Hercules Walk

Chapter 191 Resurrection

Chapter 191 Resurrection
"First of all, I announce that the Burning Legion is now taken over by me, do you have any opinions?"

Sitting on the huge 30-meter-high throne built by Thanos with earth elemental magic, Wang Dali looked down at the crowd of demons below.

Opposite him is Thanos sitting on another equally tall throne.

"Master, it is an honor for our Burning Legion that you can command us."

After Wang Dali finished speaking, Kil'jaeden was the first to kneel down and swear his surrender.When he was imprinted by the chains, he knew that there would be another existence like Sargeras on his head.Just looking at it now, the number has changed from one to two.

In the world of demons, power is reason.First, Kil'jaeden was used as a model, and then Azgalor was used as a specimen. The rest of the demons looked at me and I looked at you. In the end, they were all forced by Wang Dali's most intuitive life threat, imitating Kil'jaeden. Jiadan bowed his head and half-kneeled in front of Wang Dali.

"See Master!"

"very good."

Sitting on the throne, Wang Dali flicked his fingers, and dozens of golden light spots floated from his hand to the front of every demon lord present.

The number of these light spots is not too many, exactly one for each person.

"Since you are all willing to do things under my command, then swallow it."

Seeing the golden light spot in front of themselves and others, many demon lords swallowed subconsciously.They have all seen it just now, and the golden light point soul will reach the core of their soul.At that time, life and death will not be under their control.

The leader of the Dread Demon King opened his mouth first to swallow the golden light spot.As a wise man in the Burning Legion, he understood the situation he was facing-either be controlled or die.

Since the two new masters of the Burning Legion killed one abyss lord as soon as they met, they definitely wouldn't care about killing a few more.He had only recently become Lord of the Dreadlords, and he didn't want to be that chicken that got killed in front of the monkeys.

The dreadlord lord took the lead, the two doomguard lords, several eredar high warlords, and the high priestess of Shivarla all swallowed the golden light in front of them.The pain that went straight to the soul made several of them scream uncontrollably, every muscle and every bone in their body trembled.

However, the pain came and went quickly, and it didn't take long for them to stand up again and continue to half-kneel on the ground in the previous position.

However, with so many high-ranking lords in the Burning Legion, there are always a few who don't want to be easily controlled by Wang Dali.

"Master. I am Kares, the deputy commander of the Burning Legion Guards. As the first batch of veterans of the Burning Legion, I have made contributions to the Legion, and I have shed blood for the Legion. My loyalty to the Legion is beyond doubt, but as a A soldier, I cannot accept being chained like a dog!"

The rebuttal of Archimonde's adjutant Kares, deputy head of the Eredar Praetorian Guard Corps, is well-founded.In the Battle of Mount Hyjal, he also fought bloody battles, and even the sword in his hand was almost broken, before he escaped from the siege of the Azeroth coalition forces.

However, facing his sophistry, Wang Dali just gave him a cold glance.

"You don't want to eat?"


Without waiting for Carles to defend again, Wang Dali announced his decision directly.

"Archimonde is dead, what's the use of your life? If you don't eat, then you go to die."

At a distance of tens of meters, he pointed at each other and made a knife, cutting across the air.

The violet portal lights up behind Kareth.The deputy head of the Imperial Guard, whose strength was not inferior to that of the abyss lord, turned his head abruptly, activated a three-layer magic shield as a defense, and at the same time blocked his own weapon in front of him.

Afterwards, the space was shattered, and a black space crack several meters long cut across his magic barrier like cutting tofu, followed by his weapon, and finally his head.

When Kares' head fell to the ground, the rest of the demon lords who were still thinking carefully ate the light spots in front of them quickly.They finally understood that in Wang Dali's hands, killing these demon lords was no different from killing chickens.

Feeling that his power had invaded the core of every demon lord present, a smile finally appeared on Wang Dali's face.

"I am very satisfied with the name Burning Legion, and it will remain unchanged for the time being. Now, I will be the commander of the legion, and Your Excellency Thanos will be the commander of the army. Kil'jaeden will be transferred to the position of deputy commander, and the rest will remain unchanged for the time being."

As he spoke, he turned his attention to Kil'jaeden again.

"It's just that, as the deputy commander of the Burning Legion, it's not a good idea to appear in the state of a soul."

He walked up to Kil'jaeden's intact body and beckoned to Kil'jaeden's soul.

"go in."

"Yes, Master!"

Kil'jaeden, who didn't understand what Wang Dali was going to do, returned to his body.With his level as a warlock, he can continue to manipulate this remnant body with his soul, and if he uses precious materials to hone it, he can barely reach the level of about [-]% before his death.

Thanos, who roughly understood what Wang Dali wanted to do, was staring at Kil'jaeden's corpse.This is a good experiment, which can let him and Wang Dali understand to what extent the laws of this world can be tolerant.

Standing in front of Kil'jaeden's corpse, Wang Dali raised his fist again.

The energy filling every cell in Wang Dali's body began to circulate, and golden light gathered in his hands.With the movement of the mysterious power in Wang Dali's heart, the terrifying space cracks that even the demon lords dare not touch appeared around him like a rain curtain.

Space cracks one after another passed through Wang Dali's body like swords, but they couldn't hurt him at all.

"My fist can kill life, so of course it can kill death."

At this time, Wang Dali's eyes had completely turned golden.Under his gaze, a black mist-like shadow appeared on Kil'jaeden's body, causing him to punch it without thinking.

"The ninth form of Hercules Fist!"

The golden power released by Wang Dali swayed, and the shadow quickly dissipated like snowflakes in the sun.Then Kil'jaeden opened his eyes.

Under the unbelievable, Arabian Nights gaze of many demon lords, Kil'jaeden's body that should have been a corpse actually appeared a breath of life.

"See, my servants!"

Wang Dali turned around and returned to his throne, the voice from his mouth resounded like thunder through the sky.Behind him was Kil'jaeden, half kneeling on the ground, back from the dead.

"Death is not the end before me! Don't be afraid of failure, don't be afraid of death! Go, with conquest and destruction, spread my will throughout the universe!"

Below, the fanatical voices of the demon lords spread throughout the planet Argus.

"Yes, Master!"

(End of this chapter)

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