Hercules Walk

Chapter 21 Intelligence and Blades

Chapter 21 Intelligence and Blades

"It's palladium poisoning."

When Tony Stark faced the red-eyed Pepper and continued to insist that he hadn't lied or comforted him and was speechless, Wang Dali spoke.

"The small nuclear reactor in Tony's chest uses palladium as an essential core material, and palladium is poisonous."

"The toxin will spread to all parts of the body along Tony's blood flow. It's fine in a short time. When the toxin accumulates to a certain level, the consequences..."

It's nothing more than a dead word.

Wang Dali didn't say the second half of the sentence, but everyone present could understand it.

After listening to Wang Dali, Pepper's emotions calmed down.Now that you know what's going on, it's fine.

Even though she was about to have lunch now, she pulled Tony and was about to walk out of the box.

"Come on, let's go to the best hospital in America, and we will definitely be able to cure you."

"It's useless, Pepper."

Tony Stark, who was pulled up from the stool, shook his head, his expression obviously depressed. .

"How do you know it's useless if you haven't gone yet!"

Glancing back at Stark, Pepper apologized to Wang Dali and Catherine.

"I'm sorry, aunt, Dali. I don't feel relieved if I don't take Tony to the hospital. We..."

"Pepper, even if I have to go to the hospital, it won't delay my lunch, right?"

Seeing that things were irreversible, Tony took Rapeper's hand, interrupted her and acted helplessly.

"I have ordered all the menus, and it is my favorite veal steak."

"……All right."

After thinking for a while, Pepper felt that Tony had been here for so many days, and there was indeed no shortage of two or three days, so he sat down again.

"But you have to promise me that you will go to the hospital after eating."

"no problem."

Facing the unquestionable Pepper, Tony agreed with all his heart, but there was worry hidden in his eyes.

Before, he had secretly contacted some authoritative medical experts, and they all said that there was no way to treat his problem. Because some shrapnel were too broken and scattered, and three shrapnel were too close to the heart, even if the surgery was performed forcibly, it was successful. rate can be basically ignored.

He didn't say it because he didn't want Pepper to worry about him, but for some reason, Wang Dali knew about it.

Just when he was about to ask about it, Wang Dali said with a smile.

"Didn't you say before that Tony can entrust this matter to me. Although I can't cure him, I have information to keep his condition from getting worse."

"Oh, that's really good news."

Tony Stark raised his eyebrows with a look of "the problem that can be solved with money is not a problem", and took out the checkbook from his arms.

"How much is this information? As agreed in advance, I will give you half first, and the other half will only be given to you after the news is confirmed."

"The information is vague, and I'm not the only one who knows. Even in the not-too-distant future, before you really have a problem, someone will tell you."

However, hearing what Wang Dali said, Tony paused for a moment, but decisively tore off a check from his checkbook, and wrote a number on it.

"$20, tell me the news."

"no problem."

After receiving the check, Wang Dali first handed it to Catherine, who was in charge of the family's finances, and then said to Tony with strange eyes.

"This is your father's legacy. It seems to be a three-dimensional map of the World Expo. Throw away some unnecessary things, and the last remaining part will form a new element. It can replace palladium as a new material for nuclear energy, and it is safe No pollution. It’s just that it was limited by technology at that time, so your father didn’t make it.”


After hearing that this was his father's legacy, Tony Stark was visibly shocked, and murmured: "20 years have passed, I didn't expect you to teach me a lesson, Dad."

While Tony was silent, Pepper let out a long sigh of relief.

"Dali, you should have said this kind of thing earlier, it shocked me."

Facing Pepper's complaint, Wang Dali smiled lightly and shook his head.

"A relative is a relative, a business is a business. Besides, Tony is not your husband, why did Pepper start to bend his elbows?"

"But that's my boss."

Pepper gave Stark a resentful look, causing cold sweat to break out on his back.

"If I don't do this, I will be put on little shoes when I go back."

"If he dares to wear small shoes for you, then fire him."

Catherine, who had been silent since the beginning, suddenly said that she has always been unsupportive of the relationship between Pepper and Stark.Hearing what Pepper said, he gave Stark a cold look, which made him smile awkwardly, and whispered in Pepper's ear.

"This is your aunt? Pretty is pretty, but I don't seem to know her?"

"If you knew my aunt, you were dead."

Pepper, who heard the meaning behind the other's words, gave Tony a hard look, and the other party immediately raised his hand exaggeratedly.

"How come, I'm sure I really don't know her!"

While everyone was chatting, the waiter also delivered the steaks they ordered.


After lunch, Catherine and Wang Dali returned home.She looked at the $20 check that Wang Dali handed her with a complicated expression, and put it back into Wang Dali's pocket.

"What's the matter, Darling?"

"It's nothing, I just feel a little tired all of a sudden."

Catherine lay in Wang Dali's arms, exhaled lightly, and stroked his smooth chin.

"I've worked so hard for a year, and it's worth more than 20 US dollars. In the end, you made it back today with just a few words."

"Fool, isn't mine yours? Why are you so careful?"

Wang Dali shaved Catherine's lovely nose.

"Also, it's not every day that I meet a client like Tony Stark who is generous and not short of money."

At this moment, the phone rang from Wang Dali's pocket.Wang Dali picked it up and saw that it was a number he did not recognize.


Then, a thick and sharp voice came from the phone.

"Is it Dali-Wang? I'm Daofeng. Here's an order for 20 US dollars. I don't know if you will accept it or not?"

Catherine (squinting): "Is that what you're saying you don't meet a client like Tony Stark every day?"

Wang Dali (with a helpless face): "...Blame me?"

"Hello, is it the blade? I don't know the specific content of your list?"

"It's inconvenient to say the specifics. We'll have an interview. The address is the Bloody Bar in Brooklyn, and the time is eight o'clock this evening."

Before Wang Dali agreed, the man named Daofeng hung up the phone in his hand, looked at his old-fashioned mobile phone with a serious expression and said.

"I hope your strength is the same as what Nick Fury said, otherwise, the $20 is not so easy to get."

(End of this chapter)

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