eyes caught Wang Dali's figure.If it wasn't for his inability to excrete, he would have been scared to pee now.

Die will die will die will die will die will die!

The moment he recognized Wang Dali, the alarm bell rang in Yogg-Saron's heart, and he immediately turned around and shrank back from the place where he drilled out.

"Sorry for your mistake!"

"Anyway, he is also an ancient god who dominates one side, why is he so cowardly?"

Regarding Yogg-Saron's performance, Wang Dali shrugged.He opened a portal, stretched half of his body and waved inside.

"Thanos, come here, I need to find you."

"what's up?"

Still wearing the ancestral armor of the Titans in the Marvel World, Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet in his right hand passed through the portal.

Before Wang Dali could say anything, he turned his gaze, sneered and stretched out his right hand wearing the infinity glove to grab it from the air.

"small bug."

There were obvious fluctuations in the surrounding space, and there were water ripples like throwing a stone into a calm lake.Crouching at the Ulduar Observatory, using the surveillance facilities left behind by the Titans to watch Algalon, he was shocked and captured by Thanos.

Threatened, Algalon subconsciously used his own stunt.

"The Big Bang!"

A circle of black matter emerged from Algalon's body in the blue quantum state, and began to shrink rapidly.The energy beyond ordinary people's imagination is compressed into a singularity, which is about to be detonated.

"Hmph, worm-carving trick."

Thanos directly reached into Algalon's body, and easily took out the singularity that was about to explode like a glass ball smeared with fluorescein.

Afterwards, Thanos' left hand touched Algalon's forehead, and the observer, who was still in the quantum state just now, was forced to materialize.At the same time, several magical chains appeared in the void, binding him tightly and preventing him from moving.

"There is also a big octopus below, which is of great research value."

Wang Dali pointed to the pool that had raised Yogg-Saron for tens of thousands of years, Thanos nodded, and flew over the holy pool that was almost buried in the mud.

He turned into a thousand-meter-high giant, stretched out his right hand, which was as big as a basketball court, towards the pool below, and pushed aside the mud and rocks with a few strokes.

The size of Yogg-Saron is not small. Although the holy pool that seals it is called a pool, it is comparable to the area of ​​ordinary lakes.

It's just that compared to its area, the depth of the holy pool is relatively average.Thanos dug inside, and quickly grabbed an ancient god who couldn't hide no matter what, and whose structure was very similar to an octopus.

Although Yogg-Saron looked very sorry to the audience, Wang Dali could somehow understand the frightened look on his face.If he is given another chance, even if Yogg-Saron is imprisoned for another 1 years, he will not be willing to be salvaged by others like seafood in public.

"This is the ancient god that the void is specially used to corrupt the planet? Very interesting void energy symbiosis, yes, very good."

Like buying fish in a vegetable market, Thanos flipped the Yogg-Saron up and down in his hand, commenting on it while flipping through.Of course, the ancient gods were unwilling to be caught without dignity, and struggled to use their tentacles to resist.

At the same time, he also aroused his own thinking, wanting to attack Thanos mentally.

But Thanos just smiled lightly at Yogg-Saron's resistance.A random slap of his right hand made Yuge Salong dizzy, his body was limp and unable to exert any strength, and he let the opponent fiddle with him in shame and indignation.

He can already predict that in the future history of Azeroth, there will be such a narrative: the ancient god Yogg-Saron, he is the demon of a thousand throats, the embodiment of fear!It's the tentacles of darkness!It is the will of the void!

He was fished out of the pond like a salted fish, and he was knocked out and dragged back when he thought it was okay.

Yogg-Saron shouted in his heart: Despair!I am desperate for this world where the ancient gods are not as good as salted fish!
No one in the room intends to understand his mental journey.After adding a few more layers of seals to Yogg-Saron and Algaron, Thanos put them away.

As a qualified villain, of course he has such things as space equipment that can store living creatures.

After the two were settled, Wang Dali talked to Thanos about the business of inviting him.

"A helmet that can control all undead? Interesting, let me try."

After listening to Wang Dali's narration, the two-meter Thanos took off his helmet, took off the helmet from the Lich King's head with some violence, and put it on his own head without being too dirty.

"Exquisite design! Controlling millions of people with one mind. But there seems to be a limit to the accuracy..."

"Huh? Wait, I really want to forget something."

When Thanos was studying the helmet of the Lich King, on the other side, looking at Alsace, whose long silky white hair was scattered covering his face, and fell unconscious on the ground, Wang Dali suddenly remembered, this The helmet seems to be made by Kil'jaeden, right?
A piece of work is probably not more familiar than the creator himself. Thinking of this, Wang Dali went through the portal and found him in Kil'jaeden's palace on Argus, or in the office of the deputy commander of the Burning Legion.

"Kil'jaeden, come with me. Come and deal with me about the Lich King's follow-up."

"Yes, Master!"

The first time he saw Wang Dali, Kil'jaeden, who deliberately kept his figure at more than two meters, immediately put down the document in his hand, saluted respectfully, and followed him through the portal.

The next moment, he stepped on the ground of Azeroth just like Wang Dali.

This is Azeroth?

At this time, Kil'jaeden felt as if he was dreaming.I have racked my brains to break through Azeroth, which has been defended by the titans, is this here?
Kil'jaeden wanted to laugh out loud, but he felt a little sad when he thought that he was no longer the leader of the Burning Legion.

Glancing at Alsace, who was on the sidelines, he hated the traitor Kil'jaeden.

The legion bet so many chips on him and gave him so much help, but the other party turned against him.

"Pray, undead. You better not fall into my hands!"

PS: This chapter only has [-] words, and I will make up [-] words tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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